30 Seconds To Mars DETAILS

Now most of you folks maybe asking yourselves who/what is Thirty Seconds to Mars and let me clue you in with my own opinions. That right even women have them these days…go figure. Ha-ha.

First of all it’s a band involving-at least currently-3 members. Jared, Shannon, and Tomo.

Now before you get too excited it’s not a band with a guy, a girl and their dog named Tomo, but three dudes. Three talented in their own right.

We have Jared Leto, the ring master and lead vocalist of the band, which most of you already recognize the name from his modeling and acting days. Check out the link of his early work….and yes, the ‘My So-Called Life' heartthrob who had to suffer though years of High School troubles who trying not to fall in the lovely red-headed Clair Danes. And in the epic movie ‘Alexander’ where he was the boy toy/love interest of one fricken Hot Colin Farrell. Actually they also stared in ‘Phone Booth’ together too…did you know that?

For the complete list of his films gladly IMDB his page. Don’t be disturbed of some of the questions posted near the bottom telling of sorted love escapades he may/may not have had because they are just disturbing if true.

Then we have Shannon Leto, who is far from girly as girly can get. This is the big bro to Jared and when Jared seems to be in trouble in a thought during an interview or just needs powerful muscle back-up from CRAZYYY fans he’s always there like a big brother should. That relationship proves you can count on Family no matter what the profession.

Let us not forget the cool Croatian cat named Tomo Miličević whose heavy metal hair style is anything, but SEXY. The youngest of the group he has his moments of humor, but seems to just keep quiet, (except when on Twitter HE TALKS LIKE THIS) and meet with fans and do his job as guitarist. The sincerity in his voice as he speaks of his band mates and of the band is clearly heard in every interview.

Now that all introductions are done let the hammer fall.

As a Fan: Thirty Seconds to Mars have created a sound and unique style all their own. With their foundation based on their love of Family, Friends and Music it can clearly a great start in the right direction.

Their acoustic sound will overfill your heart with memories from the past and memories you hope to make in the future.

While the rock side including the visual of the videos and images at the concerts will power up your mind.

And what does one call a Band whose build on a this foundation, whose acoustic sound touches the heart, as the rock side enriches the mind and is around for years to come sharing this magical and rare combo with their fans?


As a Critic: How does one silence the millions and millions of screaming fans inside a performers head? I can, but instead I’ve gone back to my Positive and Creative side and began creating the Caption Funnies to Jared Leto’s collection of Photos from around the World.

Since I never gotten a response from a Tweet from Jared (like OMG! How is he suppose to tweet all 700,000 + people in one day and tour?) about the conflict between their more crazier fans called Echelon Vs. the Regular Fans. To avoid the ’your not a real fan if your not Echelon’ mail ~ I began this Blog.

P.S. If Jared is reading this he really should check into the Rotten apples posting there before it affects the Good Crop.

There is also an advertisement for an Exclusive Book of Photos Jared took during his trip to Haiti and ALL the profits go to charities to help those affected by the quake.

Cheerios might be good for the Heart, but Charity is good for the Soul. Purchase!

Let Us Begin @ the Beginning ~ At least Since April 2011:

Right Click on the Links to open in New Tab or New Window to see Jared Leto's Photograph to each set of Comments & Comment for YourSelf ~ Here & There!

old school pic


It’s a shame when good manicures with black nail polish go bad. How embarrassing. I guess there goes the hand modeling jobs.
If your going to model a car at the auto
show shouldn’t you be spinning on a turn table?
“Boy! Get your arse off my car!”

Can anyone else hear “Lay Your Hands on MeBonJovi tune playing from the
radio inside the car?
Why do you appear to be on the verge of spitting?
Love the hood ornament pose.
“Here is the church and here’s the
steeple…Open the doors and see all the people.”
Did Tomo and Shannon tell you
that you couldn’t ride inside again?
Just confess you’ve lost the car keys.
Not zooming in to see what that book in your pocket is, but what’s the deal?

You old school that you rather have the paper version of those book things or just not technology inclined to get a Kindle to download them?
Come on ladies! Start
yelling, “Take it off!” “Shake what your mama gave ya!” and wave those dollar bills!

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