30 Seconds To Mars DETAILS

Now most of you folks maybe asking yourselves who/what is Thirty Seconds to Mars and let me clue you in with my own opinions. That right even women have them these days…go figure. Ha-ha.

First of all it’s a band involving-at least currently-3 members. Jared, Shannon, and Tomo.

Now before you get too excited it’s not a band with a guy, a girl and their dog named Tomo, but three dudes. Three talented in their own right.

We have Jared Leto, the ring master and lead vocalist of the band, which most of you already recognize the name from his modeling and acting days. Check out the link of his early work….and yes, the ‘My So-Called Life' heartthrob who had to suffer though years of High School troubles who trying not to fall in the lovely red-headed Clair Danes. And in the epic movie ‘Alexander’ where he was the boy toy/love interest of one fricken Hot Colin Farrell. Actually they also stared in ‘Phone Booth’ together too…did you know that?

For the complete list of his films gladly IMDB his page. Don’t be disturbed of some of the questions posted near the bottom telling of sorted love escapades he may/may not have had because they are just disturbing if true.

Then we have Shannon Leto, who is far from girly as girly can get. This is the big bro to Jared and when Jared seems to be in trouble in a thought during an interview or just needs powerful muscle back-up from CRAZYYY fans he’s always there like a big brother should. That relationship proves you can count on Family no matter what the profession.

Let us not forget the cool Croatian cat named Tomo Miličević whose heavy metal hair style is anything, but SEXY. The youngest of the group he has his moments of humor, but seems to just keep quiet, (except when on Twitter HE TALKS LIKE THIS) and meet with fans and do his job as guitarist. The sincerity in his voice as he speaks of his band mates and of the band is clearly heard in every interview.

Now that all introductions are done let the hammer fall.

As a Fan: Thirty Seconds to Mars have created a sound and unique style all their own. With their foundation based on their love of Family, Friends and Music it can clearly a great start in the right direction.

Their acoustic sound will overfill your heart with memories from the past and memories you hope to make in the future.

While the rock side including the visual of the videos and images at the concerts will power up your mind.

And what does one call a Band whose build on a this foundation, whose acoustic sound touches the heart, as the rock side enriches the mind and is around for years to come sharing this magical and rare combo with their fans?


As a Critic: How does one silence the millions and millions of screaming fans inside a performers head? I can, but instead I’ve gone back to my Positive and Creative side and began creating the Caption Funnies to Jared Leto’s collection of Photos from around the World.

Since I never gotten a response from a Tweet from Jared (like OMG! How is he suppose to tweet all 700,000 + people in one day and tour?) about the conflict between their more crazier fans called Echelon Vs. the Regular Fans. To avoid the ’your not a real fan if your not Echelon’ mail ~ I began this Blog.

P.S. If Jared is reading this he really should check into the Rotten apples posting there before it affects the Good Crop.

There is also an advertisement for an Exclusive Book of Photos Jared took during his trip to Haiti and ALL the profits go to charities to help those affected by the quake.

Cheerios might be good for the Heart, but Charity is good for the Soul. Purchase!

Let Us Begin @ the Beginning ~ At least Since April 2011:

Right Click on the Links to open in New Tab or New Window to see Jared Leto's Photograph to each set of Comments & Comment for YourSelf ~ Here & There!

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Get your fists in the air – Paris


Jared:  “Raise your hands if your SURE!” (deodorant joke).
Jared:  “If your planning to rush the stage raise your fists.”
Jared:  “If you believe there is NO such thing as Fight Club raise your fists.”
Jared:  What your planning to use on your girlfriend/boyfriend later after the show place that part in the air.” #SuperDirty.
Jared:  “Mama said knock you out!” (L.L. Cool J goof).
Jared:  “I’m not a double fisted guy.”  #confession
Jared:  (Get your fists in the air)…..and wave them like you just don’t care!”
Didn’t ‘Queen’ have a bunch of people doing the fist in the air move in their ‘Radio Gaga’ video?



Sound advice:  Don’t be a fool Jared it’s not real gold!  (Get it?)
What you don’t know:  Shannon fell for it and saved some pieces and tried to exchange it for cash. (Cash for Gold commercial goof).
They should know:  It’s the extra bonus that comes with the fancy dessert.  Place the foil over your teeth and flash it off as your new grill.
OH!  Look whose eating gold.  Try vitamins instead.
Now you know:  Why France’s economy is in the crapper.  They are using GOLD in their food products.
Interesting:  This is one tasty way to smuggle gold out of the country and no worry about dogs sniffing you at the airport.

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: I like giant crackers


What you don’t know:  Jared only gotten this far in finishing the cracker since we first saw it  back in July in his Twitter Profile Photo.  <----LINK
I’m more of a Ritz or Cheez-It Crackers gal myself.
Someone ask what is he going to spread on that.  Cheese, Jam, Peanut Butter….
Environment mode:  Recycle as a Frisbee.
(Previous photo) Now we know why the pigeons came to visit you in the Hallway.
This is NOT what Shannon meant when he asked if you had a little extra bread he can borrow. #money.
What you don’t know:  Jared has to learn to love Giant Crackers because Shannon took his small crackers away when they have Soup because it will be easier to absorb when he spills his meal.  (If you don't see the video ~ the link is below to take you to see it on YouTube.)

Check-It-Out!  Jared came back from Church with part of the Body of Christ.  #Religion
Jared:  "Shannon....this is the reason we don't send you to grocery shop anymore."
The only Supersize item I care for is at McDonalds.
Jared:  “Have you been nibbling on my cracker again Tomo?”
What we already know:  Jared labeled this photographs as "EPICMATZAHWAFER.jpg".
Well, I like movies, dinners at home, walks on the beach….Oh!  It seems it’s all about what you like.  #TypicalMan  (goof about his label of 'I like giant crackers').

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Sewer cap smiles – Paris


I don’t think wearing an ace bandage after the major fight will having anything smile.
It was rumored that France had snooty people, but to have their sewers wearing a monocle is just too much.
What you don’t know:  The ‘smile’ was short lived when he realized he wasn’t up skirting a chick, but Jared in a skirt.
What you don’t know:  The sewer cap actually has its mouth taped shut.
What you don’t know:  Someone took his nose and left the stump.  #likelysomecrazyUncle
Not much of a ‘Smile’ but more of a simple pouting lips.

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Riverboat at night – Paris


For the same reason why I no longer have ‘Pirate’ fantasies because on boats I do more heaving than ho~ing.  Who knew you could get sea sick in a fantasy.  #NoBoats



It is now official.  There are so many photographs that involve France that I crossed it off my list.  Thanks Jared :-(

Places I want to Visit

California to Texas to New York



Wondering:  Does Jared preferred Colored photos over Black & White?  Or just doesn’t want to give his ‘Uncle Terry’ ½ credit for the same photograph?
(Happy Birthday Jared! December 26, 2011)  <---------LINK
I know this chick.  They say one look at her makes men rock hard.  #ThinkDirty
Again, another subconscious item to bring up ‘sleep demons’ mentioned on Twitter?  (prior photo included).
Either she’s ready for a French Kiss or something non tongue related.  #ThinkDirty
Ha~ha.  It’s actually a mirror….why am I standing in front of it….wait a minute…WHAT?
If it says, ‘You shall not pass’.  RUN!
FYI:  Halloween was 2 months ago.
Let’s see if  'Chase Master hair blaster' can fix that hairdo! (previous photo).



Anyone beginning to see where the image of Jared’s sleep demon may have come from? #TwitterGoof
Now!  It’s a Cult.
Is this really the best place to hang your hat and coat?
Jared must be shopping for doorknockers again.
At least he’s stop thinking himself as a wolf and now a fan of bulls.
Confused:  Are we still on the set of Hurricane’? #Video
Check-it-Out!  Jared’sEyes Wide Shut’ mask. (Eyes Wide Shut movie goof).
This would be badass if you transform it into a soda/beer fountain when you pull on the horns.
Something for Shannon’s man cave?
What you don’t know:  Before Vampirism Jared toyed with the idea the Archaic period and being a Minotaur.
Idea:  Next Tour:  Mask Nights!
I thought someone said Shannon was a real 'Bear' in the morning without his coffee.  Must have misheard.



One of these days Jared’s going to get caught with spray cans and won’t be able to explain his vandalism away as ‘Art’.
Stencil?  Really they couldn't work it freestyle? #NoCreativity
Wondering:  Why does most of the ‘Street Art’ found in France and not other countries in this collection?
What you don’t know:  The ‘Artist’ is coming back later to paint the guys portrait.
FACT:  'Mars' on the Brick Wall of Paris not the Street.



I know a kid that will rake those for $5 bucks.  He wants to download something from VyRT.  (Get it?).



What you don’t know:  Those are not dumpsters they are the maids carts.  It’s easier after Rock Stars stay over to just toss everything.
Guess that answers my question I once sent Shannon (via e-mail) if they ever not stayed at a swanky hotel just for kicks.
Does that one pigeon have a mini camera himself?
See!  This is why I tell the guys NOT to place their leftovers outside their doors for room service to pick it up.
Wondering:  How much pigeon poo landed on your cars over night?



They do realize that they are still posted at the same level that dogs can pee on his face….oh wait is that Bart’s kink?
Welcome to Littering 101.
Why hasn’t Bart upgraded his shadow photo that doesn’t make him look like he has bad arthritis?
Who knew Bart has so many Friends to be with, yet we never really see him posing with any.
What you don’t know:  Those are posted just outside the ‘yard’ to a jail where no doubt if caught Bart would he in one day.
Printer Ink is more expensive than spray paint.  Hope being with Cubbins is worth it.
What you don’t know:  These posters were blasted through the neighborhood by the new girlfriend to let his old girlfriend to back off.
Obvious question:  Why are you with Cubbins?


(My conclusion about Destiny at the bottom).

There's a hole in the bottom of the sea. 
There's a hole in the bottom of the sea. 
There's a hole. There's a hole. 
There's a hole in the bottom of the sea.

There's a log in the hole in the bottom of the sea. 
There's a log in the hole in the bottom of the sea. 
There's a log. There's a log. 
There's a log in the hole in the bottom of the sea.

There's a bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea. 
There's a bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea. 
There's a bump. There's a bump. 
There's a bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea.

There's a frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea. 
There's a frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea. 
There's a frog. There's a frog. 
There's a frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea.

There's a fly on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea. 
There's a fly on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea. 
There's a fly. There's a fly. 
There's a fly on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea.

There's a wing on the fly on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea. 
There's a wing on the fly on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea. 
There's a wing. There's a wing. 
There's a wing on the fly on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea.

There's a flea on the wing on the fly on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea. 
There's a flea on the wing on the fly on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea. 
There's a flea. There's a flea. 
There's a flea on the wing on the fly on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea. 
There's a flea. There's a flea. 
There's a flea on the wing on the fly on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea.

CONCLUSION:  Just don’t be A-hole in the first place and your life shouldn’t be called into question about anything you do, say, are or will become.

"Lordy, Lordy, looks who 40!" #JaredLeto

Many a decade (4 to be exact) there are people who have to come adore actor/singer/director/environmentalist ect over and each never able to see the true Jared Leto for himself.

Due to the latest technology I have created (patent pending) a device that removes the Rose Color Glasses that every man, women and child wears when they glance upon this handsome man.

We have gotten the 1st photograph of him in his natural habitat ready to begin his Birthday celebration.

Look below when your ready!

Jared I wrote this is French because apparently its a language you may understand without needing to ‘Google’ a translation.

"Jared, joyeux anniversaire et peut vous être bénis avec beaucoup beaucoup beaucoup ect .. Années à venir partager avec nous vos nombreux talents et inspirant ceux qui vivent dans les ténèbres qui recherchent un jour à briller dans la lumière à côté de vous." 

Translation if you don't:  Jared, Happy Birthday and may you be Blessed with many many many .. ect Years to come share your talents and inspire those who live in the dark looking one day to shine in the light next to you

A little holiday experiment with VyRT… Happy Holidays from MARS!



Those who can’t handle pressure from ‘unknown sources’ about a show that was done months ago and caves because they are afraid those people won’t be around to download (for $$) a month from now equals conclusion that the experiment is a FAILURE.

P.S. is this a kickback to VyRT for doing the promotion concert for the 300th show?

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Shannon + Tomo – vagabonds


Observations:  Shannon

*Looks more tired than Jared.
*Also addicted to the merch wearing bracletes.
*Also doesn’t have his phone attached to his hand like Jared.

Observations:  Tomo 

*Appears to cover the shot where he cut himself trimming is beard.
*Thinks his gun sign with his hand is kewl. 
*RING!  Stop asking the Married or Not question.
*Thinks wearing shades on an airplane makes him less recognizable to fans.
*Thinks wearing shades on an airplane makes him look kewl. #doucheMove
*Thinks reading on a plane makes him look kewl.  #Nerd

General Observations:

*Neither mind that a used tissue is sitting in reaching distance of both of them.
*Jared believes taking photographs on a plane will NOT get other passengers nervous. 
*Jared believes taking a photo of a sick Shannon is sexy.
*Shannon is strapped into his seatbelt and Jared is freely roaming down the isle taking photographs.



“Come on Honey, go ahead and skinny dip….no ones going to see or take photographs of you.” 
Ha~ha!  That guy just realized the water gets COLD as the sun goes down.
Someone is playing 'Night Games'.
Someone should really tell him that Pam Anderson isn't a real Lifeguard that will 'save him'.#Baywatch
Sometimes the water pressure in hotel showers suck so much it's easier to bath in the ocean.
Place your bets:  How many think that person is peeing (or has/or will) in the water?
It's not really the sun....it's North Korea Testing their 'Super-EMP' Nuke.
That's just the jet stream from Captain Planet! (Captain Planet and the Planeteers is an American animated environmentalist television program)
What?  Jared's working for the Discovery Channel now?  (Planet Earth, a groundbreaking TV series on Discovery Channel)
Ha~ha.  NASA called they said they had better photographs of Planet Earth. #FromSpace

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Jamie ‘The Chest’ seducing you


Only click here if your mean Jamie's future Self ➔CLICK➔FUTURE JAMIE



As time passes now it seems most of my Dreams have ended up down there.  Then I wake up!

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Bundled up for a run – Poland


What you don’t know:  This is why Jared is running!

What you don’t know:  Jared is only taking this shot because he wants to see how his tush looks before he beings running.
What you don’t know:  This is a photograph from one of Jared’s ‘Elevator’ collection.
What you don’t know:  He’s going to run because someone swiped his bicycle rental.
What you don’t know:  Jared took this shot, headed out the door, realized it was too cold for a run and went back upstairs.
What you don’t know:  Jared bundled for a run, but he also has bundled his TV, Phone and Internet service too!
What you don’t know:  Jared is taking a photograph of the elevator to comment how clean/dirty it may have been. #HowWasYourStayQuestionnaire
What you don’t know:  Jared also gets bundled when he’s sleeping.  #BlanketsGalore
What you don’t know:  Jared is taking a photograph of this elevator because it will take it right back to his room when he comes back.
What you don’t know:  Jared reserving the spot he will be using later in a quicky with someone he meets in Poland.
What you don't know:  Why is Jared running?  It is to be one step ahead of the paparazzi.
Run, Jared, Run!! (<----CLICK LINK)  YouTube video



Chcialem umiescic cos polskiego tutaj, ale jestem pewien, ze robie cos glupiego jak popelnisz blad to piekny jezyk w jakis sposób. Zamiast tego bede po prostu umiescic zdjecie zabawne.

(Translation:  I was going to put something Polish here, but I'm sure I'd do something stupid like mistype this Beautiful language in some way.  Instead I'll just put a photo funny.)


What you don't know:  Jared loves his Street Art so much he was outside checking on a local Artist that was working just down the road a little that seems to have some Natural Talent.



Wonder:  Have you ever just jumped into a cab and yelled, "Chase that Rainbow!"
Those are the same colors in my Fruit Loops
I really could use that pot of gold....could you give me directions to the end of that thing?  City/State/Country.
Made me go purchase some Skittles!  

New photos from http://terrysdiary.com


Photo #1

Echelon says:  "I recognize the back of that head anywhere."  (Strangely most do)
It will be hard to do, but it is braid able!
“Excuse me sir, I’m trying to watch the movie can you please remove your hat?”
Why the hair in the back isn't even?  Some Echelon members used a pair of scissors and was successfully in their plan to ‘take a sample’ of Jared’s hair without him knowing.
Unsure:  Is that Jared’s natural hair color?
What you don’t know:  Jared was acting out and so Terry send him to stand and face the wall for a ‘time out’.  Ha~ha.
Jared is waiting for Terry to say ‘About face’. #PlayingWar
Echelon says:  Is there really a bad angle of Jared Leto?

There are very few shots that are granted access to be my screen saver from this collection of photographs.  First it was the breathtaking shot from the airplane found here:  The Andes

Then the ‘Should be the cover of Rolling Stones Magazine’ photograph of Tomo found here:  NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTOS: Tahoe

And now this one of Jared.  Face on, no antics, no make-up, nothing to promote…just ‘This is me’ vibe.  That is what makes a person amazing.  When they are truly seen as just themselves.

Now!  Find let’s complete the set Jared and find one of Shannon with the same ‘Oh!’ feeling.

Photo #3

What you don’t know:  Jared just learned he won the Publishers Clearing House Contest.
What you don’t know:  Jared just saw his first nude lady.
What you don’t know:  Jared just saw Shannon and Tomo making out behind the screens. (continuing the running joke of them making out everywhere).
What you don’t know:  Terry snapped and stabbed Jared with a wooden stake. #Vampire
What you don’t know:  Jared just realized he could have had a V-8!
What you don’t know:  Jared forgot he left his iron on at home.
What you don’t know:  Jared just realized he forgot to wear pants to this shoot.
What you don’t know:  Jared always has this expression on his face when he’s not working.
What you don’t know:  Jared just realized he’s turning 40 this year. #Really!
What you don’t know:  Jared just saw the photos Lindsay Lohan posed for Playboy.
What you don’t know:  Jared just saw the ‘2 girls one cup’ YouTube video.  (Don’t watch!).  It’s 2 girls enjoying one cup by defecating into it, licking it, puking in it and then into each other's mouths.)

Photo #4

Maybe Terry should have double-checked Jared’s dose of his ‘happy pills’ before the shoot.
Terry:  Jared the joke wasn’t THAT funny.”
Check-it-Out!  Jared is LOL, but not ROTFLHAO (rolling on the floor laughing his ass off).
What you don’t know:  Jared is keeping time with his pull down motion and his farts.
What you don’t know is that Jared is just happy because he’s wearing a long-sleeved shirt.  (goof on the slit down the opened shirts).

Photo #5

What you don’t know:  Jared got a side job as a spokesmen for products you can buy on Amazon.com
What you don’t know:  Jared asked Santa for this exact gift so he doesn’t have to go out to enjoy the chaos of the press.
What you don’t know:  Jared is giving a set to Shannon because the figurines are the same height as him. #anotherShortJoke
What you don’t know:  Jared is going to take this home and pretend he’s Godzilla and stomp all the paparazzi.
What you don’t know:  Jared hopes to be one of the figurines that is an accessory to this set.
What you don’t know:  Jared recognizes most of these guys by first names.
What you don’t know:  Jared is hoping to buy the entire collection, which includes blackmail photos that stars have to buy back.

Photo #6

Look everyone!  It’s John ‘You Can’t See Me’ Cena from the WWE….oh..no…it’s only Jared Leto.
Check-it-Out!  Jared’s picked up the fun of knitting while off the road.
Jared is just learning why he got a discount on the gloves.
OH!  You said you love this glove not that you always use a love glove.  (love glove is a term meaning condom).
"You have five chances to guess whose behind this glove."

Photo #7

Tongs say:  “Hey Jared I got your nose!”
That is NOT sanitary.
What Jared doesn’t know:  Terry used those later to place ice cubes in Jared’s drink.
Pinocchio started out as wooden not human and steel.
Question:  Wouldn't a tissue be softer on the nose?
Jared forgot he’s NOT a transformer.  (Stop watching that movie!).

Photo #8

Are you reacting the part of the movie in ‘Dead Silence’? #creepyhorrormovie
There are better uses for that thing.
Your pear will never taste the same if you do that!  (earlier photo goof).

Photo #9

Jared PLEASE tell us that you turn the lights OFF when that occurs during your lovemaking.  I mean to look down and see that expression!  
Jared might want to get that big ring around his mouth checked out professionally.  #DoctorJoke
DIRTY ALERT:  Personally not into ‘extras’ in my lovemaking, but I do know that is NOT a real ring gag!  (A ring gag is a similar to a ball gag, except that the ball is replaced by a hollow ring.)

Photo #10

Jared should really get some Visine...I heard it gets the red out.
Sadly, Jared could never afford that telescope he wanted all at once.
So that was Jared looking through the peep hole in the ladies showers!  Dirty Birdy!  

NOTE FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Bart signs the bill!


One day Bart is signing the bill for Jared the next he’s signing Jared’s checks.  #SlipperySlope.
Wow!  Bart must be rolling in it to pick up the tab for everyone!
Are you sure this is Bart’s signature?  I mean the only thing he’s known to "sign" is his middle finger.
What Jared doesn't know:  Bart forged his own signature.
What Jared doesn't know:  This is only one of five bills Bart had to sign due to his rowdy ways.
What Jared doesn't know:  Bart used Jared’s debit card to pay the bill.
What Jared doesn’t know:  Bart only gets photographed on the left side of his face.
Wow!  Bart's ‘signature’ looks nothing like his drivers lincense!
Someone at your camp forgot to follow your caption instruction to ‘cut out cubbins’.  Ha~ha.
So Paris is taking artistic signatures over cash these days, huh?
Are we sure Bart wasn’t a doctor is his past life to sign like one?
As long he isn’t signing anything into Law then we should be okay.
It certainly better than Bart signing the Wanted Posters at the Post offices.
Bart doesn't mind signing the bill because he knows Jared is good for the money to pay him back.
Let’s just hope Bart continues to sign the bill and doesn’t go all Anime on it.
Could be worse ~ Bart could have gone and .GIF the bill instead.
Bart not only signed it, but added his own watermark.  Kewl.
Bart signs the bill over to Shannon’s room number!  Ha~ha.
If what happened in the room ever gotten to the press…well, I’d have someone else sign the bill too.  Ha~ha. #Par~ty.

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Parisian popcorn- yum


It’s not true Parisian popcorn because it wouldn’t be saying yum it would be ‘Oh La La Yum’.
Look at mister fancy who uses a BOWL to eat his popcorn when the rest of us just eat right out of the bag from the microwave.  Fancy!
Because I have too much free time today:  Is it me or does Jared’s remaining nail polish look like the country of China? (when sideways).

Jared's Thumb            ~                CHINA   

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Cool shoes my friend Kris Van Assche gave me – Paris

http://jaredleto.com/thisiswhoireallyam/2011/12/18/notes-from-the-outernet-photo-cool-shoes-my-friend-kris-van-assche-gave-me- paris/

This isn't the first time Jared has received gifts from this Friend.
Sure he's a Friend?  White shoes to stay White can be hard and you can't wear them after Labor Day without being laughed at!
I don't know about them yet, let me see how high you can JUMP in them first.
Oh!  So you can work with laces over velcro!
Zippers on the back are for women's dresses and they operate for going down now zipping up.
Zipping things up on a man should only be his zipper on his pants.
Is this where the Echelon signs their autographs?
Wait-A-Minute!  I thought Shannon was the shoe/sneakers junkie! #Confused



NEWS BLOTTER:  Sadly, 30 Seconds to Mars found out later it wasn’t the scheduled confetti, but Asbestos from the ceiling. 
POLICE BLOTTER:  Some men and women were arrested when it was learned of misuse of the confetti when they admitted to having ‘a party in their pants!’.
SANITARY UNION:  “We are NOT cleaning up this mess!”
AL GORE:  “I hope someone recycled all this paper.  Save our Planet!”
TREES:  “What a waste of my wood.”
MEDIC TENT:  “It was horrible!  We had paper cuts galore!”
TOUR BUDGET MANAGER:  “Sorry guys we can’t afford Confetti and Streamers.  Choose only one.”
BAKERS IN PARIS:  Confetti should be only for our cakes!
EMMA:  Guys, there has to be a better way to give out your phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and Twitter/Facebook information."



Please tell me they carded you to get inside. #YouthJoke
Wow!  Lady Gaga keeps up her dance steps, when not on tour, at the Crazy Horse?
Someone missed the ‘no cameras’ sign when he entered.
I see no ‘Crazy’ or ‘Horse’ in this photo or this the test that your ‘Crazy’ if you see a ‘Horse’ instead of a woman behind a screen.
Excuse me, but that’s a “gentleman's club” and we know your not always a gentle~man. #thinkDirty (Don't quote me on that!)
I will bet you a dollar that Jared (or Shannon/Tomo) don't know who was the star of the show that night.
I will bet you another dollar that Jared (or Shannon) went home with the star of the show that night.
Don’t get upset Jared didn’t go for the dancers, but he wanted to try the awesome dinners they serve he heard about.
This is where you go when all the Art Gallery’s are closed.

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Veggie Thanksgiving din din – devastated


Finally proof to those who say Jared is too skinny and should eat more.
What you don’t know:  This is Jared’s 3rd serving.
Only thing "devastated" is the Turkey that was expecting to be part of the meal of a Celeb.
What is that some of Jared’s hair falling onto the plate?  #dyeRevenge
Would have tasted better if it was eaten surrounded at home with Family then some restaurant.
We know this isn’t Shannon or Tomo’s plate because they wouldn’t leave anything on the plate. #notAsPicky
First mistake:  Fork is going to slow you down!  Use a spoon and begin shoveling!
When surrounded with Family (Shannon) and Friends (Tomo & crew) there is no such thing as a Thanksgiving meal being devastated.  Only containing leftovers.
If I went vegetarian for Thanksgiving I’d might have leftovers on the plate too.  Ha~ha.