30 Seconds To Mars DETAILS

Now most of you folks maybe asking yourselves who/what is Thirty Seconds to Mars and let me clue you in with my own opinions. That right even women have them these days…go figure. Ha-ha.

First of all it’s a band involving-at least currently-3 members. Jared, Shannon, and Tomo.

Now before you get too excited it’s not a band with a guy, a girl and their dog named Tomo, but three dudes. Three talented in their own right.

We have Jared Leto, the ring master and lead vocalist of the band, which most of you already recognize the name from his modeling and acting days. Check out the link of his early work….and yes, the ‘My So-Called Life' heartthrob who had to suffer though years of High School troubles who trying not to fall in the lovely red-headed Clair Danes. And in the epic movie ‘Alexander’ where he was the boy toy/love interest of one fricken Hot Colin Farrell. Actually they also stared in ‘Phone Booth’ together too…did you know that?

For the complete list of his films gladly IMDB his page. Don’t be disturbed of some of the questions posted near the bottom telling of sorted love escapades he may/may not have had because they are just disturbing if true.

Then we have Shannon Leto, who is far from girly as girly can get. This is the big bro to Jared and when Jared seems to be in trouble in a thought during an interview or just needs powerful muscle back-up from CRAZYYY fans he’s always there like a big brother should. That relationship proves you can count on Family no matter what the profession.

Let us not forget the cool Croatian cat named Tomo Miličević whose heavy metal hair style is anything, but SEXY. The youngest of the group he has his moments of humor, but seems to just keep quiet, (except when on Twitter HE TALKS LIKE THIS) and meet with fans and do his job as guitarist. The sincerity in his voice as he speaks of his band mates and of the band is clearly heard in every interview.

Now that all introductions are done let the hammer fall.

As a Fan: Thirty Seconds to Mars have created a sound and unique style all their own. With their foundation based on their love of Family, Friends and Music it can clearly a great start in the right direction.

Their acoustic sound will overfill your heart with memories from the past and memories you hope to make in the future.

While the rock side including the visual of the videos and images at the concerts will power up your mind.

And what does one call a Band whose build on a this foundation, whose acoustic sound touches the heart, as the rock side enriches the mind and is around for years to come sharing this magical and rare combo with their fans?


As a Critic: How does one silence the millions and millions of screaming fans inside a performers head? I can, but instead I’ve gone back to my Positive and Creative side and began creating the Caption Funnies to Jared Leto’s collection of Photos from around the World.

Since I never gotten a response from a Tweet from Jared (like OMG! How is he suppose to tweet all 700,000 + people in one day and tour?) about the conflict between their more crazier fans called Echelon Vs. the Regular Fans. To avoid the ’your not a real fan if your not Echelon’ mail ~ I began this Blog.

P.S. If Jared is reading this he really should check into the Rotten apples posting there before it affects the Good Crop.

There is also an advertisement for an Exclusive Book of Photos Jared took during his trip to Haiti and ALL the profits go to charities to help those affected by the quake.

Cheerios might be good for the Heart, but Charity is good for the Soul. Purchase!

Let Us Begin @ the Beginning ~ At least Since April 2011:

Right Click on the Links to open in New Tab or New Window to see Jared Leto's Photograph to each set of Comments & Comment for YourSelf ~ Here & There!

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Me and David Beckham at the Lakers game


Thanks Jared:  Being able to keep one eye open at a time just increased my fantasy time.
Dirty Alert:  Isn’t it palms that suppose to get hairy when doing that….that mean they…(Get it?  Or you just don't get it?)
What you don’t know:  Jared is only handing out with David so he can hook him up with a Spice Girl.
What they want us to believe:  They come for the game and not the dancers.
Neat:  Zoom in on Jared’s shades and you can see the person taking the photo and the basketball player playing behind.
Ahhhh:  It’s always nice to see David spending time with the homeless….what?  That’s who now?

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Skinned Knees from @ShannonLeto’s bday game


This is what you get for rough housing all these years.
Wondering:  Why bring Emma into your warped sense of fun and pain?
Hey J-A$$:  No one explained just what caused those injuries.  Don't make us assume.
Do pin the tail on the donkey just wasn't doing it for Shannon anymore, huh?
I think Shannon was hoping a little skin, but not from his knees if you know what I mean #StripClub
Worst matching tattoos ever!

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Post VyRT brekkie – the vegan pancake lives!


I didn’t watch VyRT because I was enjoying my Birthday that weekend, but from the gifs and clips and info I gathered it was a quick and painless death.

And no.  No matter how you decorate it there is no way its alive for being burnt beyond being enjoyed by children and adults alike is no life to live for.

R.I.P. with strawberry’s on top.



Bet you never knew:  Jared’s side job is manager at the control center for the Psychic Hotline.  #MoveOverMsCleo
Where’s the meth?  It's not that type of lab?  Oh!
Sad:  We know Jared has one, but he’s not wearing his lab coat. (Doctor/Patient/Medical theme Night)
Shame:  Jared has taking this labatory testing to the ranks of testing on animals!  #ChickenDown (under table)
Shhhhhh!  Don’t tell Jared that the guy in the plaid is watching NSFW (Not Safe For Work) videos, while the guy behind him is playing a Sims game and the one chick is playing Words with Friends.
This is what I call a THINK tank!  #Sarcasm
Sad:  Jared has no extension cords to take this project outside to enjoy the beautiful day.
Funny part:  Jared is so generous that he opens his doors to anyone seeking free WI-FI access.
“Hello Tech Support, my names Jared.  How may I help you with your BlackBerry today?”
WOW!  Just like Google Jared allows all the comforts of home to his employees.  Even his home!
Now I get it!:  Jared is too busy to keep track of what people are saying about him that he has an entire research staff, but wouldn't it be cheaper just to make a Google Alert? (Google Alerts are emails sent to you when Google finds new results -- such as web pages, newspaper articles, or blogs)
Oh!  Jared's going to be Maaaaaddddd.  No one is using a coaster.

Did I forget to mention… LETS F-ING VyRT!!!


For those Not in the know:  Is that Twitter slang for sex? 
Wondering:  Can we just be L-ing VyRT instead? (loving ~ making love)
Forgot to mention?  Mmmmm?  I believe Jared so many times and RT happened that it has been trending since day one.
What’s this VyRT thing? #Sarcasm
Worst Speak Bubble ever!
Oh!  Jared must be serious!  Look at all those explanation points!!!!
Wondering:  Where is the other hat?
Seems Bart added his own flare to Jared's sign.
Reality:  It’s better than the 5 original signs I made for Jared to hold.  
(If your on slow connection ~ please just wait for them and/or if X appears just right click and choose show picture)

Me and my friend… The Deer. Me and my friend… The Deer.


Deer in Disguise 
Exclusive Statement from Deer:

I’d like to state clearly that Jared Leto and I are NOT Friends.  It was only one night and in the morning he swore he’d call me and maybe go out for some tea together sometime.

The next thing I learn is he’s gone a 2 year tour with his pals!  And now that the tour is over he’s trying to get back in touch with me.

I saw the photos of him with ‘Uncle Terry’ having tea at our favorite place Mariage Freres in Paris instead of me and so I was hurt.  

When I gave him directions to give him a second chance he arrives with Jamie and some camera guy!

I can’t let non-vegans know where me and MY Friends hangout!

So we bolted.  It’s over Jared.  Were no longer Friends. Tea or no Tea.

Next week: An Exclusive interview with the WOLF.



Sure I can comment on items and Jared in these photos, but I just thought it would be simpler to say, 'Thanks for the floor plans to the place'.  

Think Jared!  Think!



So it's all about the sky and not the mountains?  Are we trying to start a rehashment of the 'send in your sky photos again?'
Two words:  Dirt bike.



Must be getting heat stroke because the photo is fuzzy.
Wondering:  Is Jared wondering so fast that the photo is fuzzy?
Laughing on the Inside:  Jared is real determined to finished this game of hide-go-seek at all costs.
Wondering:  Why is Jared wondering in the desert in the first place?



Jamie’s Thinking:  If it comes down to it ~ I will eat him.  #cannibalism
Jamie’s Thinking:  How can we both be handsome and yet he pulls in more chicks than me?
Jamie’s Thinking:  Why did I agree to Shannon that I’d baby-sit Jared?
Jamie’s Thinking:  What products does Jared use to get his hair so manageable?
Jamie’s Thinking:  I want to go home.



Dear Diary, (so much personal than calling it a journal)

You’re the only one I can trust.  Again I sit alone as Shan cancelled our sitting inside by the pool session.

That’s ok I will relax by myself in my sneakers only because I think Tomo might have swiped my UGG slippers after our last band sleepover.  (Also my Snuggie disappeared).

So Diary as I look out on my wish to come across as my fantasy of Hawaii backyard there is only a small breeze.

As you know Hawaii was the theme because they renewed my old favorite 80’s show Hawaii 50.    (Aired from September 20, 1968 to April 4, 1980).

I’m bored since I’ve finally read all my books in my books collection that I’ve been planning to read when I came off the tour.  I thought I’d be stuck with these artsy fartsy magazines, until my new Encyclopedia Britannia’s I ordered arrived. (former photo goof).

Today I’m wearing my beloved shades because the sun is reflecting off that art piece.  I still wonder why I bought it.  Maybe I fell into the famous chick trap and bought it because it was shiny.  Or the reflection.  Oh!  How I love seeing myself.

I’d would be wearing my Indiana Jones hat inside too, but I suspect Tomo might have “borrowed” that from me too.  I have to keep him away from my closet.  Maybe I’ll scare him by hiding in it and when he arrives just come out.  (Get it?)

Earlier I was so excited with Shan coming over, but when he abandoned me I planned a pool party.  I wanted to know what Hugh Hefner felt like with bimbos around getting drunk and wild, but Emma isn’t answering her phone to put it together for me. :(

I felt a little depressed and tried to take a nap of that cheap sofa that’s not a sofa, but the blanket didn’t cover my feet and Johnny the gardener arrived.  He’s a kewl dude.

He asked if I was ok.  I said ‘sure, why do you ask?’ and he said he was concerned when he didn’t see a random photo I usually make with the pool skimmer on the deck.  You know like my other one.

Click 2 Enlarge

I told him I was planning to play some piano, but I didn’t want to injure my text thumbs.

Know what I noticed Diary?  My light fixture made of Shan’s old drumsticks and Christmas bulbs (recycled) seem to be left on.  Glad it’s solar powered.

Saying bye to Johnny.  He works fast.

Plus that bag filled with granola and fruit from the market isn’t going to put itself away. Just to L-Z.

It’s wild.  I swear Diary I feel like someone is taking photos as I type.  Paranoid, huh?  I mean with all this lack of security I have with this place who could sneak in, right?

Well, Diary I have come to my problem of the day.  Do I strip down, take a dip in the pool, do some laps?  Or promote the bands VyRT show on my Twitter?  What will I do?  Tell you later Diary.



NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Dreamed I saw a desert road…


Wondering:  Why is there no horse with no name in the photo?  (America's ~ I've been through the desert on a horse with no name goof).
I told you Jared if you take one of Tomo’s “Special Brownies” you will never know where you’d end up.
Wondering:  Is there cell service that far out?
So this is what things look like before casinos?
FYI:  Muslim meaning & explanations for Walking Desert on ... Desert — (Waterless plain) Seeing a desert in a dream means escaping from difficulty
to ease.

Surprise call to @Brandy6277


What we don't know:  Jared called once before the video started and asked her if her refrigerator was running and to go and catch it.
What Jared doesn't know:  There is a way to reverse the number even on private lines thanks to a request to a person's phone provider.
What Shannon doesn't know:  It's his phone that Jared is racking the long distance calls from.
What Tomo doesn't know:  It's his missing phone from Rome that Jared is using.

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTOS: Hike in the Hollywood Hills


Photo #1

"You see this?  You know this as the typical orange or mini tangerine, but it's actucally a lethal weapon.  As you can see that house in the background there.  Watch as I toss this at that house who continues to make lots of noise with his music through out the night."

Photo #2

“Now!  Hurry up!  Get as low to the ground as you can before they see us.”

Alternative comment:  LOOK!  Jared’s fallen!  Can he get back up?  (I’ve fallen and I can’t get up goof).

Alternative comment #2:  "Hurry chalk outline me here on the grass.  Let my neighbors freak out."

Photo #3

“Go to high ground to hide?  Are you too sure about this?”

Photo #4

"LOL!  Look they missed me, but check this out.  This ripe, juicy fruit reminds me of Jamie's sister....OH!  Shhhiiiitttt I forgot Jamie came with us."

Photo #5

“I’m going to get you mini orange, orange tossing, sister sleeping Jared Leto!” 


EVENTS MAY NOT HAVE HAPPENED AS QUOTED.   I'm sure they didn't, but still funny. ✓

Some more pics from our friend Terry Richardson


Sad:  That's right Friends according to Jared Terry is no longer an 'Uncle', but now "just a Friend".

Photo #1

“Hi.  I’m actor turned musician (most articles STILL open with that) Jared Leto and I’m here to prank my brother Shannon on MTV's Punk'd.”

Photo #2

“I’ve been on this balcony thinking what is the best way to get him for the years of torment he’s inflicted on me being his baby brother.”

Photo #3

“I have an accomplice called Tomo to pull off this prank.”

Photo #4

I’m using my secret banana phone because Shan reads my Blackberry every night to see who I have been texting.

“That’s right MoFo we are going to hit the Shanimal hard on this prank.  Sure he might kill us afterwards since were going to show the world…hello?  Tome…hello?”

Photo #5

“OMG!  I forgot Tomo isn’t as strong as he lets on.  I mean I forgot he's so shy with people that he has to use his CAPS LOCK.”

Photo #6

“What you didn’t know that?  We can edit that part out right?  I mean I really don’t want to piss Tomofo off.  He’s really badarse.”

Photo #7

“Well.  Maybe I don’t want to do the Prank now that Tome is out.  And you can‘t make me.”

Photo #8

“Yes, I’m alright now.  I’ve taken 10 minutes, read a book and now I’m relaxed and ready to continue.”

Photo #9

“YES really!”

Photo #10

“Did you see the new Three Stooges movie where Moe pokes Curly in the eyes?  Let me try…dang that would hurt!”

Photo #11

“No I’m not listening….La…La..La…the movie didn’t tank at the box office…..La..La..”

Photo #12

“Oh!  What?  Yea, the Prank?  Well, I’m going to hide over here in this plant.  I’m going to blend in because I’m such a good actor.  See I‘m like a chameleon you can‘t even see me, can you?”

Photo #13

“Then when Shan comes into the studio I’m going to jump out and yell ‘RRRRRRRROOOOOAAR!’ like some jungle cat.”

Photo #14

“Then Shannon will have to choose from these three items to stop me from pouncing on his back.  Distract me with my secret banana phone saying I
have to update my Twitter,  a pear I once enjoyed in front of a door with the number 69 on it  (Proof found here) <--Link  or my detachable ball that will freak me out remembering that I have a detachable nut ball.”

Photo #15

“But first I must wait until he returns from his tour with Antoine Becks.  Yes, just wait." (add Evil Laugh here)

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTOS: Veggie burger party!!! Me, Robert, Jamie, + Daniel


1.  There is no way a professional or non-professional photographer would ever forget to edit the ‘red eye removal’ from a photo.

2.  Why does Jared’s Friends looking like they are forced to take a photograph of them eating veggie burgers?

3.  What is up with the Sparta head gear and shield?  Was that a past Halloween costume?  A current role playing costume?

4.  Why does Jared have mannequin’s in the first place?

5.  Why is the place mat that is taped to the table a photo of a chick with some metal plating over her chest area?  Are they playing Dungeon and Dragons later?

6.  If they are only eating veggie burgers why does Jared’s plate have a fork?  Why can’t he collect the droppings with his fingers?  Oh!  La~la fancy man uses a fork.

7.  WTF?  Why did Jamie have to leave the shot?  Doesn't anyone know how to work a timer on the camera?

8.  Britannica still in their boxes.  There is Grade A learning going on with them still in their boxes.  #ThinkingSmart



I used to paint these as a kid!  Sun Catchers!  Just paint inside the frames and hang in the window!
Overheard at the show:  “You have my spots in my glassware…..you have your glassware reflecting my spots!”  #Can’t We All Get Along?
OH!  Anyone else see that?  Jared’s taking the photo with one hand.  How gangster!  (tilt the gun sideways w/one hand goof).
Fact:  Jared has taken a photo of a mirror with a image of himself in the mirror to post the image (camouflaged as an “Art Piece”) on his blog to
see himself.
SOB!  How many times have we learned about taking shots without reflections in them?



What you don't know:  Jared isn't engrossed into the artist technique or style, but is having a July 2011 flashback. LINK ➔ CRACKER
What?  That’s Jared Leto?  For a moment there with his hair pulled back into a ponytail it was Orlando Bloom!
Sad:  Jared has been staring at this piece for over and hour and still can't see the picture in the picture.  And hasn't seen Waldo in the left corner either.

Neck issue:  You decide!

1.  He burned himself on his curling iron.

2.  It’s a new tattoo.

3.  He forgot to shave that spot.

4.  It’s just a shadow mark.



"Gather around boys and girls…spray the clowns mouth with water and win a prize.”
Why is there a dart board made of Skittles in the background?  Did Jared just 'Taste the Rainbow?'  Ha~ha.
I’m going out on a ledge that the man checking his twitter feed isn’t Damien Hirst.
What Jared doesn’t know:  The man in the background is tweeting….”OMG!  It’s Jared Leto and he’s so fricken hotter in person.”