30 Seconds To Mars DETAILS

Now most of you folks maybe asking yourselves who/what is Thirty Seconds to Mars and let me clue you in with my own opinions. That right even women have them these days…go figure. Ha-ha.

First of all it’s a band involving-at least currently-3 members. Jared, Shannon, and Tomo.

Now before you get too excited it’s not a band with a guy, a girl and their dog named Tomo, but three dudes. Three talented in their own right.

We have Jared Leto, the ring master and lead vocalist of the band, which most of you already recognize the name from his modeling and acting days. Check out the link of his early work….and yes, the ‘My So-Called Life' heartthrob who had to suffer though years of High School troubles who trying not to fall in the lovely red-headed Clair Danes. And in the epic movie ‘Alexander’ where he was the boy toy/love interest of one fricken Hot Colin Farrell. Actually they also stared in ‘Phone Booth’ together too…did you know that?

For the complete list of his films gladly IMDB his page. Don’t be disturbed of some of the questions posted near the bottom telling of sorted love escapades he may/may not have had because they are just disturbing if true.

Then we have Shannon Leto, who is far from girly as girly can get. This is the big bro to Jared and when Jared seems to be in trouble in a thought during an interview or just needs powerful muscle back-up from CRAZYYY fans he’s always there like a big brother should. That relationship proves you can count on Family no matter what the profession.

Let us not forget the cool Croatian cat named Tomo Miličević whose heavy metal hair style is anything, but SEXY. The youngest of the group he has his moments of humor, but seems to just keep quiet, (except when on Twitter HE TALKS LIKE THIS) and meet with fans and do his job as guitarist. The sincerity in his voice as he speaks of his band mates and of the band is clearly heard in every interview.

Now that all introductions are done let the hammer fall.

As a Fan: Thirty Seconds to Mars have created a sound and unique style all their own. With their foundation based on their love of Family, Friends and Music it can clearly a great start in the right direction.

Their acoustic sound will overfill your heart with memories from the past and memories you hope to make in the future.

While the rock side including the visual of the videos and images at the concerts will power up your mind.

And what does one call a Band whose build on a this foundation, whose acoustic sound touches the heart, as the rock side enriches the mind and is around for years to come sharing this magical and rare combo with their fans?


As a Critic: How does one silence the millions and millions of screaming fans inside a performers head? I can, but instead I’ve gone back to my Positive and Creative side and began creating the Caption Funnies to Jared Leto’s collection of Photos from around the World.

Since I never gotten a response from a Tweet from Jared (like OMG! How is he suppose to tweet all 700,000 + people in one day and tour?) about the conflict between their more crazier fans called Echelon Vs. the Regular Fans. To avoid the ’your not a real fan if your not Echelon’ mail ~ I began this Blog.

P.S. If Jared is reading this he really should check into the Rotten apples posting there before it affects the Good Crop.

There is also an advertisement for an Exclusive Book of Photos Jared took during his trip to Haiti and ALL the profits go to charities to help those affected by the quake.

Cheerios might be good for the Heart, but Charity is good for the Soul. Purchase!

Let Us Begin @ the Beginning ~ At least Since April 2011:

Right Click on the Links to open in New Tab or New Window to see Jared Leto's Photograph to each set of Comments & Comment for YourSelf ~ Here & There!

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Nude, Invader, @Terry_World, a NYC subway bench, and a skeleton!!!


If you didn't know:  From the last viewing of this place the only thing that changed in this room is the hat on the skeleton.  The skeleton that moved to the other side of the room and the crap is off the floor when Jared added the bench.  And some guy who likes the reflection of himself as he takes this photograph.

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: @ShannonLeto plays guitar


Shannon:  "The number your thinking of is.... 35!"  (psychic joke).
Who knew Shannon was more than just the Drummer!
Shannon:  "I don't know why my girlfriend thought I didn't know what a G String was."
What you don't know:  Shannon has a headache.
Shannon:  "Jared this is so much harder than Guitar Hero!"
Personal Note:  Even though Shannon can pull off any style of shades/glasses I like his nerdy ones the best.
Shannon:  "Damn.  I could have had a V-8!"
Shannon plays guitar one handed?  What's he do with the other hand?......OH!  Nevermind. #ThinkDirty
Shannon:  "This guitar pic certainly comes in hands for those with short fingernails."
What we don't know:  Shannon is mentally sending the song to Jared for him to record later.
Fact:  Shannon is playing an Acoustic Guitar.
Shannon:  "Not so loud dude.  I am so hungover from last night.  Too much Calypso Coffee.  (which is a vegan drink of - Flor de Cana four-year white rum, creme de cacao, Amaretto, coffee, whipped cream).
What we don't know:  Shannon is trying to shrink himself down to fit into the vent to escape from the tiny room.
Shannon:  "OK!  I'm not a songwriter like Jared, but I've had this awesome tune in my head for a while.  Here's what I got  Let me know what you think."

** Later Shannon realizes it's the intro from "Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd.



What?  Did Jared just need to finish off a digital roll and thought let's take a photograph of the sky?  Perhaps its to help the rescue chopper find him as he can send a photo of his location (besides GPS on his phone) to the rescuers.

P.S. I refuse to comment how much it can appear as a face.



WTF?  Where is the artist in Jared in this shot?  No creative toe in the water and watch the water ripper photo?  If not a toe how about a rock thrown in seconds before the shot to make the same effect?  It looks like La Brea Tar Pits!



LOL:  Someone's digital photos are out of order.  (former photo where the two are already on the bottom of the mountain.
Chloe:  "NO!  I won't go back to the lab!"
Chloe:  "Last one to the the bottom of the mountain is a rotten egg!"
Chloe:  "No seriously, I saw Jared down here with his camera."
Chloe:  "Hurry!  They said they'd have free booze!"
Chloe:  "Yes, Robert.  This is the way to the secret cave of the Vegans."
Chloe:  So is this really how Angelina Jolie started her TombRaider training to stay in shape?



We already hiked in the Hollywood Hills (4/12/2012), and went Hiking in the Alps (8/12/2012), we watched Emma Hike (7/10/2011), and The girls on a 20 miles hike (5/6/2012). Stop recycling or get another activity besides HIKING!
Looks more like rock climbing to me (or at least climbing over rocks).
Are we doing the 'Hiking through the cities of California' collection?
Sure they look happy now, but just wait until Jared tells them that the helicopter who dropped them off isn't coming back for them until morning.
Sadly, they were the only survivors of this hiking adventure.
Isn't Malibu known for their surfing on the beach?  And they choose to go rock climbing instead?



Message to Jared:  Son of a Bitch!  For a minute there I really throught 30 Seconds To Mars were going to calibrate with one of the Hottest 80's band Motley Crue and I get another shot is a Motley Crue of your cronies.


NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Stephanie, Jamie, Matt, AJ, + Robert freaking people out on the bus in Pasadena


Maybe if the sign said "Watch Yourself" instead of "Watch Your Step" they would behave.
Dang even the recession is hitting the music world.  They no longer ride in limos but on the bus.
Everyone riding the bus I hope they brought their Purell. (hand sanitizer )
There is always someone weird on the bus....which one do you think it is?

This would have been more Awesome if they were riding around on the TMZ tour bus.



What we learned:

Having a Baby Story:

Unknown guy:  "Yes she's Pregnant!"
Chick:  "I'm having a what?!"
Jared:  I'm going to have a baby?"
Jamie:  I'm the baby coming out into the world."

New photos from Terry Richardson (@Terry_World)


Photo #1

WOW!   Bums are looking good these days.  This one must be a good panhandler.
Wondering:  What is that wire or cord coming from under Jared?
Idea:  Shhh!  Don't wake him just swipe his phone.
Damn the UPS!  I knew my Jared package was wrongly delivered!
Check-It-Out!  Jared has no pantylines!
What we now know:  Jared is a human-robot hybrid.  His battery must been low that he needed to recharge.
What we learned:  This is the one time the woman of the house didn't ask her man to take out the garbage because she volunteered just to meet Jared.


Photo #2

What we found out:  Jared has been attending the Gene Simmons tongue academy.
Think Dirty:  Jared really shouldn't whip that thing out unless he plans to use it.
"Hey!  How the heck are ya?!  Give me a Hug!"


Photo #3

"Can you hear me now?"
Jared's strange addiction:  Must listen to everything in stereo even his phone calls. (Strange Addiction on TLC goof).
Sad:  Jared is trying to play his voice messages and make a call to keep up his mult-tasking.
What you don't know:  Jared always keep a back-up phone.
What you now know:  Jared refuses to pay a cancellation fee to his old phone when he got the new one.
"That's right Tomo...your missing phone from Rome...I got it and I'm listening to every voice mail you've ever gotten."
What you don't know:  Jared is filling in for Shannon in the round of 'What's Up' comments.  (Budweiser's What's up commercial goof).
As you can see:  Jared is enjoying a threesome.


Photo #4

STOP!  The one eye Freak pose is so overdone and not sexy in that shot.



Everyone now:  Were going to get laid tonight!
No seriously, Jared doesn't understand why people put the 'hate' on Emma (if that's her) due to jealously on the access she has getting close to him.
Everyone:  We just saw Hunger Games!
Is it me?  (If that's Emma) is she turning into Ke$ha? (Ke$ha performing TiK ToK singer)



It's been a while since we've seen her, but is that Emma?
It's night and they are calling themselves The Hunters, yet we have no Night of the Hunter video?
Wondering:  Do they all wear the same size in pants?
Where's Fred Dryer?  (Hunter TV goof)



Seriously, am I really going to ask, 'Who let the Dogs Out?'
Unknown guy, Robert, Jared and Jamie.  Wondering:  Who is the unknown guy?
What you don't know:  this photo was added Real Time Spotting: Jared Leto in River Island, London, UK
Sad:  The Law & Order criminal line up really have gone downhill in the past year.



Only thing that place needs to make it better is an interactive area for those aspiring artists to actually touch marble, hold a paint brush, feel of steel and not just stand and look at others art and take photographs for a scrapbook that no non-artist want to view.



What you don't know:  Jared crashed this wedding and these people have no idea who he is.
What you don't know:  Jared forgot to bring a gift, but promised them he's send it to them SOON.  (Twitter joke).
What you don't know:  Jared volunteered to sing 'White Wedding' at their reception.  #BillyIdol
What you don't know:  Jared called for Droit du seigneur.  (Droit du seigneur is the French word meaning for "the lord's right".  It is a feudal right (feudal law) said to have existed in medieval Europe giving the lord to whom it belonged the right to sleep the first night with the bride of any one of his vassals.
What you don't know:  Jared is shocked that the bride shared that they will be doing things twice on their wedding night.

What you don't know:  Jared caught the garter from the wedding and has it hidden in his pocket.
What I'm wondering:  How did Jared feel being at a wedding?  Stir up any urges?  (And I don't mean for the Bridesmaids!)
Wondering:  Did a Vegan do The Chicken Dance at the reception?



Wow!  This guy sure knows how to rebel against his parents.
Sure:  Anyone can play a guitar, drums or a saxophone, but badarse people play Harp.
Wondering:  Where's the wedding?
Idea:  A sound found on the new album.
Wondering:  Did Jared mention that Julliard is NOT in France, but in NY?
LOL:  Bet this guy is single.
What Jared doesn't know:  He plays the harp because that's what his old girlfriend used to do to him.  #HarpOnHim
Truth:  The woodwork on the 'Head' and 'Soundboard' is amazing.
Did you know:  Karpo Marx was one of early Hollywood's first stars to play the harp, even though he was a mute.
He has a way to go to pay off the price of his harp so I hope Jared tipped him well.  (Even used pedal harps will usually cost close to $10,000.)



Sometimes you can find interesting stuff on the Internet, such as, comments by Pastor Steven J. Cole comments at GOD'S HYMNBOOK  (<---Link to entire essay)

"The roughout history, when the hearts of God’s people have been right before Him there has been singing and music. When God brought His people out of captivity in Egypt and delivered them from Pharaoh’s pursuing army, Exodus 15:1 records that they sang a song to the Lord. When God gave Israel victory over Jabin, the king of Canaan, under the leadership of Deborah and Barak, they sang (Judges 5). When David brought up the ark of the covenant  into Jerusalem, there was much joy expressed through singing and music (1 Chron. 15:25-28). When King Hezekiah restored the temple worship in Jerusalem, the Levites sang praises to the Lord with the words of David and Asaph the seer, with joy, while the trumpets sounded and the whole assembly bowed low and worshiped (2 Chron. 29:30).
At the conclusion of the Lord’s Supper, just before Jesus and the disciples went out to the Mount of Olives where He would be betrayed and arrested, they sang a hymn (Mark 14:26), which commentators agree was the Hallel (Psalms 113-118). When Paul and Silas were unjustly thrown into jail in Philippi, with their backs laid open from being beaten and their feet in the stocks, they sang hymns of praise to God (Acts 16:25).

Since the days of the New Testament, God’s people have continued to sing. In A.D. 112, Pliny wrote a letter to the Emperor Trajan which reported, among other things, that the Christians sang hymns to Christ as God. In 1415, the Bohemian Reformer Jan Hus sang praises to God as he was burned at the stake. During the Reformation, Martin Luther promoted music in the church. A century and a half later, the Pietist movement under Spener and Francke was characterized by singing and hymn-writing. The great revivals under the Wesleys in the 18th Century and Moody and Sankey in the 19th Century were also marked by an upsurge in hymn-writing and singing. And one day in heaven, we will all be gathered around the throne of God, singing praises to the Lamb that was slain (Rev. 5:9; 14:3; 15:3). Whenever God’s people have their hearts right before Him, there has been, there is, and there will be singing and music."

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Best dessert in the world


This is a repeat photograph and my first comments on it can be found on this Blog here. 


and yes I already informed Jared of this in a reply Tweet.

Click 2 Enlarge



What Jared found out:  Shannon and Tomo faked him out on the directions on how to get to the Red Light District.
Sadly, the contractor didn't finish his poor job, but the electrician did!
Good luck on finding those twisty bulbs in that size at Wal-Mart.
Wondering:  With no curtains or blinds you'd think the light from the window would be more than enough.
Ugly rave lights ever!

New NYC photos from Terry Richardson (@terry_world)


Photo #1

Three men, but I don't see the baby.  Who is watching the baby?
Don't you remember?:  Trouble comes in three and I like trouble.


Photo #2

"Don't tell Jared that I magically switched hats."


Photo #3

"OMG!  He magically switched our hats!" ~ Jared


Photo #4



Photo #5



Photo #6




What Jared doesn't know:  The door isn't as good when he's not around.
Sure the door is good, but what's hiding behind it is totally naughty.
Wondering:  Why do they have a doorbell and not a door knocker?
Fact:  This is 5th door to date on this blog.



Who knew this is the kind of BUST Jared was interesting in photographing.
This is one of the reasons you should take French to read his masterpieces from the originals.
Hugo ~ Leto:  4 Letter in common.



Now we learn the owner of the mystery heel. (former photo).
Wondering:  Do all the Leto men have the skinny legs and big feet syndrome?
Nothing says style like some ripped up jeans. #sarcasm

Oh!  Man.  This must the subtle way of Jared saying that baby brother is off the market?
Now I know I’m not able to hang with any Leto because they hang out with smart and successful people and I’m only one of those.  (guess which).

Founder as victim, Founder as god. Me and the professor… Peter Thiel


Wondering:  Are we seeing current photos because Jared ran out of old photos to post?
I know that dude….he’s the PayPal guy!
Sorry ladies he’s openly gay according to Forbes Magazine.


“Openly gay, Thiel has given money to and hosted events for GOProud, a conservative group that supports gay rights.”

Thanks to @DavidMarcus and Richard Borenstein at @PayPal. Excited about the top secret VyRT mission!


Wondering if Jared knows the difference between Top Secret and a tease.
I bet it has to do something with paying for it!
Settle down Echelon it could always be worse….he could have said SOON.
Not only is it a visitors pass it’s also helps if you need an alibi with the police. #day/Date/Time

Wondering:  It is a visitor to the company pass or visitor as in from another planet pass?
Wondering:  Do you think anyone would enjoy creating a fake visitors pass now they have a sample of one?
Wondering:  Has Ebay heard that Jared is trying to take over his best cash app?
Is PayPal really the way to go?  I mean have you never heard of the PayPal - Horror Stories, Lawsuits, Reviews,
PayPal Problems <--LINK



Well, we know their short to be Lady Gaga's shoe.
Wow!  I never knew Tomo had so much taste in shoes.
Nothing says let's go for an enjoyable bike ride like peddling with heels.
Awkward:  Shannon wasn't listening...Jared said Pump up the Jam not Pumps are da Jam.
Did you know:  We haven't seen a pair of heels since Jared's former photo of :X-rated. A pic from my friend Oliver’s art show.

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Me + Daniel Ek the founder of Spotify plotting and planning at All Things D


Jared:  Can I copy your notes.
Daniel:  Sure which part did you miss?
Jared:  Ethics in Business section.
Sadly, Jared and Daniel were caught copying each others answers to the question given at the show.
Daniel:  I have this cute kitten as my wallpaper.  Check it out.  What do you have a photo of?
Jared:  My Junk.
Really?  What are those name tags for the blind?
Sadly, even for 'Business attire' Jared doesn't zip up his shoes.
What we don't know:  They are comparing photos of women they took during the seminar.
Be ready to start listening to 30 Seconds to Mars through Spotify.

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Hanging with Larry Ellison at All Things D


Wait-A-Minute!  How can Jared be the 'common man's' man when he's hanging out with Billionaire?  Yes, I said Billionaire like in B~illion.

And now not only that he's a college drop out.

In 1990, Oracle (his company) laid off 10% (about 400 people) or be bankrupted and no note if this BILLIONAIRE returned to rehire these people.

Once owned the 8th largest Yacht in the US.

Owns several air crafts.

Owns many exotic cars.

Has an estate worth 110 Million dollars.

In 2006 didn't honor a commitment of a donation to Harvard.

So I also ask except for allegedly donating to Charity in private (no verification) why is Jared just hanging out with him at all?  Just getting some tips to create more projects that will earn him mogul status and loose touch with the common man ~ woman?

SOURCE:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Ellison

Whatever:  Just take good notes from the cheap seats.