30 Seconds To Mars DETAILS

Now most of you folks maybe asking yourselves who/what is Thirty Seconds to Mars and let me clue you in with my own opinions. That right even women have them these days…go figure. Ha-ha.

First of all it’s a band involving-at least currently-3 members. Jared, Shannon, and Tomo.

Now before you get too excited it’s not a band with a guy, a girl and their dog named Tomo, but three dudes. Three talented in their own right.

We have Jared Leto, the ring master and lead vocalist of the band, which most of you already recognize the name from his modeling and acting days. Check out the link of his early work….and yes, the ‘My So-Called Life' heartthrob who had to suffer though years of High School troubles who trying not to fall in the lovely red-headed Clair Danes. And in the epic movie ‘Alexander’ where he was the boy toy/love interest of one fricken Hot Colin Farrell. Actually they also stared in ‘Phone Booth’ together too…did you know that?

For the complete list of his films gladly IMDB his page. Don’t be disturbed of some of the questions posted near the bottom telling of sorted love escapades he may/may not have had because they are just disturbing if true.

Then we have Shannon Leto, who is far from girly as girly can get. This is the big bro to Jared and when Jared seems to be in trouble in a thought during an interview or just needs powerful muscle back-up from CRAZYYY fans he’s always there like a big brother should. That relationship proves you can count on Family no matter what the profession.

Let us not forget the cool Croatian cat named Tomo Miličević whose heavy metal hair style is anything, but SEXY. The youngest of the group he has his moments of humor, but seems to just keep quiet, (except when on Twitter HE TALKS LIKE THIS) and meet with fans and do his job as guitarist. The sincerity in his voice as he speaks of his band mates and of the band is clearly heard in every interview.

Now that all introductions are done let the hammer fall.

As a Fan: Thirty Seconds to Mars have created a sound and unique style all their own. With their foundation based on their love of Family, Friends and Music it can clearly a great start in the right direction.

Their acoustic sound will overfill your heart with memories from the past and memories you hope to make in the future.

While the rock side including the visual of the videos and images at the concerts will power up your mind.

And what does one call a Band whose build on a this foundation, whose acoustic sound touches the heart, as the rock side enriches the mind and is around for years to come sharing this magical and rare combo with their fans?


As a Critic: How does one silence the millions and millions of screaming fans inside a performers head? I can, but instead I’ve gone back to my Positive and Creative side and began creating the Caption Funnies to Jared Leto’s collection of Photos from around the World.

Since I never gotten a response from a Tweet from Jared (like OMG! How is he suppose to tweet all 700,000 + people in one day and tour?) about the conflict between their more crazier fans called Echelon Vs. the Regular Fans. To avoid the ’your not a real fan if your not Echelon’ mail ~ I began this Blog.

P.S. If Jared is reading this he really should check into the Rotten apples posting there before it affects the Good Crop.

There is also an advertisement for an Exclusive Book of Photos Jared took during his trip to Haiti and ALL the profits go to charities to help those affected by the quake.

Cheerios might be good for the Heart, but Charity is good for the Soul. Purchase!

Let Us Begin @ the Beginning ~ At least Since April 2011:

Right Click on the Links to open in New Tab or New Window to see Jared Leto's Photograph to each set of Comments & Comment for YourSelf ~ Here & There!



This is Chicken on Drugs…
Chicken is branching out to be a mime in France.
Chicken was just scared to death.
Chicken is one of the lesser known back-up singers.
Chicken is choking….oh!  Wait I think that’s backwards.
Chicken just saw medusa and turned to stone.
Chicken is taking make-up tips from someone’s grandma.
Chicken needs to add more color to complete his clown face.
What you don’t know:   Chicken just watched the uncensored version of Hurricane for the 1st time.
What you don’t know:   Jared just caught The chicken chocking himself.
Anyone else find it interesting that a vegetarian’s best Friend is a chicken?



Seriously Jared’s germ phobia has everyone going that extra mile for him.
“I’m not a real doctor, but I dress up like one on Blog’s.”
So is this the stand-in chest from the Hurricane video close-ups?
Halloween is over last month!
Worst burglary get up EVER!
It can’t be that bad….just use a little Febreze and that smell will go away!
Does the ‘Chest’ have a real name?
He’s placing his lunch order of 2 tacos for Jared to go get while he’s working.
Exacly the right move because you never know what’s Jared’s done down there alone. #protectionFirst
“This is the 2nd time I’ve told you this….”

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Shhh!!! A skinned mango on Emmas shoulder! :)


Does Jared really think ticking off the person who has access to everything you hold dear a smart idea?
Well, I guess it was better than what he place on her shoulder last time. :-O
Guess he wasn’t cleaver enough to find a way to place it on her head and call it a hat!
Jared doesn’t know this, but Emma won’t be freaked out because SHE doesn’t play with her food.
Jared convinced Emma it was a New Fashion Accessory!
Someone really isn’t paying attention to the business meeting.
Jared hasn’t learned he’s suppose to play with salami not skinned mangos.
Jared doesn't know it yet, but he’s three seconds away from Emma just using her fist and punching him in the balls without turning around.
Keep it up and there will be ‘a skinned man that will go on her shoulder as a human scarf.’
You can apply mango skins directly to the human skin to help it look healthier, but take note JaredEmma is wearing clothes.
If you ever wondered why there is no new Merch being produced recently out of the 30 Seconds to Mars camp....this might be the reason.



A-ha!  Jared was really trying to get some of the street art again and she moved into the photo.
What character is that behind her Mario?

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: me + Eliza on Mick’s roof – Venice beach


Now I’m just going to have to make up names of people too…who is this mysterious Mick?  (is it your Super Agent Mick Sullivan's place?).
Freddy Krueger wants his outfit back!
Performing on roof tops are so played out.
Idea:  Jared should hold her over the edge and have her say, ‘I’m flying!’ like in Titanic.  
Look!  Jared is trying to fool us by using Terry’s thumbs up sign!
Jared:  “And were not coming down until there are cupcakes!”
Jared:  “Someone want to get the ladder that fell on the other side?”
Hey is that Mick in the reflection of the window?
Do I want to know who and what that person in the window appears to be doing?
Put the camera away Jared is ready to push her off and doesn’t need evidence against him in court.

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTOS: Me + The Cirque performers backstage aftershow


Anyone else see the man Jared is shaking hand with or the guy in the blue hat is what Shannon would look like in make-up?
Jared thinking:  So that’s what man muscles look like.
Jared ask them to JUMP!  JUMP!  JUMP!
Someone tell Jared to turn to his left and ask if she can help him apply his make-up for the shows.
Jared is checking out the chick whose drinking just to stay calm around him.
In this economy they are probably available for private shows or concert tours.  #Idea.
Awkward:  Jared has the same collection of shiny panties.
Sadly in the group shot Jared seems to blend in quite well with the eccentrics.



Damn it!  This group I’ll have to pass.  Something about if you have nothing nice to say…say nothing at all especially about people you don’t know.

What goofs I had (especially w/the 2nd photo) was far from nice and non-adult as this blog can get.  So sorry, but I have to   


My kingdom for my uncensored Blog to reopened! (that site is down).⏎ 

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Me, Eliza + Catty in the convertible


Don’t let that car your slowly driving into wreck such a cool looking photograph. #crash
Rock ‘n Roll, Peace Sign….Thumbs Up…..MORE SIGNS!  I’m so confused!
This would be only cooler if you can tell us what tunes they are cruising too. ♪♫
Why Eliza is sticking out her tongue:  “Ha~ha.  I called shotgun!” 
Again.  No seat belt? ☚
Shouldn’t Jared’s eyes be on the road and not holding the camera?  That’s a job for the co-passenger!
Shouldn’t rock stars who drive convertibles and riding around with chicks have them in bikini’s?



Only 120?  That will not do when hitting the autobahn.
Better start eating some beans because your running low on gas!  #FartJoke
You really are pretty strict on your mileage.  Maybe you shouldn’t loan out the car to others.
Someone either sold you a lemon or it’s time to sell as an ‘as-is’ deal.
Dang.  I was hoping for an animated gif of just the blinker and you caption it as ‘not turning’.
Car can’t go without some gas.  (It’s the pedal on the right).  Come on Grampa!
Jared must ‘feel the need the need for speed‘. (Top Gun comment). 
Which is faster this ride or your sugar high’s? 
I thought you were a marijuana kind of guy…oh!  So much for commenting before seeing the photo.  Nevermind.☠

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: self portrait of the crew


What the car behind them are saying:  “Honey they are making a left turn…see his hand signal?”
Emma thinking:  If we get in an accident I’m so suing his butt off.
Guess whose tweeting who.
Hope there are lap belts there!
Emma’s hoping you’d push the hydraulics button on the car.
It’s no use Jared.  Emma’s not going to posthose photos to her boyfriend on your camera!
Unknown woman:  “Ha~ha Emma!  Your on camera!”  (Get it?  She doesn’t know she is too.
Emma’s in the backseat.  (Enter your own joke here because mine is cruel).
Jared must be working for Google Earth on street level because I can barely make out any landmarks or signs to see where you all are cruising at.
Look!  It’s Jared Leto in his pimp mobile!
Should Jared be doing that while driving?  #hazzard
Jared just cut one and waiting to catch Emma’s reaction on film once it reaches the backseat.
FYI:  Would have been cooler if it was taken with side/rearview mirror.
Look it’s Bonnie, Bonnie and Clyde!
You know Emma is just going to use that as evidence that she deserves overtime for working after hours.
Doesn’t Jared know he doesn’t have to take shots like that?  I mean that’s what paparazzi is for!
Look Ma!  One hand driving!
Emma sounding off the Third wheel Alert?  Nope.  ➔Notice the other chick in the backseat too over Jared's hat.



You think that’s sauce?  No!  he’s the true Vampire!  It’s Blood!  Run!
You know a meal is good when it’s left on your face for later (too young for a flavor saver mustache).
Tip:  If he says ‘can you wipe me’ make sure what he’s really asking.
Hunter:  “What?  I have something on my face?"



We finally found the subject object for the ‘Night of the Hunter’ video!   It will be the life of ‘Hunter’ as the song plays in the background.
Does Jason Mraz know this guy has his hat?  (Jason Mraz ~ singer).
The kid has the ‘Puss in Boots’ doe eyes.
Adorable Alert!

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: the gimp house – Malibu


No.  Not a gimp house!  That’s where they keep the girls from sex trafficking at until the costumers come to claim them.
Must not have a lock on it if you were able to get out and take a photograph of it.  (Get it?).

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Eliza + her sis Catty – Mailbu


Eliza Pearson!  Finally we get to know who the 'Person Sisters' were in the earlier photograph.
Do you think Jared meant Cathy or Catrina?
Now Shannon can join you on the trail now that he’s on the wagon with smoking.
Someone might want to alert Shannon to some kewl looking kicks to get for his collection.
Why is she bringing a purse on a trip?  Or is that some upscale backpack to hold her water?
Alert!  Trust fund chicks.
They misread the sign they thought it was Grass Land  #marijuana joke.



Let’s hope there isn’t a fan around.  (SH^%&^IT hit the fan).
Monkey’s are known to throw this:  (earlier Monkey Do-Monkey Do photo goof).
Monkey Do-(goof funny alone).
Hey environmentalist:  How about recycling that pile?
How do you know it’s horse poo?  Just what type of CSI books are you reading in your free time?
Guess Mud Pie is in a photograph to come.
Nowhere near Cows?  (cow pie).
Comment to Baker:  Euuuuuuu!
Who knew Jared would be mature enough not to use the word SH&%%&IT.
http://www.poopnames.com/ (Enough Said).

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: me on the tree – Malibu


Hey look it’s the new Patrick Swayze from Dirty Dancing remake! (watch movie and see balance on tree scene)
Someone please don’t remind Jared that he’s afraid of heights…..No!  (kidding).
You~believe~true (inside joke some may get).
Scoping out places for ‘Night of the Hunter’ are we?

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: rock climbin’ – malibu


What is Jared trying to be Tom Cruise
The only reason to get to the top of something is 

1.  The view
2.  The experience
3.  The shot.
Why go to the extreme and enjoy things on the lower section of the planet?
IDEA:  Jared sitting on the rock doing the ‘The Thinker’ pose.
The saying is: ‘For those about to Rock not Rock Climb’. (AC/DC)



So there is more to Malibu than just the beach?
Is this where Jared once shot a man and left him to die?
When they said, ‘Run for them hills’ is there where he was talking about?

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: two bags, hat, and a tatt


♪♫ Rolling bags this way and that,
It seems it’s China ~ that’s where your at.

It’s time that we seem to waste and loose,
But it doesn’t feel that way if we walked a mile in your shoes.

Dr. Seuss would say ~ and I agree,
I need to work on my imagery!

But beauty is left for your around the world photos,
That is each and everyone that you dare to show.

From churches, doors, trees and a man with a hat
Whose arm bares a familiar and badass tat.

And wears bracelets that say, ‘We are One’,
And another that states simply Echelon.

As you travel over hill and over dale,
While sporting black nail polish upon your nails.

Not to worry as the tour is ending ~ almost home,
Until then we will keep you in Reply’s and Re-tweets as you post messages and photos from your Blackberry phone. ♪♫



This is truly where most writers get inspired for their Fairy Tales.
Wait  This isn‘t New York!  This is this place where there are no squirrels, trash or bums.  (or are they off camera?)  
Look!  There is more of Jared’s favorite art!  Street Art!
Is that a ‘You Are Here’ placard or just a regular historian sign?
Why are they walking when they can hang out on the bench and enjoy/be inspired by the view?
Notice the trees on the opposite side of the sidewalk?  Know what we call them in America?  Car stoppers!  *crash*
Looks like a great climb for the paparazzo’s to do before they can set up their camera for their shot.


If she’s going to make armpit sounds she might want to try it with her hand flipped around.
Shouldn't she have a placard in front of her at this police station?
Model tip:  Wear matching bra when wearing sheer top.
Is that Winnie Cooper from the Wonder Years?  (Danica McKellar)
Look on the left of her hair design…..does that explain why she’s not happy?  (E.T. in loose hair)
New Game:  Guess whose more tired.  Siri or Jared?
Mean Time:  Anyone else see the emptiness from inside?
Why she could be nothing, but a model:  The baby girl name Siri comes from the Scandinavian word which means, "Beautiful & victorious."
Not jumping through hoops on tracking down FULL NAMES anymore.  At least not for Models. #jealouslyIsABitch



That hat must really be hindering when she’s driving.
Can’t see the windows to her soul. #eyes
In that pose she can be Angelina Jolie under that hat.
Someone is having a bad hair day to have such a big hat.
Lana Tailor?  Lana Del Ray?  Lana Clarkson?(before her death)  Lana Lang?  (Lana Lang is a fictional supporting character Superman series.) LANA WHO? 
OMG!  I love Paris if you get free art in the apartment you might be thinking of buying.  #sarcasm
OMG!  Is this one of those ‘nothing under my coat’ coats?
Comment on Art:  WTF?
1.  Is that an artist frontal view impression of the stockings, cash, and nails photo?
2.  Is it another view with an grown-up contraption inserted?
3.  Notice it’s not hung up…..it’s easier to lug to the dump that way…..
Did you two break into there and now squatting?

PHOTO: dressed to kill – quaker style


Finally photographic proof of Jared’s Breaking and Entering he once told us about!  (“I also used to like to break into other people's houses and sit in their rooms. I found it very comforting to be in someone's empty house.")
FYI:  Those boots are going to scratch up that wood floor.
Hat doesn’t go with this outfit either!  Maybe a ski mask if your robbing the place.
If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind…what does Jared’s tiny desk mean?  Ha~ha.
Is Jared the male version of Diane Keaton who wears usually appears in public wearing gloves?
Has Jared gone so Germaphobe that he’s going to be wearing gloves everywhere?
Check-it-out!  Jared is unpacking the awards he sent home months ago.
It that a break-dancing floor in front of him?  Oh!  The 80’s!
If someone was to start "making out" in front of the fireplace on that couch it should have stronger supports than small metal legs. 
This must be the inspirational comical room with the skeleton skipper and run over deer head.  (Elvis has his Jungle room!).
Pssst!  Jared’s shoes untied!
I have to find out whose Jared’s decorator…..and never use them for myself.
Hey I get it!  This is the ‘Before’ the makeover shot.  Can’t wait to see the ‘After’.
Fashion Opinion:  Don’t know if it’s a light jacket or a weird belt, but whatever is hanging below the regular jacket is one item too much to the collection.
This would be a good room if it had a full bookshelf nearby because it looks like a doctors office so sterilized and untouched.
Is Jared qualified to be a Quaker?

1.  Do you reject war and stress peace education? ✓

2.  Are you a pioneer in removing barriers? ✓

3.  Leader in reform of humane treatment? ✓

Welcome Jared Leto to Quaker town!  Grab your lifetime collection of Oats on the way out and remember to always Dress to Kill.

PHOTO: sewer cap – LA


Since this is the 3rd time we have seen one I’m going on no authority that Jared Leto has begin obsession with sewer-cap/manholes.  (Those with dirty minds can laugh out loud ~ others laugh under breath).
According to the Urban Dictionary:  sewer caps are defined as Large/oversized nipples.  (Is this subliminal in Jared's mind?)

Link Sources to other Sewer/Man hole: 

Photo: man hole - NYC

PHOTO: Tattoo woman


Bold, daring, color corresponding with earrings, and with a smile on her face.  What else is there to say about this women?  

Except.  Wow!

PHOTOS: me + the Pearson sisters – Chateau


Even basic PAINT can get those red-eyes out.
Isn’t that nice that the ladies shared their lipstick with Jared.
Personal Note:  Love the coat. ❤
Wearing a hat indoors?  Is just bad manners.  No matter how much Jared looks good in that (but separate with the coat).
Are we going to add more harpists sound where Tomo can add his violin talent to the next album? (that’s the only connection to Pearson sisters that Google that could clue me in as who they are!).
“Well, this is the elevator to our room…”   What was Jared's next move?

PHOTO: Neil Strauss + Ingrid – Chateau


Hey I didn’t know Howie Mandel had a hot wife….oh!  It’s Neil Strauss.  My bad.
Anyone else want Jared to ask Ingrid how she gets her hair so shiny?
He must have been one great pick-up artist to snag someone like her.  Is the underlined theory is to use the ‘I know Jared Leto baby’ line to hook them?
Meeting the man in person must have been cool since Jared read all his one book.  (March 22, 2011) ~Ahh..Everyone Loves You When You're Dead by @neilstrauss ..and a cup of hot ginger brew  <-------LINK

PHOTO: million dolla’ smile!


Normally I would goof on anything even a persons mother/father, but more what is happening in the photograph.  And again ~ Who is this guy?  So here:

1.  Crap!  Is that Christmas lights up in the background?  Hope it’s around Christmas time.   In California its hard to tell.  #noSnow

2.  I’m sure whoever the hell this guy is ~ he’s laughing because Jared just now understood why they nickname him Spanky.

3.  The 'million dolla’ smile!' label was used once before when distribing Jared with a brownie in his opened mouth.  June 23, 2011.  (Hope it was a brownie).

4.  Is his real first name Walter?  (Comedian Jeff Dunham has a puppet named Walter in his act.)

before taking some happy medication
after taking some happy medication

PHOTO: mom+spanky


Again who is this guy?  When I searched Google for ‘who is spanky in Jared Leto’s photo’ I found more adult sites than ever.

Can’t goof on people I don’t know.

A couple?   Grampa?  Neighbor?  Friend?  

I DO NOT KNOW!  LABELS!  Better LABELS!  (they have caption options!)

PHOTO: smiling momz!


Normally I would goof on anything even a persons mother/father, but more what is happening in the photograph.  So in this case. 

1.  Love its in Black & White because Color would have distracted from the smile.

2.  Is it me or does it look like he’s unaware that she’s moments away from sitting down where a chair might have just once been, but now pulled out of the spot and she’s about to fall flat on her butt?

PHOTO: Me + my Super Agent Mick Sullivan


Oh!  So it’s a Clark Kent and Superman thing.
What does that make Josh Lieberman?  Chop Liver?
Everyone wants to know:  If he pays for dinner does he charge it as a business expense?
So this is the guy Emma has to do battle with.
What happened there Leto?  Camera run out of color photos?
If he was a "Super Agent " wouldn’t he have warned you never to sign with Virgin Records in the 1st place?
No Smiles?  I can't work with anyone who can't even come up with a fake smile.  What kind of agent can't make something fake?

PHOTO: @Terry_world on the street – Paris


What is Terry doing on his phone?

1.  He’s playing ‘Angry Birds’.

2.  Checking out the latest videos on YouTube.

3.  Trying to find a location for a cupcake shop for Jared.

4.  Trying to enter his login and password for the third time. #caseSensitive

5.  Checking out the latest video on RedTube. (dirty version).

6.  Using his calculator feature to see if he paid 15% tip on his meal.

7.  Downloading an App that translates French.

8.  Calling for a cab to ditch Jared.

9.  Text messaging Aubrey to make plans with her later.

10.  Checking to see if any Celebs are in the area to photograph.

11.  Ordering from Itunes.

12.  Buying  a skirt for Jared for Christmas.

13.  Adding notes for his Tell-All book about Jared.

14.  Turning off his lights at his home remotely. (just like the commercial).

15.  Re-watching the uncensored Hurricane video where he has a small cameo in it.  (12:36/37)  blip.  Check it out!

16.  Checking E-Bay sales of latest locks of Jared’s hair that he’s been collecting and selling behind his back.

17.  Searching for a location of a blue door to take photographs of Jared at.

18.  Double checking to see if Jared Leto accepted his Friend request on FaceBook.

19.  He’s using the calculator feature see how many words he can spell out, such as BOOBS (58008) HELLO (Hello.0.7734) and GOOGLE (379009).

PHOTO: Ruby on the catwalk for YSL


I love that pattern and entire outfit. ❤
This is Jared’s chance to trip her.  Just kick out those big boats.
♪♫ Yeah on the cat walk, on the catwalk, yeah, And she'll do her little turn at the end of the catwalk.♪♫   (I'm To Sexy by Right Said Fred goof)
“Hey Ruby!  If you need an escape route there is a door on your right.”
Question:  why do they call it a catwalk?  Answer:  The Runway is called the Catwalk because the models strut with carefree ease.
What's Ruby thinking:  "Right...Left...Right...Left...."

PHOTO: Ruby – Paris


Who is Ruby calling?

1.  Her agent.
2.  Domino's ordering a pizza.  She’s starving!
3.  Checking her credit card balance.

4.  Calling the police because there is paparazzi.
5.  Calling Terry.
6.  Calling her pimp. (say that out of jealously alone)

7.  Calling her fashion designer to complain its cold.
8.  Calling her cigarette supplier and let them know she soon will need another supply.
9.  Calling to find out what time it is.

10.  Calling to make a request on her favorite radio station.
11.  Calling Catherine Bach to thank her for loaning her the Daisy Dukes for the evening.  (Catherine Bach played Daisy Duke on the ‘The Dukes of Hazzard‘)
12.  No one she just enjoys the dial tone.

13.  A Friend, “No really this chick looks just like me, she’s dressed like me, she holding a cig….never mind…it’s just a  window reflection.”
14.  TMZ for them to get the scoop that’s she’s out on the town with someone famous.
15.  The Do-Not-Call office.  (Offers registration for consumers to stop telemarketers from calling.)

16.  Dial-a-Prayer.
17.  Recalling Domino's to see where her food is at.
18.  She’s calling to change her long distance phone service.

19.  Ghostbusters!
20.  The guy who always calls her this late just to breath heavy into the phone and talks dirty to her for $3.99 a minute.
21.  Her psychic.

22.  Her mom telling her she’s safely tucked into bed and not out partying.
23.  Calling in to vote for her favorite American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, and X Factor contestant.
24.  A cab.  She's hungry, bored, and cold.

P.s.  Blue/White/Red is the colors of French Flag.