30 Seconds To Mars DETAILS

Now most of you folks maybe asking yourselves who/what is Thirty Seconds to Mars and let me clue you in with my own opinions. That right even women have them these days…go figure. Ha-ha.

First of all it’s a band involving-at least currently-3 members. Jared, Shannon, and Tomo.

Now before you get too excited it’s not a band with a guy, a girl and their dog named Tomo, but three dudes. Three talented in their own right.

We have Jared Leto, the ring master and lead vocalist of the band, which most of you already recognize the name from his modeling and acting days. Check out the link of his early work….and yes, the ‘My So-Called Life' heartthrob who had to suffer though years of High School troubles who trying not to fall in the lovely red-headed Clair Danes. And in the epic movie ‘Alexander’ where he was the boy toy/love interest of one fricken Hot Colin Farrell. Actually they also stared in ‘Phone Booth’ together too…did you know that?

For the complete list of his films gladly IMDB his page. Don’t be disturbed of some of the questions posted near the bottom telling of sorted love escapades he may/may not have had because they are just disturbing if true.

Then we have Shannon Leto, who is far from girly as girly can get. This is the big bro to Jared and when Jared seems to be in trouble in a thought during an interview or just needs powerful muscle back-up from CRAZYYY fans he’s always there like a big brother should. That relationship proves you can count on Family no matter what the profession.

Let us not forget the cool Croatian cat named Tomo Miličević whose heavy metal hair style is anything, but SEXY. The youngest of the group he has his moments of humor, but seems to just keep quiet, (except when on Twitter HE TALKS LIKE THIS) and meet with fans and do his job as guitarist. The sincerity in his voice as he speaks of his band mates and of the band is clearly heard in every interview.

Now that all introductions are done let the hammer fall.

As a Fan: Thirty Seconds to Mars have created a sound and unique style all their own. With their foundation based on their love of Family, Friends and Music it can clearly a great start in the right direction.

Their acoustic sound will overfill your heart with memories from the past and memories you hope to make in the future.

While the rock side including the visual of the videos and images at the concerts will power up your mind.

And what does one call a Band whose build on a this foundation, whose acoustic sound touches the heart, as the rock side enriches the mind and is around for years to come sharing this magical and rare combo with their fans?


As a Critic: How does one silence the millions and millions of screaming fans inside a performers head? I can, but instead I’ve gone back to my Positive and Creative side and began creating the Caption Funnies to Jared Leto’s collection of Photos from around the World.

Since I never gotten a response from a Tweet from Jared (like OMG! How is he suppose to tweet all 700,000 + people in one day and tour?) about the conflict between their more crazier fans called Echelon Vs. the Regular Fans. To avoid the ’your not a real fan if your not Echelon’ mail ~ I began this Blog.

P.S. If Jared is reading this he really should check into the Rotten apples posting there before it affects the Good Crop.

There is also an advertisement for an Exclusive Book of Photos Jared took during his trip to Haiti and ALL the profits go to charities to help those affected by the quake.

Cheerios might be good for the Heart, but Charity is good for the Soul. Purchase!

Let Us Begin @ the Beginning ~ At least Since April 2011:

Right Click on the Links to open in New Tab or New Window to see Jared Leto's Photograph to each set of Comments & Comment for YourSelf ~ Here & There!



Apparently they are also faded pink as well.
Note to Jared:  Taking a photo of flowers and sending them virtually to your girlfriend isn’t the same thing as the real thing.
What we don’t know:  Jared stopped the wedding ceremony to take a photograph of the bridal bouquet.
FYI:  Roses are only pink when you can’t afford the expensive Red ones.
FYI #2:  Roses are only pink thanks to hybridization techniques. 
Sad:  Jared just now thought of purchasing a gift for Valentine’s Day. #ItsAManThing
Meanings:  Light pink roses are associated with gentleness and admiration, and can also be used as an expression of sympathy.
Art geek fact: Pink roses have even been depicted in some of the earliest known pieces of art.
It's beauty is undeniable, but how does it smell?
Dirty Alert:  Jared is posting Bee Porn.  Ha~ha.
What we don't know:  Jared's cable is out because instead of watching 'Pretty in Pink' for the 400th time he had to go to another source.
Wondering:  What was so wrong Jared couldn't display the first 2 (roses-are-pink) <roses-are-pink-3 in link in the URL>
Does this mean the 'White Rose' Jared showed off earlier finally died?  Click LINK --->White Rose (Previous Photo). My jokes about it here ----> White Rose Funnies



What we don't know:  It was officially Shannon's, but Jared swiped it for himself.
What we wish:  Jared would put it on and see just how good it looked with his poncho and guitar. (Animation of Jared ~ Homemade).

This is proof of Jared's what Once Upon A Time In Mexico helped out the economy by buying this hat. (Once Upon A Time In Mexico movie goof).



What you don’t know:  This photo was taken right after Jared drank down 60 cups of coffee and now he can’t sleep.
Wondering:  Anyone see the potential to be a poster for upcoming movie?  His wife and his best friend….now he’s out for revenge!
Am I alone?  Jared's eyes looked scared, but his lips are a verge of smiling.
Am I still alone?  Having the Triad necklace show up just in that sliver of light would have been badass.
What is Jared thinking:

1.  Is space really the final frontier?
2.  Mmmmmm Pancakes
3.  If I don't move maybe no one will recognize me
4.  Mmmmmm Cupcakes
What Jared doesn't know:  It’s easier to peek through chicks windows if you have binoculars or a telescope.  Or Google Earth.
You know what this means:  Jared can sit still for over a minute.
What we don't know:  Why Jared is sitting there peering through the window is he's watching to see if Shannon or Tomo drinks the non-bottled water knowing what the effects will be.



Wondering:  Is this the cash left on the pillow for the lady?
That is all Jared can afford to exchange?
100 Cien is in US dollars.  Currently is 7.73472 according to http://www.x-rates.com/calculator.html
Oooh!  Looks whose flashing his cash!  
Here is the breakdown if you can read spanish.  http://www.fusioncomunicacion.com.mx/noticias/nacional/banxico-billete-pesos/
Learn something new:  Has the image of Nezahualcoyotl front and back the city of Tenochtitlan
Interested in what the back looks like?  Thanks to Wikipedia:  http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7c/Billete_%24100_Mexico_Tipo_F_Reverso.jpg

Look what Terry just sent me. #Terrywood 2/24/12


Terry Wood?  Dang I’ve been calling him Terry Richardson all this time.
Is that a sign for what Terry wishes he had or what he does have? #thinkDirty
I knew that sign was sign was for sale to anyone with big bucks.
At an art gallery promo I preferred an image over words.
What you don’t know:  Terry World and Terry Universe was already taken.
It was better than the original sign idea.



What we didn't find out:  Jared never corrected her by telling her that that particular tatatoo was on the wrong wrist.
I give her credit for not contributing to the obesity in this country.
Nice to see  Kim Kardashian finding a way to get over her divorce to Kris Humphries.
What Jared couldn’t translate: ¿Estás listo para "darle vida a usted"? (Are you ready to “pump you up”?) Hanz and Franz Saturday Night Live sketch.
What we didn't know:  When Jared needs to kick Shannon’s ass she’s his go to person.
It seems The P90X® worked for someone!  (The P90X® workout program).
That is the muscles Madonna should have been trying for.
What Jared regrets:  Not asking her to bench press him a few times.
What we didn't know:  Jared asked to feel her muscle and in return she asked to do the same.  #ThinkDirty



Looks like the poor man’s Clarence Clemons, but still alive!  (Bruce Springsteen’s sax player)
Check-it-out!  His socks transform into a beaded seat cover when he leaves in his car.
Awkward:  Looks more like trash than cash in his case.
Dude, pick up your mail on the stoop.
New sound for the new album?  #Idea
Jared only stopped because it’s known he like a little sax once in a while.  Ha~ha.
Hair?  What happened there?  Did he go for the Marshawk and change his mind?
Rude:  This may not have been what Jared meant when he asked the man to ‘blow it while he took a photo’. (Get it?) #ThinkDirty
What Jared doesn't know:  The guy is just waiting for a locksmith to get him inside.
Rude:  This is what happens when your old.  You get the wrong message from the wife.  She told him he can go blow it out your ass.
Some perform with guitars and some with saxophones.  Hope he won over his girlfriend.
What Jared doesn't know:  He's saving up for a hat to pass.
Seems Jared found former President Bill Clinton still working his other craft.
If you can read this ➘~ you can be a saxophone player! 



If this is for Jared only to get attention please revisit my blog page about the RANT.  Found here. ➔ RANT
Wow!  It seems Shannon is rubbing off on Jared’s photographic style.  Remember these? #self portrait

Sad that in Mexico Jared has no Friends around to take his photo so he has to do it for himself.
REALLY?  It’s Valentine’s Day and Jared couldn’t find anything love related to post…oops it seems he did. (Get it?)  
Oldest Question in Time:  To Smile or not even to crack a ½ Smile.
Ha~ha.  Jared framed himself.
Top Model reference:  Tyra Banks would be so proud that Jared is Smizing!  (smile with your eyes)
“Mirror Mirror on the Wall…”
Wonder:  How do we really know this was taken in Mexico?
Attention:  Paparazzi?…Paparazzi for one?
Turn in next year for Jared’s ‘Self portraits from around the Globe’.  If it’s for charity it might be an #Idea.
Remember:  If your famous and in Mexico it’s always nice to have a current photograph of yourself if your ever kidnapped.
Check-it-out!  Jared posted an ad from Abercrombie & Fitch.  What?  He didn't?  You sure?
Questions:  Why does Jared have that right out of the shower or pool look where your face is white, tight and eyes pop out clear as day?  Am I the only one who thinks that?
Weird Question:  Why if you zoom up only on his face that it appears older than the rest of his body?
Never thought I’d ask in real life question:  Do you think Jared ever talks to himself in the mirror when he takes photos like that?  “Hey handsomewhose the hottie of the day?….shake that thing honey!
Jared’s dream job Question:  Anyone else get the creepy feeling that Jared ~if he could~ would be on the other side of the mirrors in chicks changing rooms in this same camera pose?
Obvious question:  Has Jared met a mirror he didn’t like what he saw in it?



Question:  Is Jared running out of photographs for this sight or just bowing down to the power of the Echelon?  Who in my OWN opinion is making fun of his photographs, but in a mild way.  Next they will gather their forces to post pictures of Trees, Churches and strange food.  Enjoy that! ☆

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: holy f’ing popcorn tub!!!


♪♫ Someone’s eyes are bigger than his stomach. ♪♫
I'll accept Delicious & Nutritious?, but Nutricious?  Na.
Please tell me that is a ‘Free Sample’ size.
What Jared doesn’t realize:  It says Pop Corn for a reason not Shovel in your mouth Corn.
How many starving children can that amount save?
What Jared doesn’t know:  It’s really empty.
What Jared doesn’t know:  Shannon removed the popcorn and replaced it with cotton candy.
What we don’t know:  At that angle Jared just saw the little person that was suppose to pop out and surprise him for his birthday.
What Jared doesn't know:  That’s not butter dripping down on the popcorn.
Question:  Is Jared able to use the extras he doesn’t eat into Popcorn Pancakes? #Idea
I remember this!  This is the toast Jared gave at Orville Redenbacher's funeral service.
Question:  Wouldn’t it be simpler for Jared to use his hat as a bowl to eat the popcorn?
What you don’t know:  If you think that’s impressive wait until you see the Soda and Milk Duds
That what Jared gets for ordering a ’large’ popcorn. #SometimesSizeMatters
What Jared doesn’t know:  He could have been having a Jolly Time instead.  (Jolly Time is another brand name popcorn).
Sadly, it seems Jared’s popcorn addiction has even bigger than anyone thought. #Rehab
Wondering:  Just how big is that microwave to pop all that?
Seems Jared has finally found a benefit of shopping at Sam’s Club.  #BuyInBulk
Sadly Jared didn't remember:  National Popcorn Day is celebrated at the end of January not in February. :-(



FYI:  If Jared put his feet up on that middle console like that I would smash his feet.
Well, I guess we don’t have to really start worrying about Jared until he puts tissue boxes on his feet. #HowardHughesSlipplySlope
Who knew:  When you reach the top of the world you get to wear slippers after climbing for so long.
Which to do you favor?  Slippers with or Slippers without socks.  #QuestionAnswered
Anyone else waiting for the ‘Robe & Slippers’ Photos? 
Someone forgot to separate his whites and his colors again in the wash.  Ha~ha.
Place your bets:  Jared has the matching set in glove form of the socks.
Decide:  Do you like these socks with the slippers or the argyle socks with them back in the STUDIO shot?   March 28, 2011 ➔ Jared chilling in his studio 
Ha~ha.  When Jared sits down his pants turn into highwater pants.
Objects are larger than they appear…or does Jared just have big feet? 
Attachment to above comment:   You know what they say about a man with big feet…so (fingers crossed) that it’s true.
How does he do it?:  Travel outside the house and they are still so clean to wear.
Wondering:  Does Jared always sit on the hump seat?  #middleSeat
Oh!  Look whose too good to wear the regular white, Hanes, men’s socks.  #sarcasm
Wondering:  Is Jared in the middle back seat because like babies it’s the safest place to be?
Seems Jared forgot to call ‘Shotgun’ when approaching the car.
Maybe Jared should tell Kris-Van-Assche should make slippers instead of shoes because they are the future of Rock n' Rollers.
Awkward:  Jared has to go around in slippers because big bro Shannon swipes his cool shoes for his collection. #ShoeJunkie
I never knew:  When Jared Runs for the Border it’s done in slippers. #Mexico

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO – JAPAN: self-portrait in tokyo



Sure I can always leave goofs like how Jared’s purse is sitting on the bed or how ask why does he have the newspaper opened when he can always search for news on his computer right in front of him, but sometimes its okay to RANT.

IT IS A MIRROR!  Again with everyone (mostly everyone) commenting on how HOT/SEXY/LICKABLE Jared is you’d think it was time he remove himself from looking at himself in the mirror and just believe in all the comments.

Oh!  And thanks for the Apple promotion, but as it appears to many unaware most computers have a webcam attachment in them.  So why is Jared again wasting his time taking a camera shot of himself (or himself in a shot with someone <more or equally> as famous as himself) when he could just run video?

Ran it before with a YouTube clip that made him sound sincere and in a good mood.  LINKJared Leto, Helsinki, Finland 2010 

Also we know he is capable to post videos to his blog because of the promotion of the ‘Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ trailer, the debacle of the Nirvana tribute video, the MTV unplugged Special (which I can’t still view for some reason), and the latest Haiti videos clips.

So if this photograph is reference also to the more reserved for comments on his hairdo then Jared has certainly lost perspective that it was never about the hair.  Up, down, bald and mishmash of colors, long, short, rattail, mullet….it was never about the hair.  Image comes with the hair.  And didn’t Jared once ever say it’s never about how the band looks, but it’s about how 30 Seconds to Mars sound? #TooManyQuotesSoLittleTime2Look4It

The band wasn’t about doing the corporate thing (remember the lawsuit!), but creating music and performing and suffering though all the promoting for the fans called Echelon, remember?

The fact that Jared can’t save these ‘reflections’ collection type photograph for when he writes the ‘tell all’ on the road book then it tells me Jared has become a junkie to the fame.  A junkie that is hooked on needing that photographic fix even if its by his own hand.

Wouldn't it have been a little better idea to turn a ‘self-portrait’ into a ‘group shot’ of all Shannon, Jared and Tomo just to remind fans/Echelon that even in the most exciting times on stage a photograph of a simple shot just sitting at a vanity/dresser mirror together can be just as thrilling?

As much as I personally appreciate the change from a door, a church or food items to photograph real Family and Friends the reality is that I can get a photograph of Jared through many magazines (solo like the Shannon and Tomo refuses to be seen with him or was never asked) and through his ‘Uncle Terry’ nearly once a month.  

If this was to be a sincere photograph to let fans, Echelon and strangers see Jared as he sees himself then it missed the mark.

When he has to hold the camera with all the extras, such as, the computer, his hat, the ‘I’m smart I read the newspaper too’ paper, got my nail polish touched up (minus left index finger), the Triad’s is clearly seen (tattoo & merch necklace one) and try to make it artsy by a reflection in a mirror pose then it embraces a set-up feel to it.

If Jared set the camera timer and was just sitting on a bed (in any body expression he chooses) to get the photo then it might have been a greater impact that it was 100% genuine.  #Idea



Wondering:  Why is Shannon hiding out in a rabbit head? #Kink?
Please let Tomo know that if having a beard won't work neither will wearing the bunny head distract away from his zits.
What is this the remake of Donnie Darko? #movie
Starting to understand the reason for the over population in Japan. #multiplyLikeRabbits
I bet:  Jared now regrets ordering the Carrot Cake for desert moments earlier.
Worse bank robbery disguise EVER!
Question:  Why is the ‘rabbit’ wearing a trench coat?  #Flasher
Don’t know what that dog is selling, but so cute I’m buying!  (Unless it's a meal poster).
Yes, I always go to Japan wishing for a Hawaiian meal. #sarcasm
Don't trust signs:  Which meal is the bunny?
How much is 980 yen worth in us dollars?  Answer:  About 12 bucks!  Mmmmmm (680 on the table ~ 9 bucks)
Waffles!  Waffles!?  I thought Jared was a PANCAKE man.



Wondering:  Is this what coffee overload looks like?
Wondering:  Was their something ’special’ in his coffee this morning. #booze
Wondering:  Why is Shannon smiling while being stuck in a subway? (that don't have meatball subs!)  Get it?
Wondering:  Why does it look like Jared just shared a dirty joke with Shannon?
Wondering:  What happened to their other ‘Friend’ (you know the one with the mullet).
Thumbs up, Peace, Peace….which one of these finger gestures don’t belong?
Wondering:  Does this guy look like he's playing along because he doesn't want to get robbed?
Wondering:  Why is the guy in the background seem like he's fixing his hair to be in the photo?
Wondering:  Why is this guy a 'Friend' when clearly 30STM promotes that everyone is 'Family'.  What did he do to get downgraded?



What can I goof about these photos that everyone already haven't mentioned?  Oh!  How about "perhaps Jared should investing time in women-hole orgies." (any country of his choice).

MTV Buzzworthy – Star Spotting: Jared Leto Shows Us How To Have Fun


What is wrong with this article?

1.  Law & Order reruns Kick Ass compared to many of the recent shows on television.

2.  Why add his age?  Those around the same age with less exciting lives don’t need to be reminded of it.

3.  If their was some mud wrestling, jello shots drinking and/or several little people around dressed in costumes THEN it will be a crazy party!

4.  You raise him up, but then insult his clothing style.  Nice back-handed comment.

5.  No comment of there is no babes for this “babetastic” guy anywhere in the photo.

6.  Using Jared as filler when MTV’s pages are slim on real music news.


What is right with this article?

1.  A photograph.

2.  Links to the OUTERNET site.

3.  “reminded us that hot famous people can pretty much get away with anything”



When you want to write that novel of your life...please use paper and not the back of a Friend next time.
What Jared doesn’t know:  It translates into ‘if your reading this baby were in the wrong position.’.
Some use words and other use photos.
What Jared doesn't know:  He usually goes around shirtless so others can read his back.
What I know:  It’s a mother just to read people comments on shirts…how long am I suppose to follow this guy to read what’s on his back?
Sponsorship advertisement for a music career really has gotten personal!  #EatAtJoe’s
Miyavi's back tattoo: The Heart Sutra, in its Japanese form (the Hannya Shingyo) is often chanted by Zen groups before and/or after a meditation sitting. Source:  http://secretwish0.tripod.com/id3.html  
QUESTION:  If he forgets a line and a mirror how is going to read it on his back?
Wondering:  Does this make Jared a pussy for using more symbols in his art than text in his tats?  (No!).



Is Jared sure he's not in the naughty part of town?
Hey Lex Luthor here's a way to confuse Superman!



Thinking:  This would have been a great game of ‘Name the item their selling to win a prize’ game.  I was able to get 4 out of 5!  It’s almost like they are in American too!



Confirmed:  No you can’t do that on that street.  #TakeAShit



Save yourself a lot of captions by just watching 'Adult Swim' at night.



Someone taking a leisure stroll at sunset…alone…Sad.
Rumor busted:  Miami is a fast-paced place for nightlife.  #NoOneAround
Wondering:  Where is Will Smith?  Does he really ‘Welcome you to Miami’?  (song goof)