30 Seconds To Mars DETAILS

Now most of you folks maybe asking yourselves who/what is Thirty Seconds to Mars and let me clue you in with my own opinions. That right even women have them these days…go figure. Ha-ha.

First of all it’s a band involving-at least currently-3 members. Jared, Shannon, and Tomo.

Now before you get too excited it’s not a band with a guy, a girl and their dog named Tomo, but three dudes. Three talented in their own right.

We have Jared Leto, the ring master and lead vocalist of the band, which most of you already recognize the name from his modeling and acting days. Check out the link of his early work….and yes, the ‘My So-Called Life' heartthrob who had to suffer though years of High School troubles who trying not to fall in the lovely red-headed Clair Danes. And in the epic movie ‘Alexander’ where he was the boy toy/love interest of one fricken Hot Colin Farrell. Actually they also stared in ‘Phone Booth’ together too…did you know that?

For the complete list of his films gladly IMDB his page. Don’t be disturbed of some of the questions posted near the bottom telling of sorted love escapades he may/may not have had because they are just disturbing if true.

Then we have Shannon Leto, who is far from girly as girly can get. This is the big bro to Jared and when Jared seems to be in trouble in a thought during an interview or just needs powerful muscle back-up from CRAZYYY fans he’s always there like a big brother should. That relationship proves you can count on Family no matter what the profession.

Let us not forget the cool Croatian cat named Tomo Miličević whose heavy metal hair style is anything, but SEXY. The youngest of the group he has his moments of humor, but seems to just keep quiet, (except when on Twitter HE TALKS LIKE THIS) and meet with fans and do his job as guitarist. The sincerity in his voice as he speaks of his band mates and of the band is clearly heard in every interview.

Now that all introductions are done let the hammer fall.

As a Fan: Thirty Seconds to Mars have created a sound and unique style all their own. With their foundation based on their love of Family, Friends and Music it can clearly a great start in the right direction.

Their acoustic sound will overfill your heart with memories from the past and memories you hope to make in the future.

While the rock side including the visual of the videos and images at the concerts will power up your mind.

And what does one call a Band whose build on a this foundation, whose acoustic sound touches the heart, as the rock side enriches the mind and is around for years to come sharing this magical and rare combo with their fans?


As a Critic: How does one silence the millions and millions of screaming fans inside a performers head? I can, but instead I’ve gone back to my Positive and Creative side and began creating the Caption Funnies to Jared Leto’s collection of Photos from around the World.

Since I never gotten a response from a Tweet from Jared (like OMG! How is he suppose to tweet all 700,000 + people in one day and tour?) about the conflict between their more crazier fans called Echelon Vs. the Regular Fans. To avoid the ’your not a real fan if your not Echelon’ mail ~ I began this Blog.

P.S. If Jared is reading this he really should check into the Rotten apples posting there before it affects the Good Crop.

There is also an advertisement for an Exclusive Book of Photos Jared took during his trip to Haiti and ALL the profits go to charities to help those affected by the quake.

Cheerios might be good for the Heart, but Charity is good for the Soul. Purchase!

Let Us Begin @ the Beginning ~ At least Since April 2011:

Right Click on the Links to open in New Tab or New Window to see Jared Leto's Photograph to each set of Comments & Comment for YourSelf ~ Here & There!

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Chloe + @ WallisAnnabelle hiking – LA


What is the deal with hiking in California?  Go to a more mountainous place if you really want a hiking thrill.  In the past we had Terry hiking in Runyon Canyon, Chloe and Robert hiking, a Malibu hike, Emma hiking and hiked in the Hollywood Hills.  Like the time you all went hiking in the alps.
Technically they are hugging up on each other and not hiking.
Hallmark movie of the week moment:  Is this the last photo we see of Chloe right before she 'accidently' was pushed down the hillside for the insurance money?



Yea, we were due another SUNSET photo:  (Were just missing the location this time.)

  • 6-15-2011-Emma-me-and-a-sunset-in-OZ
  • 6-18-2011-Oman Sunset
  • 10-2-2011-Sunset in Hamburg
  • 12-25-2011-NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: sunset – Planet Earth
  • 2-1-2012 Miami Sunset
  • 2-13-2012-Sunset Photo Flash - Round 1 from around the World
  • 7-18-2012-Sunset in San Fran

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Found a bra on the street. Uh…


It must have been some party to have it spill out into the street!
Interesting:  No less than 20 videos appear on YouTube when you type in Jared Leto and Bra.
Wondering:  If Jared had to follow a trail to find the woman who was loosing all her clothes.
LOL:  Read the tag and see if she wrote her name and number inside.  I put my e-mail address and name in mine.  Just for fun.
Now we know:  This is the downside of being a creature of the night.  You transform either into a bat and loose your clothes or loose your clothes because your SH&^* faced drunk and they are holding the 'girls' back.
To Tomo:  Just fess up man!  Tell them it fell out of your suitcase.  (Now you can either take that as Tomo dresses in women's clothes or its his wives as a remember me item.  It's up to you.)



Decide: Do you like these socks with the slippers or the argyle socks with them back in the STUDIO shot? March 28, 2011 ➔ Jared chilling in his studio
To find more jokes about SOCKS & Slippers Go to earlier Blog page found at this link ---> NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO – MEXICO: slipperz  
Check-It-Out!  It's from the Smurf meets Abby Cadabby fashions!  (Abby is a Sesame Street character)
Wondering:  Which foot suffered minor injuries at the Taste of Chaos tour stop in El Paso, Texas?
The only Socks that is way more interesting than Jared's is Socks Clinton-Currie (March 23, 1989 – February 20, 2009) was the pet cat of U.S. President Bill Clinton's family during his presidency.


NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: EMI sues 30 Seconds For 30 Million – editing @ArtifactTheFilm


It is literally 2 A.M. here on the East Coast as I type this and I should be in bed and not updating this Blog, but I continue if only to get to this photograph.


There is a simple message that should go with this photograph and it is

Stop the editing!  Stop telling us your editing!  It's like telling those who tracked to Canada to see the viewed the 21 minutes plus Artifact movie that it was just a preview to something greater.
We all know the story!  We know this is a unique battle of David and Goliath proportions where somehow 30 Seconds To Mars come out on top not needing to supply the entire amount and yet resign with the same company that screwed them over in the first place.  What?
Jared.  If you weren't ready with the finished project that lets you say 'this is it' then you shouldn't have tried to rush a sample through just to have it shown at the TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival).
It's like creating a song that was popular and then re releasing it again with a new drum interpretation and more of a club style tune.  Oh!  That's right you've already done it.  Shannon's Remix.

Saying ~ sure the song was great as it was, but how about tweaking it to sound like this ~ and buy the new single as well as watch another version with additions and subtractions of Artifact that weren't seen at the TIFF.
Your mistake wasn't in the fact that you wanted to do it, but in the fact that there was so much material that you never really sorted through to add to this documentary. 
You can't change things up and expect people to continue to be happy with every version they they may or may not have seen.
I saw the documentary a year ago via the web and I saw nothing that screams 'REDO'.  Jared put a period at the end of this project and move on to the other because no one likes to feel foolish for believing in a project whose producer can't believe it in the first place by stopping.



WHAT!?  First of all when one mentions ART and has the dough to buy and have snooty Friends over to share in a piece of ART one always say, 'This is Antony Micallef' not 'My Antony Micallef' because the artist is for all to enjoy not just the one who bought the art piece.  More exact one calls the piece of ART by the artists label or rendering of its name not by the artist.  That come under the second line.

"This is favorite piece in the house called _____________."
"OH!  Yes, whose is the Artist?"

Also no one likes people who can't caption a photo of the name of the piece but only by its artist.  It's like you to don't know what the heck it is.  Do we squint to see the picture?  Stare at it and wait for it to appear?  Is it a face?

Though it was smart that Jared began collection this guys early works (he's a newbie) just to have some pieces to have in his portfolio for later.



What you might not know:  Jared was in the same position while doing vocals for the last 30 Seconds To Mars album.
Now we can clearly see that Jared has upgraded his ear plugs for ear phones.
What you may not know:  That's Jared's 'What do you mean do a retake?' stare down.



What no one understands:  Even Jared has fallen on bad times where he couldn't pay his light bill that month.  Ha~ha.
First look:  It's an Awesome shot.  Second look:  Na.  Could have been a little lighting adjustment better.
When you fix the lighting:  Jared appears to be wearing headphones that could double as Princess Leia in Star Wars.
Third Look:  Now it looks like he's some perv hiding in the shadows waiting to peek into someone's windows.  #TotalFAIL



Sadly:  The reason for the swarm of flies are the organic food that is being left out.
WOW!  Someone has to seriously hire or fire his maid service.
Could be worse:  Could have fleas.
OH!  Someone post other animal noises on his other CD's, but is
prejudiced against a swarm of flies?
Jared:  I'm thinking the words SWEET DREAMS won't be appreciated with those guys keeping you up all night.
Which would you rather?  Have a swarm of Echelon or a swarm of Flies?



What Jared doesn't know:  AJ is taking photos of the babes on the beach in
their bikinis on his dime.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~What AJ doesn't know:  He doesn't need FLASH outside in the bright sunshine.
What AJ doesn't know:  He's going to miss the best shot when that wave comes up and sweeps that house away.
What AJ is thinking:  Button.....filter...focus.....a little more focus....
What AJ doesn't know:  That stand is highly inappropriate for that size camera.  (Note if he lifts his foot ~ it's over!)

Via @ SamaritanMag – “Jared Leto Photographs Hardship And Hope In Haiti For Charity Book”


Taking nothing from the Humanitarian or Charity aspect of this book (as stated in my opening statement on this very Blog before the funnies) but perhaps Jared should take his talents on the road again instead of a tour and hit up other countries such as JAPAN who could also benefit from aid from a famous celebrity.

Yes, I know about the back story that Jared (and Shannon) once liked in Haiti.  But Loss and Devastation knows no border or needs no back story to need help from the popular people.



Background on the band Pussy Riot:  Pussy Riot is a Russian feminist punk-rock collective based in Moscow. Founded in August 2011, it consists of approximately 12 members, who wear brightly colored balaclavas and use only nicknames during interviews.   On August 17, 2012, the three members were convicted of hooliganism, and each was sentenced to two years imprisonment.

Background on Madonna:  A woman from the 80's who lost her spart when Lady Gaga went over the top and grabbed her attention and now does anything to gain press to help support her career.

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Dr Greenwood gives a young scientist some tech advice – The Hive


Wait-A-Minute!:  I've never seen a degree attached to Robert or even any diploma that he's a Nerd/Techy.
What Jared doesn't know:  Dr. Greenwood is sharing his favorite websites that helps display the human sexuality of women.  Also know as PORN.
"Now, if you want another check mark and become employee of the month on the board then you best laugh at all my jokes and make me some coffee."
"Dude, I have a shirt just like that!  I swiped it from Shannon."



“This is 30 Seconds To Mars Headquarters….are you happy with your taste in music?”
Sad:  This place really would get happier workers if it was more set up like Google or Facebook offices.  #Idea

What Jared doesn’t know:  Everyone is playing Angry Birds when he’s not around.
What Jared doesn’t understand:  Why his Skype bill is so large.

If it gets too big we can call Billy the Exterminator to take care of it.  (TV Show Goof)
I do have some bug spray that can kill off the Hive before it gets out of hand. (bug joke)

Me at home — New photos from @Terry_World


Photo #1

Mr. President. This is how we gang sign in Malibu.”
So you were to busy to attend my fundraiser, but not Jay Z’s?”
You really should watch that diet Mr. President.”
You know my Friend Tomo has a face similar to yours.” (photo of Tomo in an Obama mask giving the finger.)
I’m not really a BEER guy, but I will share a glass of white wine with you anytime.”
“This is the secret Echelon hand sign.”
I still believe in Santa and you Mr. President.”
“Let’s talk about you joining us on the Beard brigade.”

Photo #2

Damn it Shan I‘m really think I was allergic to something in that take-out.”
You think this is big…you should see something else!”
“Something’s different….dang its on the tip of my tongue….no don’t tell me…I’ll remember.”
Question: Is this the window that Google Earth took a photo of that Echelon pass around being able to peek in to see the K?
Sad: Jared picked up the MTV awards after they discontinued playing music videos.
WOW! Jared had his tongue piece with the MTV logo.
What I guess: Shannon gets the left side the side of the table and Healthy Jared’s stuff is kept to the right. (Doritos!)
OH! Now we now why Jared has reached close to a million followers.

Photo #3

Request: Don’t use that hand gesture with that gag tongue please. Or just insert a set of apples because that’s what it appears to be happening. #ItsKillingMyFantasy

Photo #4

Dude, that is no HAPPY MEAL without the fries, drink with it. I mean there is a plus that the TOY is with the burger in the shot. Ha~ha.
That’s a green screen that transports Vegan’s (still?) nightmares for all to see.
That’s a movie poster behind JaredWhen Burgers Attack’ with the tag line ~ We Will Meat Again.
From Memory: Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun.
OMG! Someone tell Jared not to turn around!

Photo #5

Could be worse: We could find Jared sleeping on a park bench outdoors.
OMG! Is that a photo of the thumbs up ‘Like’ button from Facebook Jared is blocking? Ha~ha.
Nice: Jared is supporting against Cancer with his pinkish shoes….please wear your purple~ish ones for this months Alzheimer’s support.
OMG! #2: Is it really possible that Jared CAN SIT STILL for a moment without working?



With Jared's unknown and known wildside this isn't the image I was expecting.  #FACT



I love those programs that can be created like Mad Lips.

We are so very proud that ARTIFACT has won the (insert event here)


*People’s Choice Award


*Academy Award for short film

*Oscar for short film

This is so far beyond any expectation we ever had. (Really? I mean the push to VOTE for it might have sent it to first place?)

This film is so personal and has been such a labor of love. (It was a 20 minute video! How much love is there on that? And getting another award on top of that?)

Thank you so much to every single person (Note he didn’t mention Echelon “The Family” just everyone even if they were strangers on the street that were there to watch a show that fan girls were buzzing about).  who voted and gave us (Oh! So he is recognize there is more than just him in the band. Yea! Shannon and Tomo gets a shout out! Finally!) this (insert adjective here)




*barely credible




Photo #1

Wondering: Didn’t Jared believe the waitress when she told him the meal will make him feel like his ass would be on fire later?
Waitress: What part of HOT PLATE didn’t you understand when you ordered?
AWESOME: Jared cleaned his plate clean.
Confused: I thought Red Bull gave you wings and not being sent to a place surrounded by fire.
Wondering: Is the Devil in the details or sitting at that table?
LOL!: Many say Jared is gifted ~ why not mystical as well?
OMG! They are eating at a place where they cook the lobsters right in the tank?
Scared: If Jared is possessed shouldn’t someone think ahead and remove that knife from his reach?
LOL! #2: Someone asked Jared for a light for their cigarette and as normal Jared goes over the top by showing off.

Photo #2

Wondering: If Jared is going to keep wearing lifts in his shoes how are the reporters suppose to know which is the BIG bother?
What we don’t know: Jared isn’t listening to the question. He’s too busy checking out her body.
Jared is thinking:Damn Shan I was going to wear the hat tonight.”
Discussed earlier: Hey Shan why don’t you stand next to me so we can pretend to be Siamese twins?
Jared is thinking: “Ask about the beards!”
Wondering: Did the reporters ever confuse Shannon for the director over Jared?

Photo #3

Interesting: There is a lot of people there to watch a 20 minute extended video that I watched when someone posted a year ago and then again on YouTube couple days ago. #JustSaying

Photo #4

Jared Leto "We're not anti corporation, we're not anti company. We're anti-greed."

I call BullSh*T! If they are anti-greed then Jared wouldn’t complain on his Twitter

Then there is the anti-greed of posting every other month for a deal to MERCH on his Twitter. The company line is SELL, SELL, SELL. Why aren’t they happy with only selling their CD’s and T-Shirts? Instead you get to purchase everything from jewelry, wristbands, fortune cookies, and even posters from when you attending one of their shows.

Just because you want to look good by posting an item whose proceeds go to charity doesn’t mean your not labeled as greedy.

Also what about being Anti-greed when it comes to contests and asking the Echelon to ‘VOTE!’ for them even if they aren’t on the ballot. You know other bands work their butts off to get nominated and want to win, but again when the message goes out guess what happens?

Not Anti-greed, but you create a project that comes with a charge (VyRT) and not even give the first taste for free. Why couldn’t the company kick in for the first show? Or the 300th show view so EVERYONE could enjoy the Special moment?

Photo #5

Never goof on Echelon.

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Malibu w/ Babu and friends


What Jared doesn’t know: There is only one ‘Friend’ in that photo with Babu.
What we don’t know: Jared’s other ‘Friends’ are still hiding in their game of Hide & Go Seek.
Wondering: Is Jared trying to locate the perfect spot for a douche commercial staring Babu & his Friend? (running through the wheat field)
What we know: Babu and this Friend likes to stay on the right path in this world.



Putting Words in Shannon Leto's Mouth Game

"Dude!  Your so BUSTED!  I'm telling MOM!"
"I know that Dude!"
"Next year this will be so us playing!"
"Bro!  Quick!  Pull my finger!"
"You know better!  We don't advertise for free.  Let me first turn my hat around."
"You trimmed your beard.....not cool bro.  We said we would let them grow wild."
"What are you doing with my phone?"
"You better not post those photos on Facebook!"
"Is that my leather jacket your wearing?"

New photos from our friend @Terry_World!!


Photo #1

Welcome. I am Jar~ed. I will be the wise sage today.

Photo #2

You may notice that I resemble the most wise person in my family. Yes, the bun gives it away. I’m talking about my grandmother.

Photo #3

Today we will make the Wonder Woman pose and do some TRUST FALLS.

Photo #4

You failed to catch me. Don’t you know what TRUST FALLS ARE???? *Breathe*

Photo #5

Terry is here to show you about Trust Falls. You get behind a man, like this, and then he gives you a thumbs up when he's ready and you give a thumbs up when your ready for him to fall back into your arms and he gives another thumbs up confirming that he knows your ready.

Photo #6

And when you do it right I send you along your way with some AWESOME artwork, like these, to put on your wall next to your certificate that you’ve achieved enlightenment.

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Look who I found at @ HARDFEST.. @ ShannonLeto!!


LOL!  Shannon Leto....Shannon Leto.....I should know that name.....Shannon....OH!  SHANNON LETO!
Big Brother Alert:  It's it a shame that Jared can't go out without a babysitter?
Wondering:  Which is the designated driver for the night?
What we don't know:  Shannon and Jared both told Tomo that they were sick and couldn't hang out with him that night.  #BUSTED.
What you don't know:  Jared and Shannon had implanted tracking devices on each other so they don't get stolen by other bands.
LOL! #2: Worst Double Date Ever!
What you don't know:  Jared just needed Shannon around for when it comes to the mosh pit time.
No Fair!:  How are all the other men going to pick up chick when the LETO BROTHERS are around?



Wondering:  Is Jared getting that Old Loving Feeling for a certain hairstyle that he's long replaced?  Maybe it's time for the Mars-Hawk to come back.... #Idea make it a Beard-Hawk.  Ha~ha.

Editors Note:  I like Jared's hair anyway he wants to style it.  It's about the Music.



What Jared doesn't know:  The kid is going to be busted when his parents find out he took his kid brother to HARDFEST.
What Jared doesn't know:  This guys worried that while he's styling ~ Jared would be stealing his look for the next tour/video.
What Jared doesn't know:  That's the very same look this guy gives his mom when she catches him in the middle of watching porn.
What Jared doesn't know:  This guy has been 'tripping out' on mushrooms since 4 am and he's wondering if Jared is his hook up guy or not.
What Jared doesn't know:  This guy is in shock because he could have sworn he saw a dude that looked so much like him that he could be his older brother.  (Shannon is there).

Me + @ Soledad_OBrien at the #DNC2012


WOW!  Jared looks like the Cardboard Cut-Out I have of him here at home.....what?  That's the real him?  Are you sure?  I mean digital photos do look realistic now a days.....hum....wow.  Really?  And he's not photo shopped into the photograph?  WOW!  OMG!



What Jared doesn't know:  Skeletor  loves a good outdoor jam.  (He-Man villian).
What Jared found out:  Outdoor events do NOT equal people caring to shower before hand.
The hidden surprise:  His face looks exactly the same underneath if someone removes it.
What Jared doesn't know:  It's his disguise for when he tries to rob drunk music lovers in the parking lot later.
Extreme:  This guy is wearing that because he had a cold sore on his lip.

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET VIDEO: #DNC2012 – @ JoeBiden finishing up


I don't need to watch the video to know that Joe Biden is finishing up (HIS TERM IN OFFICE AS VICE PRESIDENT) #FACT



Well, I see there are no "Daddy Issues" here.  So let's move on.  #Sarcasm
Seriously, could someone tell me what Tara Reid is doing at HardFest?
Someone forgot the 'Respect' part.  (PLUR is an acronym that stands for "Peace Love Unity Respect")
Wow!  Is that Frances Bean Cobain?  (Courtney Love Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain's)

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET VIDEO: President Clinton at #DNC2012


Again, I did not go to YouTube, download the video, watch the video or really want to comment on what Jared forgot to mention that he was not PRESIDENT, but FORMER PRESIDENT Clinton.  The other difference?  I'm telling the truth about what I did.  (I did not have sexual relations with that woman Clinton quote).

PS?  If you do watch/download the video there is a 'That's my Big Bill' comment given by Jared at the end.



Wondering:  Was she part of the orginaial 'Were 'It’s not lime it’s neon green' group? #MatchingHeadbands
Shocked:  Is this the type of women Jamie is pulling down these days?



MERCH ALERT!  2nd of the night, but she also is sporting the Triad necklace.  Someone is going to sleep happy tonight knowing he's raking in the dough.
Wondering:  Hey!  Didn't Jared mention that he "lost" his Triad necklace.  #NoFingerPointing



Here a fun thing to do with this photo.  Just stare at it and you'll swear the moon is moving around the square.  #Illusion.
Also there better be no complaining when God sends you a spotlight to help you see the show better.



I didn't know who this kid was ~ does that make me Hip or Cool?
So this who Jared turns too when Justin Bieber  refuses to return his calls.  Ha~ha.