30 Seconds To Mars DETAILS

Now most of you folks maybe asking yourselves who/what is Thirty Seconds to Mars and let me clue you in with my own opinions. That right even women have them these days…go figure. Ha-ha.

First of all it’s a band involving-at least currently-3 members. Jared, Shannon, and Tomo.

Now before you get too excited it’s not a band with a guy, a girl and their dog named Tomo, but three dudes. Three talented in their own right.

We have Jared Leto, the ring master and lead vocalist of the band, which most of you already recognize the name from his modeling and acting days. Check out the link of his early work….and yes, the ‘My So-Called Life' heartthrob who had to suffer though years of High School troubles who trying not to fall in the lovely red-headed Clair Danes. And in the epic movie ‘Alexander’ where he was the boy toy/love interest of one fricken Hot Colin Farrell. Actually they also stared in ‘Phone Booth’ together too…did you know that?

For the complete list of his films gladly IMDB his page. Don’t be disturbed of some of the questions posted near the bottom telling of sorted love escapades he may/may not have had because they are just disturbing if true.

Then we have Shannon Leto, who is far from girly as girly can get. This is the big bro to Jared and when Jared seems to be in trouble in a thought during an interview or just needs powerful muscle back-up from CRAZYYY fans he’s always there like a big brother should. That relationship proves you can count on Family no matter what the profession.

Let us not forget the cool Croatian cat named Tomo Miličević whose heavy metal hair style is anything, but SEXY. The youngest of the group he has his moments of humor, but seems to just keep quiet, (except when on Twitter HE TALKS LIKE THIS) and meet with fans and do his job as guitarist. The sincerity in his voice as he speaks of his band mates and of the band is clearly heard in every interview.

Now that all introductions are done let the hammer fall.

As a Fan: Thirty Seconds to Mars have created a sound and unique style all their own. With their foundation based on their love of Family, Friends and Music it can clearly a great start in the right direction.

Their acoustic sound will overfill your heart with memories from the past and memories you hope to make in the future.

While the rock side including the visual of the videos and images at the concerts will power up your mind.

And what does one call a Band whose build on a this foundation, whose acoustic sound touches the heart, as the rock side enriches the mind and is around for years to come sharing this magical and rare combo with their fans?


As a Critic: How does one silence the millions and millions of screaming fans inside a performers head? I can, but instead I’ve gone back to my Positive and Creative side and began creating the Caption Funnies to Jared Leto’s collection of Photos from around the World.

Since I never gotten a response from a Tweet from Jared (like OMG! How is he suppose to tweet all 700,000 + people in one day and tour?) about the conflict between their more crazier fans called Echelon Vs. the Regular Fans. To avoid the ’your not a real fan if your not Echelon’ mail ~ I began this Blog.

P.S. If Jared is reading this he really should check into the Rotten apples posting there before it affects the Good Crop.

There is also an advertisement for an Exclusive Book of Photos Jared took during his trip to Haiti and ALL the profits go to charities to help those affected by the quake.

Cheerios might be good for the Heart, but Charity is good for the Soul. Purchase!

Let Us Begin @ the Beginning ~ At least Since April 2011:

Right Click on the Links to open in New Tab or New Window to see Jared Leto's Photograph to each set of Comments & Comment for YourSelf ~ Here & There!



Thanks for making me do research on your Friends on who the heck she may be.  (Chelsea Davis (bass & keyboard) with CB7 because their bass player quit right before tour.)
Does she get double for being musician and rowdy?
Who does she have tied up on the other end of the rope?
Her wrench necklace is just in case her tiny car breaks down.
She’s so tiny that her guitar case doubles as a coffin when she needs some
extra rest.
Chelsea thinking:  I better smile or 30STM guys will find out I’ve been

“borrowing” their stage equimpment for this tour.
How embarrassing that her juice box exploded onto her shirt.

blood love


Hannibal Lecter would be proud. (Silence of the Lambs goof)
“Ladies and Gentlemen!  Winner of Psychopathic Couple of the Year goes to…..”
“I love him so much I can just eat him up….but I’m full from the guy next to us in
the seats.”
Domestic Violence is no laughing matter.
Yet she has not one hair out of place.
Everyone has a fetish.  Why not it be Hematolagnia?
“So Bob, Carol what did you do last night?”
“We have pictures.  You tell us!”
As Seen On TV ad:  “That’s right this product is WONDERFUL!  I once was cover
totally in blood, but my teeth stayed perfectly white.  Here’s photographic proof!”
Don’t worry about all that blood.  Just ‘Shout’ it out! (Shout® Stain Solver

Wouldn’t it be funny if they were stopped by the cops for speeding after the
“Thanks for popping my zit babe.”
They met on MATCH.com and it was love and first blood stain.
Someone just joined the ranks of Vampire!  Is that their membership number on
her arm?
Jared:  “Shannon, have you seen Tomo around?”
Shannon:  “That’s odd.  He went to meet a nice couple backstage and haven’t 
seen him since.”
It would be sooooooo easy to make a ‘period’ joke in this page, but won’t be

gross nasty.

Terrysdiary.com: Jared Leto… Kicking Karate!


"Sir.  Room service.  AAAAAAA!"
"Hey Terry…..THINK FAST!  HA-YA!"
"Jackie Chan movie was on tonight and I’m inspired."
“What do you think of this move for future concerts?  Jump off Shannon’s drum
area and right into Tomo.“
Never new Air Jordan’s work so well.
The people downstairs are cussing because they think kids are bouncing on the
bed and not some grown man.
So that’s your hairstyle secret.  Have to jump around until the hair gel sets
The maids are going to wonder why there are sneaker print impressions are on
the sheets/pillows.

Terrysdiary.com: Jared Leto… Party on Dude!


FYI:  Not a microphone
SLOW DOWN!  That’s like your third bottle of the night.  Save some for Tomo &

Those aren’t complimentary.  You have to pay for those.
On next Celebrity Rehab:  Jared Leto.
It’s suppose to be a bottle of Jack not Dom Perignon if your doing the ‘Rock
Star’ pose.
Which Bill And Ted Character are you?


Terrysdiary.com: Jared Leto… Okie Dokie.


I see the Okie but not the Dokie
No, your use of a monocle on theme night isn’t a far fetched idea at all.
Did you mean Okie Dorkie?
Nice invisible telescope.
Only see the world through one eyes will not make it seem like a perfect world.
Is this the game where you get to get your Friends look at the circle and then

when caught you get to punch them?

Terrysdiary.com: Jared Leto… Arrrggghhhh!


“Then is jellyfish came right up and smacked me right in the face like this.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“I can play one-eye-Jack in the new Pirates movie…look at this audition.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Reporter:  We hear that you do a great impression of your brother Shannon.  Can
you show us.
Jared:  This is what he looks like when were out of coffee.
Keep laughing, but this is what Jared went through when he put in his contacts.
Reporter:  What is the one thing you can’t do?
Jared:  Play that fricken peek-a-boo game.  See.

Terrysdiary.com: Why its Jared Leto… OMG!


I think were way past OMG!  Were moving into the OMFG!  OMG!  Yes!  God!  Yes!  YES!  YES!
Are you sure this isn’t the young Christopher Walken photo from your
"No, I don’t style my hair.  This is how it is naturally."

a bloody door


When do we get to see the Bloody Hallway?
Your nose bleeds have really gotten out of control.
Paint Ball target practice?
What did you expect from the Bates Motel?
The maid is going to be Sooooooo pissed.
You sir are going on Angie’s List as the worst painter I’ve ever hired!



Breakfast of Champions ~ Cigarettes & mystery drink (which could be beer).
"What do you want?  Want to lick an ashtray?  Ok, pucker up!"
She’s so relaxed it seems she’s sitting on air. (company goof).
"Hey Jared.  Check your mentions I just tweeted you."
“What about my bra….you want to try on what?….”
It’s not a Triad necklace that is why she’s hiding it.
"Welcome to my apartment.  I can’t afford my cartons anymore so I’ve joined the
upper crust of homeless people.  No cardboard for me!"
Sadly, she’s the last member of Cancer Corner Club.

angel in a graveyard


Recession is getting out of hand that this angel has to can’t afford a light
bulb.  And seems to sell off his strings.
Did you plan on visiting @ night?
Someone needs a bath.
1 by land
2 by see
If you see this light the land is a cemetery.
FYI:  Psalm 33 instructs us to praise the Lord on a harp of ten strings.
I’d freak people who come @ night by putting a clap-on, clap-off light on which
flicks on as they walk by.
Think the Angel and the Bird jam out together?
Subconsciously taken because of the hairdo?

brazilian coconuts


Back to slang with previous photo.  Have a certain female anatomy on the brain these days?
Microsoft Word asks:  Do you mean Brazilian <--- (grammar check)
Know your all into this ‘environmental’ stuff, but green or brown does it
really matter what type of coconut?
According to that’s guys butt this photo is sideways.
Monkey see ~ Monkey do green coconuts too? (prior photo goof).
Which people normally prefer?  Coco or Nuts?

big boobs


Those are some wooden knockers for sure!
Maybe you call them big, but they aren’t BIG.
Perky, but not big.
Is this the new item that will be front and center on Shannon’s drum kit at

The only big boobs around that place is the dudes who look.  (dude boob)
So that is why you asked to borrow my tweezers because of the upcoming
Sadly we all thought you were a leg guy.
Got milk? (previous photo goof)
She has no arms so that over the shoulder bolder holder will have a hard time

staying on so just stick around until someone bumps the table.  Then instant Ta-Ta’s!
I recognize that is only latex or painted on paints.  She’s really nude!  OH!

Naughty Mr. Leto.
Could be worse she could have a sick up her butt instead of just up where her

spine would be.  Ha~Ha.
99 Words for Boobs ---------

“got jared leto?”


Why yes we do ~ just check the basement.
Why yes, right where we all want him.  Healthy.
Why yes, but only in this photo------>

(Got Milk Ad goof
If she was truly concerned shouldn’t she have a photo and rewards also printed
on the shirt?
Yes, AND the Soy, almond, and rice substitute of Jared Leto. (for vegetarians)

A Terry Richardson- This Is War collectible!


You mean it WAS a collectible.  She opened the package.  Good luck on passing that as anything, but used on Ebay!

5 pomegranate MARSHAWKS


This is so wrong.  I ordered 5 pure Red MARSHAWKS,
Found the ‘bird’ from previous photo. (Hawk).
Seems like someone didn’t get the memo of the daily hairstyle.  Awkward.
Finally!  The connection!  Jared is posing in a photo with someone wearing a

Nirvana shirt who then later he will in turn play ‘tribute’ too when one of the
people in that band dies.
Hope this photo was taken in December because Pomegranate and Patchouli was
the color palette for then.  Now it’s back to Black and Red again.

a bird, a plane, a blimp


Does that read ‘Duff’ on the side?  (Simpson goof)
I remember seeing that thing…it certainly was a GoodYear.
No bird, no plane, but yes it is a BLIMP.
Your next stunt for the stage will be propelling from a blimp to a stage? 

*just an idea*
I rather enjoy flying the game Blimp on the Ipad.
Those satellite spy blimp weren’t never going to be seen as good weapon on

gathering Intel.
Release special backstage passes from the blimp and see how many find them

below. *just an idea*

million dolla’ smile!


Was the million dollars from the lawsuit with the dentist in the malpractice
❤ Love how Shannon leans in just to be in the shot.
If Tomo isn’t in the know you should go up to him and ask if your in the need

of the mint and blow in his face.
See there is things to do to pass the time in airports!
There has to be easier ways to smuggle food on the plane.
Go up to Tomo and say, ‘Hey some dude just came up to me and gave me this 
awesome brownie.’
Why is Shannon wearing Mardi Gras beads?
Ask the flight attendant if she had any dental floss because you think you

might have something in your teeth.  Then smile.
We know sometimes people think your full of sh$%^#it, but you don’t have to prove
it this way.
This would be even funnier if you talked with an accent.
Funnier still if you just pretended you don’t know why people are giving you

the looks and then just ask, “What?  Do I have something on my face?”

I remember you


We now get our first glance @ the bathroom stall wall that inspires you to
write on walls.
I remember you is only part of the message (pan down).  And I wish I could only
forget. The rash was horrible!
‘I remember you’ was a Skid Row song wasn’t it?
“Your names Lisa…no wait Beth?  Wait!  Wait!  I remember you.  Really. 

“I remember you!  You still owe me $600 bucks Jared Leto.” Bartholomew Cubbins.
Really?  From where?
If you remember me then I must have been as good as I thought I was.
Yes!  I’m the one you put the restraining order out on.  Yea!  You remembered

me!  AAAAAaaaa!
That’s all anyone can hope for ~ to be remembered by someone. ♥
From the police line-up?
.........as the one that I shall never meet in person for the fantasy overrides

the reality that we are soul mates.  (that was both a deep thought & creepy @ the same time.)

Back to the future


Forget the soda machine for a minute.  What is that in the meat department?
New Slogan:  Try something new like a Healthy drink like WATER! ☤
Where are the directions?  You know there are those out there that need them on
how to operate the machine.
You know it will attract more women than men because it’s SO SHINEY!  And women
love SHINEY stuff.
I have one of them @ the house.  It was just cheaper that way.
Where’s the cups?
The only thing that should be ‘freestyle’ is Rap.
100 + drink choices?  I know I’ll get stuck behind some old person reading the

menu for 20 minutes trying to decide.  Thanks a lot Coca-Cola.
Coca-Cola should just get a "beer funnel" type for their machines.  Drink until

your twitching or headbanging.
http://twitter.com/#!/COCACOLA & thanks them for the bad teeth and poor health owns body has taken over the years.  They will direct you for a coupon on their projects.
Is it really smart to have these in food stores?  I mean should you have access
to a device where you can wash down the food that you swipe from packages that ‘it was already opened’ like Oreos or grapes.

Great spot – Goodies and Grains – Adelaide


Goodies-and-Grains?  I usually shop Gotta-get-Brains.  Zombie shopping is limited these days.
So which do you reach for on the shelves?  Goodies or Grains?
Aren’t the lights a little to bright for the alleged Vampire?
You too good for the old school 7-11 to get all the supplies?
Oh the place for the great debate of all time….Tea Vs. Juice.
Is that a bug zapper in the window?
To avoid the Kangaroo meat you rather shop here? (prior photo)
Have you even enjoyed something that had gluten in it?  Just once?
Shannon is in the back going…."come on man they have to have coffee somewhere
with all these tea selection…..COFFEE!"
Is this the place Tomo goes just to roll his eyes because such a healthy place?
When you buy in bulk do you explain its because it’s a long tour and they have

great stock for the prices or just goof on them and say the grain is for the
sheep you bring on tour with you?  Try it and see if they laugh or take you serious.
What makes it so “Great”?  Prices, staff, red walls, music they play inside or
just all that healthy stuff?
Is this a Healthy place that they play that calm elevator or chanting music

Was the reason it was so great because 5' 7" Shannon could reach the top

Idea:  At the ‘Hive’ (? the building you created for people to hang out) add a

collection of Health food for those on the run.  Good Grain @ Good Prices!

kangaroo meat


“Dude, you took my order now get it together….Hop to it!”
You had to know that at least Killer Willard went down fighting. (KillerWillard is the name of the boxing kangaroo)

I like games.  How about the ‘Human Target Game Hunt Game‘.  (grab Bam’s gun from prior photo).
Don’t ask for anything raw because it jumps off the plate every time.
Now I know why there was never a ‘Kangaroo Jack 3’ movie.
Give them a flyer and ask if they’ve seen your lost Kangaroo named Jumpy.
Dingoes favorite hangout (Dingoes are the main predators of kangaroos)
Bet now your glad your a lacto-vegetarian?
Ask Tomo to try it so we can know if it taste like chicken or not.  Or get Tomo to try
 it and not tell him what it is.  Later say, “Take that Meat Eater!”
The word gourmet makes it only sound less disgusting and more expensive.
Did Shannon panic when he heard they were cooking KangaROOS before you explained
its the animal and not the brand of sneakers.
Looks like they had a rush or drought in today’s selection.
Blood red apron is always a great idea at these places.  NOT.
What exactly do you wash down with Kangaroo?  Beer, Wine, Soda or Guilt?

the gang at Dubai airport


Love how you categorize your Friends as a gang.  Are they more like the Jets Vs. Sharks or more like the Socs Vs. Greasers
Waiting at airports are only the amount of fun you limit yourself in having.  Never had fun with the white courtesy
phone name game?  Paging Mike Hunt….paging Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
Wouldn’t be a long wait if your bus transformed into an airplane for these overseas trips.
Please remind Tomo when he sits like that it appears he just farted and everyone is laughing at it.
Rule one in Air Travel:  Always carry a deck of cards. 

Looks Tomo made a move to the airport souvenir shop in the (2nd photo).
So THIS is the wild life of a Rock Star, huh? ★
There is plenty of time to update your ring tones.
Sit back and try to beat my high score on Tetris, Hangman or Zelda on your Blackberry.

Go up to strangers and ask them to take your photo in front of different objects in the airport.  If your sporting
the mo-hawk…even funnier.
Just sit next to Shannon and you too can pretend to be a hitman waiting for his victim who seems to be mr. smilie in
the front row. (1st photo).

the hong kong strut!


2 out of 3 people recommend cell & strut for exercise.
“Dude, are you sure that’s Shannon and not Jared?”
“Yea I’m sure.”
“The shoes man…..it’s the shoes.”
You’ve finally found a country where the MEN are mandatory to cover their heads and not the women.  Yea!
Why didn’t Shannon put his laces in the shape of the TRIAD?
There must be a Starbucks coffee shop outside because Shannon is in the lead racing outside to get to it.  (Shannon thinking):  MUST NEED
Why does Tomo look like Ted Kaczynski the Unabomber and no one says anything? (Ha-Ha).
Sheena Easton would be proud of their strut performance.
You can always use the SHARPEN tool on PAINT to fix this photo.
Shannon, Emma, & Tomo:  Faster than an ordinary camera.
Hong Kong does have Salsa Dance Classes if you rather not do the strut.

the monastery – Hong Kong


Home Makeover:  Hong Kong Edition.
The Golden Child live there? (film starring Eddie Murphy)
I prefer the ‘Red Door’ over the Golden one.
It’s hard to keep the maids employed there because she’ll do windows, but she won’t polish anything!
REDBRIDGE IS BREWED TO BE RESPONSIBLY ENJOYED BY ADULTS.  I don’t see any hanging out at this bridge.  Is this a Kid
The gates closed!  Oh! No!  How will we ever get passed a 4 foot closed gate?  Idea:  Step over or just push open. 
There is no lock.
At the top is that where the choir sing from as you come and leave the service?
Is that the VIP section at the top where Shannon can go outside for a quick smoke?
Wonder if the TV show 'Ace of Cakes' can make a replica of this place for my next Birthday?
Jared Leto:  Sending a ‘Bridge the Gap’ message to the Western World to the other Cultures around the World.
Please go up and put a note on the door that says,Please use other door” and see how many tourists walk all around
the place.
I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, but until then I’ll just imagine myself there.  Thanks.

Shannon with a few friends


Look whose perfected the WWE’s Rock’s people’s eyebrow raise!
"No this is NOT Jared’s shirt.  He “borrows” mine."
Friends for Dinner?
“You want to borrow my drum set?  NO!  It’s MINE….all MINE!”
Shannon’s new favorite pose is called:  Put that camera away before I place this stick somewhere unpleasant for you.
Dramatic Kitty Pose ~ Shannon style.  (YouTube thing).
Shannon thinking:  With this chair this high I can see over Jared’s hairdo and there are fans out there.
“Of course that’s blood as my drink.  You think Jared’s the only ‘Vampire’ in our Family?”
(Shannon secretly thanks his lucky stars):  “Thanks dude, but the ladies already put sunscreen all over my chest
like an hour ago.”
“My names Muscles.  Shannon Muscles.” (James Bond goof).
Is that a mic pack in your pocket or are you…..oh never mind it is a mic pack.
This would be a great print ad because you have the logo showing on the drum stick.  Now slogan ideas??
So these are All his rowdy Friends that came over too see him play. (All My Rowdy Friends Are Comin' Over Tonight goof)

Oman sunset


It’s okay Elton John really didn’t mean it figuratively. ♫♪ “You can let the sun go down on you.” ♫♪ (‘Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me’ goof)
At 60 MPH how long would it take to drive to the sun?  Answer is 176 years so either speed up or just slow down
because you won’t make it in your lifetime.
More like  "Oh Man.  Sunset.”
Sunset the allegedly favorite time for Vampires right?  Time to rise and shine!
Unless your driving I'm going to say you should be in a seatbelt.  CLICK IT OR TICKET.

Oman souk


O man it’s Souk!
The sheik and his bride ~ only one?
Sheik Theme Night coming soon! ★ 

Someone can’t spell or didn’t use spell check on all:  Sheik not Shiek
Jared Leto in an interview once said, “Of course I don’t like bringing attention to
Paparazzi aren’t easily fooled.
Sure you can pull off being a Sheik, but DAMN if Shannon can’t pull off being the bride
even better. (Ha-ha).
Should have flipped the captions.
Where are the other brides?
Made her a common Bride and not Princess like your buddy back in the day? 

There is a very good shoe store right there and you head into the kid clothing department? 
 Is that a matter of what fits?
FYI:  You know the disrespect you show with wearing sunglasses indoors when talking to
‘the people’ is what makes people know your title isn’t real.  If you can’t see the honest bloodline in the eyes of the royal families then your most likely not.
Just another reason for you not to wear under things underneath an outfit?
“No thanks we’re just looking because I’m a Piss Poor American in a Band."
Who exactly translated to keep the (delusion) illusion up?
Hope you wore sandals because then you can share the experience of painting each others
toes before heading out.
How's this place compare to the flea market or swap meet back home?  Any good deals on
I could live with the skirt, but full length dress?  Not too sure if that's passable for you.  (yes, I know its a dishdasha).
Wow!  A lot of people lost money on if you would get married....so when's the baby due ~ 7
or 6 months from now?  (Ha~Ha).

Kool Kidz


Sensing a theme here….Kid & Kool & misrepresenting of the Kool and not Kewl & all taken all in foreign countries!  What’s wrong w/America? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Photo #1

What’s Gene Simmons son Nick doing at the airport?
Not real Tattoos because he’s Chris Angel secret love child and he’ll make them disappear with soap
and water.
"When I grow up I want to be just like you.  But rich."
OMG I guess he didn’t get the memo that the TRIADS were to be placed near the elbows this
year and not on the top of the hands.  Now who in marketing is to blame?
"Dude, I get so many chicks when I look like that…your kewl with me telling them were related,
“You complete me.”©


Photo #2

Meeting of the International Poncho Society come to order….
Smoking is suppose to stunt ones growth….just think how big this guy would have gotten
without the habit.
Nice optical illusion having it seem the guy is carrying the ladies purse behind him.
Think that’s an hidden oxygen tank under his tarp because all of the bad air over in China.
(goof from previous photo)
Go up to him and ask if he has black market CD’s of ‘This is War’ hidden under there.
How much do you think he weights?  More or less than you?


Photo #3

I’m really not into the gang signs thing…what sign does that mean?
How they expect to ‘raise the roof’ with only two fingers each?
The trick was to make them give you only ONE finger.
"Now how many properties do your Families own here in Abu Dhabi?"
"Roller coaster are kewl, but escalators are better.  How many times have you rode this one?"



Dude, when you add Emma in your two shots it’s like you enjoy twisting the knife!
“Ok.  Here is the hostage.  Now I want all the copies of Panic Room destroyed.”
“No, wait….let me line this up….to the right…parallel with the horizon…no wait. Focus off the
(Emma thinking):  I have to toss that camera in the water if I want to leave.
Happy Personal Assistant Day!  Here’s a photo to remember this day.
“That’s it.  That’s one Zoolander Fierce Pose.”
Is it still a self portrait if 2 people are in it?
Is it bad if I made one of those cut out the persons face to pop my face inside screens just
to be person standing next to you in the shot?  And is it bad that I passed that program to everyone I know?

Middle Eastern shadow


(Jared humming):  Whispering Jack Smith's "Me and My Shadow” song.
Whose lurking in the shadows?  Oh!  It’s YOUR Shadow.
Hide & Seek just got a lot harder.
Best imaginary Friend EVER!
Shannon and Tomo are standing with you, but their Shadows aren’t showing.  OMG!  They are the
real Vampires! ♥
Not a Shadow…..it’s a fan dressed as a ninja trying to get close enough for a photo.
Stop wasting time and start making animals of a dog and a bunny! (shadow puppets).
Interesting.  Your shadow is Middle-eastern.  Mine is from Ireland and tends to snore louder
than a Banshee.
Remember the Groundhog has the only power to predict the seasons with his shadow (or lack of)
so yours don’t have powers.
See your shadow?  That means you either just coming home from an Awesome party or making
plans to go to one.
There is the concept for ‘Night of the Hunter’.  It’s when your Shadows come alive.©  (I so
copyrighted that idea).

Terrysdiary.com: Me And Jared… shhhhhhhh!


"Yes, I’d like to make a long distance dedication…”
“That’s right 40 large cheese pizzas to room 115.  My name?  Shannon Leto.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yes, is this Tomo…this is Dr. Dave from the clinic….”

(in a girls voice):  “Yes, I’d like to hear 30 Seconds to Mars.  They are so Dreamy!”

“Is this the CEO of Chevron?….LEAVE THE AMAZON ALONE!” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Yes, we’d like to request a 2a.m. wake up call for a Shannon Leto and Tomo Milicevic.”

Terrysdiary.com: Jared reading A People’s History of the United States



Terrysdiary.com: Jared Leto… WE ARE ONE!


And your TRIAD’s are TWO.

Terrysdiary.com: Jared as Dirty Harry!


It’s alright ladies I have a license to THRILL!
The freebees at this place is kewl.
Dirty Harry or “Dirty Jared”?
That is the ugliest purse I have ever seen on a man.  I mean a European shoulder bag.
Did you fill in for one of the Beastie Boys to perform in the Sabotage video?
Lucky you all Tomo found in his room was a dead Hooker.
Jared its you whose has people call for a 10-100 (stands for Hot Pursuit)

Terrysdiary.com: Jared eating popcorn!


"Dude, wait until I catch one.  This is like the 3,432 take trying to get it."

Terrysdiary.com: Jared watching TV


Terry:  Jersey Shore RULES!
See ladies I eat.  Junk Food RULES!
“Let’s see….where is that porn channel….I mean house design show.”
Wonder if any of my movies are on.  Click.

Terrysdiary.com: Jared inviting me into his room!


“Come on in.  The champagne is not on ice, but Whatever.”
This way to the Panic Room!
"This is where the magic happens." (MTV cribs goof).

Terrysdiary.com: Jared Leto… adorable!


No feeling from this pic.  Just a guy in a hat w/ears.

Terrysdiary.com: Why its Jared Leto!


Like the other better.  This one looks like your advertising slippers with your hands.

Terrysdiary.com: Awwwwwww what a cute little hat and gloves… who is it?


Dancing w/Wolves sequel:  Dancing in Wolves Clothing
I spy with my little eye an idea for Fresh Merchandise to Sell.
You can’t fool Tomo’s cats with that outfit.
Just how cold does it get in California?
Congrats!  Your other spokesman deal came through!  For PETCO!  ‘Where the Pets go and where
the Humans go too!’ Slogan.
Sheep in Wolf’s clothing indeed!

Bruce Dickenson


Bruce who?  (Never admit you know these ‘back in the day’ people).
So that is your voice yelling, “OMG!  It’s Bruce Dickenson!” from the front rows.
Throw some undies on stage and see what HE does with them. (Bra incident).
Hope to be Rocking @ his age?
Didn’t he have more hair?
Were you in the pre-show mode where everyone chanted “Maiden!”  “Maiden!”
Did you hit him up for a temp job when you guys take a break.  I mean like a Summer job to
get you through with the bills.

Emma + Tomo – touristas in Hong Kong!


Don’t believe they are tourists because they have NO camera of their own on them.
They are not worthy to stand on the steps?
Tomo whispers:  I’m taller than you.
Emma whispers:  But I’m taller than everyone else!

Luk Yu mofo!! – Hong Kong


Translation on sign: We don’t take personal Checks.
Someone’s going to
need a doggie bag for later.
Your not enjoying your food unless you make a
mess. You must have REALLY love it.
(Tomo thinking): Where’s the Beef?
Tomo: “Is that a bug?”
Emma: “No.”
Tomo: Dang.
Jared Leto vegan or vegetarian? Yahoo! Answers want to know.
Emma: “Come
on Tomo you can work those chopsticks.”
(Tomo thinking): I can’t believe they were all out of forks and I can’t use my fingers.
(Tomo thinking): Next time were going
to Burger King!
(Man in background thinking): Look! That boy over there is
trying to eat with chopsticks. Ha~Ha.
Compare what Tomo has on his plate and what Emma has. No wonder she’s so fit. Tomo doesn’t
like to share.
Cheaper to have Panda Express back at the hotel.
Emma is wearing the cutest bib EVER!
thinking): Hold one chopstick between your thumb and middle finger. Place the other chopstick between your thumb and forefinger......
LATER: Jared, Shannon & Emma
ROTFLTAO because they only go to these places to watch Tomo drop the food from his chopsticks until he ASKS for a fork.

chinese air quality checkpoint


And sadly the only thing left behind was a camera with this last shot taken on it. (Blair Witch goof)
Inquire within.
Location ~ Central Roadside
Air Quality ~ check we have air
Monitoring Station ~ Monitoring others who get out of line
You do know you’ll have to return to this checkpoint two hours later.
That is some Primo Air in China. Don’t forget to bottle some for later when

you return to the States.
I rather have Noise Pollution than Air Pollution
because Rock and Roll ain’t Noise Pollution. (AC/DC goof ,,/(^_^),,/)
Wonder how many games of cards those goes inside play while watching the air.

Brekkie with the legendary @zanelowe in OZ


Wrestles with a bowl full of Fat and Salt Vs. Cholesterol & Heart Disease (who won?)
Was the wrestling match on Pay Per View?
“Sure I’m
relaxed this is NO Starbucks coffee I’m drinking.”



Where’s the Poncho when you need it?
You do know ‘April Fools Day’ is in APRIL right?
I see you thought of nothing of the make-up artist that will one day may have to cover those
for a movie, right?
Znam da ne bi glupan, ali to je bio jedini put Ja mogu nositi štete ste ucinili. Off do sada
povracati. (Ask Tomo to translate if you REALLY wanna know).

Translation:  I know it would not be a fool, but it was the only way I can handle the damage you have done.
Off to vomit now.

“Never underestimate the ability of a small group of committed individuals to change the world.”


Is there an OR ELSE added to that statement?
What if that small
group is of 'committed individuals' do they get Press too?
How small do
you think your Fan base is? Better check your ’Followers’ section numbers again.
What if your part of a group that doesn’t like change?
...….or get a tat in the hopes of getting a RT from the one who hasn‘t

revealed if he has gotten one. Join the Voting: Poll: Where is Jared Leto’s TRIAD tattoo? - http://tinyurl.com/3pzlgz9
You better underestimate because WE are not
changing, but taking over the WORLD!!! At least that’s my plan.
Can we
start first with just a country I hear Scotland is very nice this time of year….maybe Italy and check out some art?
What if you have no group and your solo? I’ll
have to stick w/John Fitzgerald Kennedy One person can make a difference and every person should try. Quote. Thanks anyway.
"Yet the World is always changing
so how can this small group keep up with no support of all?" ~ FolkToe RT that!

My shoes…thanks Boris!


Foot/shoe Fetishes UNITE!
Missing page from Little Red Riding Hood: “My
Jared Leto…what big Feet you have.”
Why go custom designer when you can
go as Average Joe?
Trois est tout ce que vous obtenez pour cette photo.
Juste quelque chose à propos de cette photo..... peut-être parce qu'elle semble plus d' un effort de se vanter. Suivant.

What I said in French there is: Three is all you get for this photo. Just something about
this picture..... Perhaps because it seems more of an effort to boast. Next.

blackened ginger!


You Blacken Ginger so what did they do to Mary Ann? :-) (Gilligan's Island goof)
Dude, there are nuts are on your plate? (think dirty & then laugh)
Why didn’t you just order it burnt?
Was that chicken or
fish under all that ash and soy sauce?
“How would you like that prepared?”
“Blackened.” Jared.
“From Louisiana are ya?”
“Yes mam, I am from Louisiana how did you know?
“Only a true Cajun will order it blackened when others say burn it.”
Did U No: Blackened is the first track off Metallica's 1988 album And

Justice for All and Ginger (Lynn) starred in Metallica's music video "Turn the Page."
Use the chopsticks and rearrange it to make a face..the nuts to be the

eyes leave the L shaped as eyebrows big block as the mouth and biggest piece as a nose and then the leftovers as the mouth. (I only want to know if Shannon would say, ’Come on Jared stop playing with your food’ like your still a kid).

Bamboo – Hong Kong


Kung Fu Panda’s favorite meal
FYI: Bamboo has nothing to do with Bam
(Margera) getting scared (boo).
Have fun trying to sneak that through
customs. :-)
Now assemble the scaffolding ~ the hotel has no elevators or
stairs inside.
World’s Largest Toothpicks!
Laugh now,
but they can be transformed into stilts when trying to get the best view for your photos.
Some see bamboo sticks ~ some see a shinai in the early stages. (Shinai is a weapon used for
practice and competition in kendo)
Did you know: Brano Meres of Slovakia has
made a mountain bike out of bamboo.
Eco-friendly 4-life, huh?
Did you ever suspect: That bamboo poles were added to the 30STM rider so that if ever fans
locate the bands rooms they have a escape plan to pole jump from their windows. The idea came from the 'Hurricane' video after Jared jumped and then was told he really couldn’t have survive a jump that high in real life.
Why not find some twine and
MacGyver a raft and take it down the Tai Po River?

@thecobrasnake Soundwave – OZ


“Dudddddddddddeeeeeeeee. I’m ssssoooooooo relaxed.”
Look whose chillin’
like Bob Dylan.
“I told you I can drive without any hands.”
That’s right wearing my medical bracelet. Reads: Must have camera at all times.
I loved this guy in ‘The Hangover’!
“That’s right
ladies…soak it all in. I’m available.”
"Bet my camera's bigger than your
"What do you mean where's my seatbelt?"
(thinking): I am So much richer than you, dude.
(thinking): I wonder if Jared knows I'm sleep smiling again.
(thinking): Damn this Jared guy is so Fricken HOT! :-P
wonder if I should sell my vespa and Live in a van down by the river. That would be so kewl.
"Jared did I ever tell you the story of why my girlfriend calls me the
cobra snake? I'll tell only if you promise to RT it." :-)
"Yea, you
better be nice to me...I still have THOSE photos of you hidden away. Uh huh huh huh". (the Beavis and Butthead laugh)

The Bentson sisters


Welcome to Photoshop 101: Take ‘self-portrait’ pose (previous photo), add ’Cloned’ outfit and 2 women no one knows who they are and fresh backdrop = this photograph. :-)
blondes face froze that way from the rollercoaster.
“Really it’s a phone
and camera?….Can I see the little peacock tapping onto the granite slab inside?“ (Flintstones goof).
How exactly is the ‘rollercoaster hair’ different from the
regular style again?
I see your making some extra cash by providing
the ‘get your photo taken after the ride’ for the tourists.
remembered the names ~ a.k.a. Someone got their numbers!
WOW! The
ride must change some people because Shannon and Tomo look like chicks!

World’s fastest roller coaster


World’s fastest (but not World’s best) roller coaster because it’s not in 3-D.
Did you sit in the front just to wear the nerdy protective glasses or just borrow Terry’s?
Jared Leto must ‘feel the need the need for speed‘. (Top Gun
Which is faster this ride or your sugar high’s?
Why waste your time at this coaster ride when you can hit the Germany's

autobahn with a rental Ferrari and try it out in real time?
Confess: Which of
you puked afterwards?
Confess: Who screamed like little girls on the ride?
Confess: Who chickened out from going on the ride?

Hong Kong


“Yes, he’s here….he’s taking pictures with old out-of-date technology we just sold him 2 hours ago.” (man on phone goofing at you Silly American).
Go in the 7-11 and
grab a Slurpee!
That Dude is Soooooooo Jay walking!
offers around-the-clock access to the best beauty and health products) So is this a hint to your rare beauty secrets?
No, this is NOT the Red Light district. Reread
your map.
Would this be a bad time to mention my slight fear of
Hong Kong roads department must have forgotten the stripe down
the road. Oops.
Fun Fact:  Starbucks Coffee made its debut in Hong Kong
in May 2000 Shannon must be over-the-moon to be reassured that there is a shop there. Now make him find it! Ha~ha. #hisaddiction
Sorry you can’t any further…can’t you
read the sign. It doesn’t mean No Left Turn….it reads No Leto’s Allowed.

Chinese tree


How exactly do you know this tree make is a Chinese tree? Did it speak to you? Are you hearing those voices again? :-)
Tree that I’ll have to come back in 2
hours to see again after seeing it the first time. (hungry 2 hour later goof)
Hard to find Ancestors using this Family tree.
Shouldn’t there be nest
with Woodstock (Snoopy’s Friend) somewhere in there?
"Oh! You think I’m a
Chinese tree because I live in China…oh no. I just transferred here for my new job."
I said cut it off a little off the top. That’s more like a Tree mo-hawk!
You’ll always remember this spot since you carved into it ~ ‘J wuz here’
What did one branch said to the other? Got wood?
is the natural color of its roots? (hair joke)

Saw this in Dubai…A kid, a bowl of cereal, and a Powerbook.


"WOW! My Ebay sales at this rate are going to let me retire at 10." 
She's thinking:  “Come on
Jared RT or answer me. I’ll keep twittering to you until you do!” :-)

“I’m coming to the show in Abu Dhabi!”


"That’s right I’ve waited a long time to see you guys. Hanson is my favorite band! Can’t wait until you play Mmmmm bop. :-)"