30 Seconds To Mars DETAILS

Now most of you folks maybe asking yourselves who/what is Thirty Seconds to Mars and let me clue you in with my own opinions. That right even women have them these days…go figure. Ha-ha.

First of all it’s a band involving-at least currently-3 members. Jared, Shannon, and Tomo.

Now before you get too excited it’s not a band with a guy, a girl and their dog named Tomo, but three dudes. Three talented in their own right.

We have Jared Leto, the ring master and lead vocalist of the band, which most of you already recognize the name from his modeling and acting days. Check out the link of his early work….and yes, the ‘My So-Called Life' heartthrob who had to suffer though years of High School troubles who trying not to fall in the lovely red-headed Clair Danes. And in the epic movie ‘Alexander’ where he was the boy toy/love interest of one fricken Hot Colin Farrell. Actually they also stared in ‘Phone Booth’ together too…did you know that?

For the complete list of his films gladly IMDB his page. Don’t be disturbed of some of the questions posted near the bottom telling of sorted love escapades he may/may not have had because they are just disturbing if true.

Then we have Shannon Leto, who is far from girly as girly can get. This is the big bro to Jared and when Jared seems to be in trouble in a thought during an interview or just needs powerful muscle back-up from CRAZYYY fans he’s always there like a big brother should. That relationship proves you can count on Family no matter what the profession.

Let us not forget the cool Croatian cat named Tomo Miličević whose heavy metal hair style is anything, but SEXY. The youngest of the group he has his moments of humor, but seems to just keep quiet, (except when on Twitter HE TALKS LIKE THIS) and meet with fans and do his job as guitarist. The sincerity in his voice as he speaks of his band mates and of the band is clearly heard in every interview.

Now that all introductions are done let the hammer fall.

As a Fan: Thirty Seconds to Mars have created a sound and unique style all their own. With their foundation based on their love of Family, Friends and Music it can clearly a great start in the right direction.

Their acoustic sound will overfill your heart with memories from the past and memories you hope to make in the future.

While the rock side including the visual of the videos and images at the concerts will power up your mind.

And what does one call a Band whose build on a this foundation, whose acoustic sound touches the heart, as the rock side enriches the mind and is around for years to come sharing this magical and rare combo with their fans?


As a Critic: How does one silence the millions and millions of screaming fans inside a performers head? I can, but instead I’ve gone back to my Positive and Creative side and began creating the Caption Funnies to Jared Leto’s collection of Photos from around the World.

Since I never gotten a response from a Tweet from Jared (like OMG! How is he suppose to tweet all 700,000 + people in one day and tour?) about the conflict between their more crazier fans called Echelon Vs. the Regular Fans. To avoid the ’your not a real fan if your not Echelon’ mail ~ I began this Blog.

P.S. If Jared is reading this he really should check into the Rotten apples posting there before it affects the Good Crop.

There is also an advertisement for an Exclusive Book of Photos Jared took during his trip to Haiti and ALL the profits go to charities to help those affected by the quake.

Cheerios might be good for the Heart, but Charity is good for the Soul. Purchase!

Let Us Begin @ the Beginning ~ At least Since April 2011:

Right Click on the Links to open in New Tab or New Window to see Jared Leto's Photograph to each set of Comments & Comment for YourSelf ~ Here & There!

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Aloha! Can’t wait to meet all you amazing Hawaiians tonight!!!


You know its not cool snatching toys from kids.  One day that kid might grow up to be a great guitarist, but some guy swipe his first practice guitar.
So your keeping the skirt, but just making it longer and more colorful?
Hope that’s the complimentary goodies on the table or your mini bar bill will be a mother!
Why is your computer never on a page that displays a password displayed by accident?
Do you sleep in those necklaces?
They already know your three are excited because everyone has seen the release of your behind-the-scenes rehearsal. (Animated Gif)

Click to Enlarge


Does his girlfriend know he’s advertising how she keeps her ‘downstairs’ on his shirt?
Go Bald or Go Home.
Lots of hair there for someone to wear that shirt….unless it’s a toupee!
“You need taxi?”
Glad he took his shades off because how dumb would that look if he wore them at night? (I Wear My Sunglasses at Night Artist - Corey Hart)
What did he think would happen when he had laser hair removal on his back…were talking about his back, right?  Right?!
Gone Bald is a noise rock band from Amsterdam.  Are they touring through Belgium?
Was he making a suggestion for your next hairstyle?

Q Magazine: Jared Leto on why Kurt Cobain & Nirvana gave him the “permission to create”


Q Magazine: Jared Leto on why Kurt Cobain & Nirvana gave him the “permission to create”

Should you be Jared or Echelon you may want to pass this blog page:

You need permission to create?  Really?  There are no laws pertaining to picking up an instrument and create.  There are (thanks to the PMRC) labels censoring certain music CD’s, but as far as music it isn’t outlawed.  Even the guy on the corner with his acoustic guitar with its case open for spare change can play a tune.

Is Jared trying to compare or make 30 Seconds to Mars the second coming of Nirvana?  Three members, genius songwriter (guess who writes most of 30STM material) unstoppable voice (guess whose the lead singer of 30STM).

So basically Jared is saying, ‘If some guys like Nirvana can write and create music everyone should be able too’?

The ‘destructive quality’ to Nirvana was DRUGS.  A man who had painful health issues found that drugs kept the pain away long enough to strum his guitar and belt out some music.  Then ended it all in a shotgun blast to his face.

Is that really a band that should be idolized for a man who ended his young life, leaving behind a daughter and wife and a lot of unanswered questions?  Worked for Elvis too I guess.

Nirvana picked up on the 90’s just like Alice Cooper and Aerosmith controlled the 70’s someone else picked up the torch, such as Bon Jovi and Motley Crue into the 80‘s.  There always will be another band to be most popular in the decade.  Some would even say Pearl Jam was more popular, but not as much air time or press as Nirvana did.

I know EVERYONE has an opinion on who and what they like in music style and Jared did seem rather relaxed when trying to explain his position in the interview, but Kurt wasn’t and shouldn’t be on a pedestal type ~ alive or dead.



Wouldn’t you like to rename is as BB (Big Beautiful) nude-Belgium?
PLEASE tell me she’s made out of chocolate!
Had she fallen and she can’t get up?
You know the way your fans try to get your attention when on tour is getting pretty weird.  You know its just some chick covered in chocolate, right?
How many times do you think the ‘artist’ had to stop to find some personal time alone before continuing his work? #naughty Time
Wonder if the artists girlfriend is pleased or jealous of his work.
How lazy is this chick that she doesn’t want to get up to get some PJ’s on?
This would look so good in the same room with the Bart Art.
That must be the side stroke because that is certainly NOT the breast stroke she’s doing.
Well, Jared did say he liked his ladies SMOOTH.
How many maintenance men are there volunteering to polish her up (if you know what I mean).
You can tell her to come in from the beach now.  She's a nice bronze.  (Get it?).

Yahoo UK: Jared Leto talks Mr Nobody, Thirty Seconds to Mars and secret talents


And because you named one actress you’d love to work with you do understand she’s a ‘target’ for the crazy fans to wonder ‘what makes her so special’ and Google her.  (She’s 95!)  (Get it?)
When asked:  Do you have any plans for a new release?  Did your mind go dirty for a moment and wanted to say some equally as dirty as a response?
The 1st photo where you seem like Joe Average except for the deer in headlights fear in your eyes is ‘normal’, but having the second just out of some restaurant or club makes you 3-D, but the most disturbing photo is the one where your holding up the awards from Kerrang! Magazine with Shannon and Tomo and they didn't even use a caption for who they are by name.

Overall:  Very interesting and excellent interview.  Your responses weren’t ALL promotion or prepared related, but a simple sit down and chat vibe.

And yes, I will be purchasing the DVD because after viewing it in all the parts thanks to YouTube found it refreshing unique in such a simple story.  And since I’m on dial-up and had to wait for the wheel it would be nice to watch it all in one piece without the wait.


Don’t have it-Don’t have it-Have it-Have it-Need it….
Christmas just came early!
Just remember one day maybe 30 Seconds to Mars Merchandise will be added to the wall.  #fingers crossed
Nothing says ‘I’m a fan’ like a Tee on a fat dude.
Remember:  Tee shirts are for those who have a fear of commitment to get their favorite band in tattoo form.  (I have no tats that why I have the shirts).
Who knew that they created the Nirvana shirt it was a prophecy of things to come.  #RIP Kurt
Proves that with the right vision for Art is just as important as the right vision for Music.


This meal is not complete.  Where is the beer?
That should cover my meal…when are they going to bring out some for you guys?
Those are some very big coasters!
How can this be German food without the sauerkraut?  (finely shredded cabbage)
I’m pretty sure I can get this German grub in American form and they would appear the same.


I prefer Scotland Yard myself.  Oh!  Your talking about the band on stage.


The 80’s called.  They want that style back.
“So this is the audition for Lady Gaga background dancers, ya?”

Was this for Neon Night?  or Go-Go Dancers Night?
Which one of these are not like the other? #Redhead
I bet someone has Eyeliner Envy.
Did the words, ‘what do we have to do to get you in a car today’ come out of one of their mouths?
Mars needs women have come back for more Men.  RUN!  (Mars Needs Women is an American International Pictures made for TV science fiction film filmed in 1966.)
Why did they steal Tommy Lee’s classic make-up design from "Too Young To Fall In Love" - Mötley Crüe (1983)?

Nikki, Vince, Mick & Tommy


Wow things must really be bad when people have to go door to door selling their art.
You going to let her shoplift your neighbors stuff without saying anything? #NeighborhoodWatch
Is it one of those squint to make out the photo art pieces?
Long way from Texas! (boots)
Kewl shadow box art.  How is it going to be displayed with a tiny light?
How is that going to fit in the cab?
Those are the McDonalds colors, you know that right?
Someone needs to get a leaf blower out there to clear the driveway.
Why is she sporting the River Phoenix haircut?
“Ok.  The differences in the prices depends on what size you choose.”
Today on Hoarders:  Artists Edition.
“Ok.  First come over here so I can trace the outline.”



“Welcome class to art for beginners.”
This can’t be Jared because neither one of them have their mouth open.  #Chatty

No hair, eyebrows, and no smile.  Bart is such a non uninspired prick!  Bart’s really who now?
When good pranks go bad!
Bart should have gone for the lock the lips and throw away the key.  Not zip the lip!  (Lock your lips and 
throw away the key & Zip your lip goof)
Bart works with the only material most men know about….wood.
At least they see eye to eye.
Best damn illusion!  I see the candle stick between them!
Bart must have seen that episode from ‘Tales from the Darkside’ where the lady sewed her mouth
Bart must be flashing back to the 80’s again inspired by The Go-Go's.  (The Go-Go's – Our Lips Are
Sealed goof).
You might want to tell Bart that if he’s trying to loose weight that is not the part the doctor

Noticed they aren’t identical twins.  One is a little 'off '.
Maybe you should just get an account at
www.deviantart.com/ to have better comments and ratings on Bart’s art.
Art should inspire and ask, ‘How does this piece make you feel?’ and I must answer, ‘Feels like
Bart ran off with your cash!’ (Sucker).
Thought a ‘Hippie’ like yourself would be more interested in Abstract than Modern Art?
Do you really what to know how I know you got ripped off?  Bart never signed his work!  (Or did he
on the back?)
I think I remember when this started.  It started with ‘I bet you I can stop talking longer than you 
can.” Dare.
Shouldn’t there be some wavy lines if your trying to express that they are telepathic?
Which one is the 'Evil' one and which is the 'Good' one?
Which ones the chick?
Those are Gnarly matching tattoos!
Maybe some years of therapy can help patch Bart back together (Sybil style.).
OMG!  Is that done in pen?  How fricken lazy is Bart he can’t work a soldering iron?

Their favorite TV Show?  MONK. (Get it?)



With such a precious piece of original art shouldn’t you have framed it first before tacking it to the wall?
Run out energy to scribble on walls?
You call yourself an art collector?  Where is the fancy light that illuminates, but doesn’t fade
such price less works of art? (Get it? Price less).

Shannon taking the photo:  “Bro.  Pants?”
Jared:  “What are you talking about?  I’m wearing pants!”

Shannon:  “No, you don’t understand that’s what all the woman are fantasizing about you NOT wearing when they see this shot.”
Jared:  “Kewl.”
Jared:  That’s right Tomo this baby was almost out of reach at the art auction.
Tomo:  Really? 
Jared:  Yea.  "One... Hundred... Billion Dollars later it was all mine!  Mine! (Austin Powers goof)

Jared:  I don’t have a level so you have to tell me.  Is it straight?
Tomo:  LOL!
For some reason my Friend just had a hankering for some ribs for dinner tonight.
Welcome Reporter Lady.  This is my art collection.  I find rare pieces and display them here.  Now
my bedroom is…
Sad.  I remember days later when you were so upset when you learned you were suckered into a
forgery of Bart’s art.
Look whose “Styling And Profiling” in his own home.
Remember Jared in Art size doesn't matter.  It has no reflection on the purchaser or artist. 

(silent laughter).

Nard’s lightning


♪♫ Bet you couldn't hear the thunder and see the lightning. ♪♫ (Blinding by Florence and the Machine goof)
Why is bad weather your companion on this tour?  Too Windy, Storm and now lightening!  Did you date
Mother Nature back in the day and never call?
Are you sure this isn’t just an illusion because I’m seeing a lot of Purple Haze.
Now if we can harness that power like we do for solar panels from the Sun just image how much electr
icity we can use.

Is that a mystery face in the clouds (left) or just a reflection?
I Tweeted to @nard and he’s says it isn’t his lightning.  Ha~ha.  (Look it up there is an account with this name!)

From terrysdiary.com: Jared Leto at my studio.


Where’s the rest of the suit?
Now with the tattoo its like a fun game of ‘Hangman’ when its exposed like that to all the new
“Play it again, Sam.” (Casablanca goof).
The tat read ‘Pro Tum’ like your all for Tums!
Fedora is also an operating_system.  (Fedora is a RPM-based, general purpose collection of soft
ware, including an operating system based on the Linux kernel.)
So are you more like Humphrey Bogart influenced or Freddy Krueger influenced to wear that hat?
Did you know:  Michael Jackson was known for his black fedora.  (and sometimes his white one too!)  There is a joke in there somewhere.  Hope you find it!
“Hey it’s Indiana Jones!”  Ooops not its not.
Looks a little like a bad line-up at the police station shot.  We knows its not for pimping because
your missing the suit!

From terrysdiary.com: Me and Jared Leto at my studio


Terry's Tale:
(in Fiction!)

Do you now how exhausting it is to keep this boy out of trouble? I’ve seen him playing with camera equipment mocking what I do (Taking a pic of a pic taking), when I chewed him out he made that face again (OMG!). He went out later than night with some Friends and I not doubt he was still making that face too. (NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET: @thecobrasnake pic 1). I know it won’t be long he will ditch the dudes for some ladies. (NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET: @thecobrasnake pic 2).

It won’t be long until some bad influence comes along. (NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET: ME+BAM nyc!!!). Then around 2 in the morning he will be coming to my studio door where I’m catching up on some work.

Sometimes I want to give him an asthma test, but instead gave him a quick pop quiz(NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: pop quiz) because I knew the answers. So did he so he went over to the couch and slept. I tossed a quilt over him and went back to work. I was determined to show him a new way to live tomorrow.

Tomorrow night came quickly and Jared was excited to learn were going to a classy party. I mean Courtney Love was going to be there so you know it was classy, right? (NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET: Terry, Olivier, Carine, Courtney + Me in NYC. PURPLE DIARY PHOTOS)

He lived through that, but only after he cleared the security check. (NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Security Check). It was just like at an Airport where you had to dump your stuff to be searched. Celebs can’t be too careful these days. How embarrassed I was to see him carry so much distractions so he can hide in a corner at the party. I caught up to him later talking to Felipe, who was the worst influence yet! (From terrysdiary.com: Felipe Mafra and Jared Leto at my studio.).

So I had to bring in the big guns of positively (From terrysdiary.com: Johnny and Jared Leto at my studio). For a while he was on his best behavior. (From terrysdiary.com: Jared Leto… head to toe), but quickly turned again. (From terrysdiary.com: Jared Leto’s gone wild!).

So I took him to the one place (NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Palace) that had some success. Back to (he Bromance continues! More Terry pics…) and meet new people and get this Wild side out of his system. Even introduced him to an EX of mine!

Then I asked him when we came back from our trip which way was he going to live his life Wild or Normal (POLL: Which style do you prefer?).

He said he had to sleep on it. (NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET: Sheep) and find out what was important to him (NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Ol skool kash money). Maybe check in with some former mentors for advice. (NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Sting) The question was simple can this path he was on going to continue.

“Yes!” (NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Yes) “I am no ones Bitch!” (NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: good dog – Belgium). “People like those in (NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Depeche Mode) Depeche Mode Set the bar high, but I think I can keep it up!”

Maybe he was coming around I thought. Maybe those famous words from that Artist that no one heard about was the answer. ‘Follow Your Dreams.’ (NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Follow your dreams – Bart Art).

He went to find his own people (NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Me + Nyc Emergency Driver / Echelon) and learned much from them. He was told to go to China. (NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: The Great Wall) and become a Warrior of the people. (NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Me as a Chinese warrior).

Soon he found (From terrysdiary.com: Balthazar Getty and Jared Leto at my studio #1#2#3) in the hopes to have a money backer to his new life, but little did he know FATE does play a part in his life as the bad influence of Balthazar Getty got him to return to smoking by saying it would make him look cool. It wasn't until Balthazar said somthing bad about me that things came to a head.

What am I going to do? He’s a handful to keep on the straight and narrow. Please be a good influence on my boy here. I need all the help I can get. Maybe getting him that Blackberry with a camera will give him a hobby. Thanks! (From terrysdiary.com: Me and Jared Leto at my studio).

From terrysdiary.com: Balthazar Getty and Jared Leto at my studio #3


This is not what they mean by head-to-head football guys.
Mind reading is not done like this.
Jared to use the product HeadOn your suppose to ‘Apply straight to the forehead’ not another
person.  ("HeadOn:  Apply directly to the forehead goof)
Doctors have made advances….they can separate conjoined  people. #justsaying

Romantic“Look into my eyes and tell me you love me.”

Proof that men are always playing head games.
Putting your heads together to plan on how to save the planet?
“Terry is mine!”

“No.  Terry is mine!”
Told you that wasn’t hair product, but super glue!

From terrysdiary.com: Balthazar Getty and Jared Leto at my studio #2


The Brand says it all:  American Spirit.
So hypocrite is one your new labels right Mr. Smoking Kills! Caption maker?
Shannon and Tomo are going to get so jealous that they could have bummed a cigarette off Balthazar Getty.
Welcome to the Cancer Club!
Now we know what happens when Shannon’s ’don’t do it’ influence isn’t around you.  You go WILD!
So your still in love with your inhaler, huh?
Balthazar Getty can pull off the James Dean pose ~ Jared.  Not so much.
Your suppose to stick out your tongue when your fingers are in that position not put a cigarette in
Jared’s facial expression is because he’s just learned that he was suppose to light them to get the
tar taste.
Jared’s facial expression is because he likes FIRE!

From terrysdiary.com: Balthazar Getty and Jared Leto at my studio #1


Old School Intercom Paging  “Balthazar Getty and Jared Leto to the Studio.  Balthazar Getty and Jared Leto to the Studio please.”
Balthazar looking kind of Charlie Sheen-ish.
It’s the ‘Shade Brigade!’
Which one of you are hung-over?
What’s Jared doing there?  Trying to pick Balthazar’s pocket?
Did you ask if he keeps in touch with Sienna Miller?  (He had an affair with her in 2008)
Does he smell like millions or douche bag millions?
Welcome to the latest members to the Actor and Musicians Club.
Question:  What movie does Balthazar and Jared share in common?

Answer:  That Blockbuster (over 52 people saw it) movie Sol Goode

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Me as a Chinese warrior


I thought I recognized you!  You were in Angelina Jolie’s movie Tomb Raider and the Cradle of Life movie, right? (Rent it!)
Even though many puts you on one you should really take them up on their devotion to put you on a
pedestal Jared.
This can’t be you!  This guy is wearing shorts not a skirt!
This can’t be you!  This guy isn’t animated.
Is that a bucket next to him for tips or ashtray holder for butts?
This can’t be you!  He has a spotlight on him…..wait a minute….maybe?
I saw thatYesterday video pretty much frame by frame and I don’t remember this to be one of your
costume change outfits.
Is it really that close to Halloween?
Wow!  You really go all out for this cosplay stuff.  (Cosplay  short for "costume play" is a type
of performance art in which participants don costumes and accessories to represent a specific character or idea).
Headline News:  Costumes for Chinese warrior wives increase by 120%
“You shall not pass….without going to the gift shop first.”

Is that a Qiang or a gun (staff)?
This can’t be you!  This guy has a full beard…can you even get yours this thick?
Where is the button to start the audio portion of this tour?
You know you can get smaller versions of the same statue in the gift shop, right?
This can’t be you!  This guy is holding pretty tightly onto his wooden staff.  If this was you

wouldn’t a chick be doing that for you?
Is this the new Mars Army Uniform I keep hearing about?



Might be a matter of opinion because one observer told me, ‘Es ist nicht so toll!’ (‘It is not that great!’ in German.)  I think it was from Berlin. (Berlin Wall goof).
The Great Wall in China?  I thought ‘The Great Wall’ was at the Hive where you all scribble crap on
it all day long!
Still not enough room for all the fans/Echelon to post their favorite pictures, posters and other mater
ials they have of the band.
There is only one Wall that’s cooler and greater than this one.  Pink Floyd's ~ The Wall.
This view is a little foggy perhaps you should have just used the one they took from space.  Google
Let me get my glasses or use my zoom to see the ‘Great Wall’ in this shot.  What are you using a
disposal camera?
Inside Gossip News:  This shot will be the backdrop for the new Walburgers  from the Wahlberg
Brothers.  Slogan:  We go the distance to make it your way!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
New Poll Idea:  Shannon, Jared and Tomo were to race across the Great Wall of China.  Who would
win?  (It’s only 5,500 miles)
Didn’t you do the tourist thing last time you were here?  Or are these those photos?  Are you pushing off your home movies no one else wants to see?  Ha~ha.
Time to see if you can smuggle out the ultimate souvenir!
Ever go back to where the video was shot, put on the Samurai gear and ask people, ‘Remember Us?’ 
(Don’t be sad if they don’t.  I mean w/out Matt they might not)
Why not send Tomo (and/or Shannon) across the way to wave to make this shot extra special.
When they question you remember this phase:  不是間諜 。 我是一個 來自美國的 歌手。 (Not a Spy.  I am an singer from the United States). 

If your into walls come to my house.  There are tons of them build by the renowned builder Bob. 
(Bob the builder TV show goof).

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Me + Nyc Emergency Driver / Echelon


Dude, you’ve ruined the game of:  Where is Jared?

Jared:  “Don’t you have to respond to that siren?”
Driver:  “Someone will get it.  I’m with Jared Leto!”

Did you ask if “Urgent" by Foreigner was his favorite song as a kid?
NY driver wearing a Dallas shirt. #justObserving

What begins a fight with his wife without proof:  “Honey guess who I met at work today….”

Did you keep his contact info in case you need to get to a concert on time?
Did you get to play with his siren? ☄Re-Ro!-Re-Ro!☄
Did you ask if he ever delivered someone to ‘General Hospital?’ (Soap Opera goof).
Are you trying to show a hug move with your other hand or trying out the Vulcan nerve pinch? 
(Vulcan nerve pinch is a technique used mainly by Vulcans to render unconsciousness by pinching a pressure point at the at the base of the victim’s neck)

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET PHOTO: Follow your dreams – Bart Art


Just like the real Bart he never could finish what he started (especially in bed).  Ha~ha!
Following this dream will lead you to a community college.
Dream of going into another year of art class for incomplete projects are we?
Follow your dreams if you Only have the cash to make them into reality.  Or Parents who are willing
to take a chance.
Follow your dreams to California and then realize you should have stayed home because the streets
paved with gold are fake.
Why follow your dreams when creating them are much more fun?
Why is the guy in the drawing so unhappy?  Was that his dream to be an unhappy S.O.B.?
When is Bart going to learn not to let the 5 year old next store neighbor do all his artwork?
So this guys/gals dream is to create incomplete works of art, with a near balding, zit on top of forehead, angry
face?  Dream Successful!
Is the arrow leading to the dream of Bart’s?  (that’s where the crotch is, isn’t it?)  Either to
have something there or have others handle something there, right?
Is Bart’s dream to become a Doodle for the homepage for Google and he ran out of time?
Can you be a Dream or following you still be considered someone to be a Stalker?
Most of the women looking at this photo will follow the chick in the photo for her shoes than Bart's work.
Bart Art?  Or Bart Simpson Art?
For some reason I expected a little more dirtier from Bart in his Art.  Anyone else?
Too bad Bart only colors in Black & White.  I do, but I can also Dream in Color. #limited in his
To Show Support:  Aerosmith called they asked me to tell Bart to ‘Dream On’.  ("Dream On" is the
first single by Aerosmith from their 1973 debut album, Aerosmith)
Was it a dream?
Was it a dream?
Is this the only evidence that proves it

Then destroy it and begin again!
If this is the best Bart has to dream than let’s hope Freddy Krueger knows his address.
Are you sure this isn’t a dream within a dream?  (Edgar Allan Poe)
Is this a photo of the sleep demon that keep his Friend Jared Leto awake?   (It’s a Twitter thing).



“Help!  I’m trapped in this box!”
With no shirt on….will he still get service if he’s wearing shoes? (No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service
Didn’t this guy also have vocal problems that he had to recover for a while before returning to the
Ok!  I was never a fan of Depeche Mode.  There!  I admit it!



Good Dog Because…

No need to spend money on food.
No need to worry about fresh water daily.

No need to walk or go to a dog park and mingle with other dog owners.

No need to pick up his/her poop.

No need to pick out a name that he/she won’t come running to you.

No need to purchase all the accessories (bed/toys/toothbrushes)

No need to train.

No need to have someone watch him/her while your out of town.

No need to hear your loved one complain how much he/she is driving them nuts when your at work.

No need to track him/her down when they break the leash or get out of the backyard to run the
No need to pick a name that won’t make your Friends laugh at you for choosing it.

No need to worry about getting a second pet in conflict with this one.

No need to get vet check-ups or purchase flea/ticks medicine.

No need to find out that he/she doesn’t do well on long car trips, until its too late.

No need to worry about your loved one trying to take him/her after you break up.

No need to hear neighbors complain how much barking he/she does.

No need to watch as he/she lick themselves right when your trying to watch a movie.  You try to
look away, but just can’t.
No need to get him/her fixed.

No need to worry about dressing him/her up for Halloween and Christmas.

No need to decide if you want a pure bred or adopt.  (➔ ADOPT).

No need to get a tracking device on him/her.

No need to get kissed up on him/her and realize a dogs mouth might be the most sanitary thing on
them.   But their breath will knock you out!
No need to continue because the best reason that this is a 'Good Dog' is because it gives you pause of how ones life can be enhanced with an unconditional loving creature that is missing from your life.

  (other than cat/birds/fish/ect).



Can you pass this test about YES?

1.  Are they an English rock band?
2.  Have there been no less than 16 musicians have been a part of the group's line-up?
3.  Were they formed in 1968?
4.  Is their website address
5.  Was Chris Squire is the only band member is the only one who appears on ALL Yes albums.?
6.  Did you know that YesBig Generator’ was recorded in a castle in Italy?
7.  Do you remember the video for Owner of a Lonely Heart ?
8.  Are you getting bored with this quiz?

Thanks for Wasting your Time. 
Turn off your device and go Outside & PLAY!


That’s not Sting!  That’s Gordon Matthew Sumner!
Oh no you don’t!  Your not fooling me!  That’s not Sting!  This is Sting:

Get in the Ring with the Real Sting

Sad that the only thing people remember from a band is its lead singer/guitarist.  The drummer has a name too!
Confession:  I would have tantric sex with him at his age.
“No, your right this would look better in the bedroom.”

Talk about needing the extra boost to EGO!
Try taking it and see if anyone calls The Police.

What you don’t know:  Sting has a copy of the same size of Jared in his bedroom for Trudie (his
wife) to enjoy when he’s off on tour.
Anyone else popping out Sting's head and inserting Jared's to see the future?
Did you know Sting named his bass guitar Z-bass BrianFollow-up Did you know:  what we call all the 
instruments Jared plays LUCKY.
Cosmic connection?  Sting does Yoga, worked within a 3 man band, did some acting and is married.  Same as J
ared. ➔ Not much on the marriage thing.
Did you know:  Sting was in the coolest movie in 1998:  Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels (He
played JD).



WOW!  I heard about these things.  A Beta!
When Math was necessary to make change.
Where do I plug in my ipod?
This one is for Bar Sales only I’d hate to see the huge monster for the Food Sales.
Now not only can you check yourself out at the grocery store, but you and do it at this restaurant? 
Hope those planning on robbing this place know the code to get the register open before the cops
The ultimate register for patrons to say, ‘Keep the Change’ because it will take forever for them
to wait after eating their meal.
Punching in all those numbers for the credit card is a Bitch with this one!
Sadly, Shannon thought it was a casino one armed bandit after getting a little too tipsy with his
Sadly, Tomo doesn’t read German and when you guys told him the free after dinner mints were in the
machine…..well, the cops weren’t laughing either. 
Why people ever got rid of these just don’t make plennig. (cents).
Did you ask if you can touch their crank? Ha~ha.
Ol skool kash money (Attend public school did we?) ⏎



Is that the legendary Baa, Baa, Black Sheep?
Free Sweater Sale!  Only catch:  You have to sheer your own wool.

Holy Sheep!
Seriously?  Aren’t you taking this environmental use to cut your lawn a little too far?  Just buy a
Were all the Lambs Silently hiding in the barn?  (Silence of the Lambs goof).
You’ve discovered where they keep Dolly!  Scavenger Hunt is over ~ You won! (Dolly - cloned
Sheep).  Government faked her death.
Sheep Happens!
I beg you.  Pleeeeeassssse tell me your not in Scotland when you took this shot.
Where is the rest of the 4H crew? (youth organization administered by the National Institute of
Food and Agriculture of the United States).
So when your trying to get some sleep THESE are the sheep you count?  Interesting there is only 7
so this means you recycle in your sleep too?
Don't get too close to that Sheep.  He seems a little Horn~y.
Catching the YouTube meets Jackass TV Show feeling here?  ("Run Tomo!")

POLL: Which style do you prefer?


Was going to bed, but couldn’t resist blogging this page even if I’m out of Twitter:

Shirt #1

The ones buying the shirt will already know your name. Those who don’t know you could have use a name & quote.

Shirt #2

The one I choose because it is the less of corney of all, but yet vague.  Dreamers are not always able to break-free from their harsh lives of reality.  Many Dreamers have the will, but not the way.

Shirt #3

Than what? I’d kick your ass so hard that you’d wouldn’t want to sit down for a month. That quote only makes it seem like a challenge to harm you. And Shannon can’t be everywhere you are to protect his baby brother.

Shirt #4

Your just a regular guy not promoting yourself or the band with just a photo.

Shirt #5

In the woods with a wolf getting ripped to shreds you mean? Come on.

Conclusion: I have to get up before the sun, but I was so angry with your choices I had to Blog. If this is a shirt just for you then fine, but what about Tomo and Shannon who is also in the Band don’t they get a personalized shirt too? Are those samples to come?

Tomo of the MOFO Collection or Shannon of the Beat more than Drums (his meat/his woman’s tush) Collection.

Your sitting at the Pont des Arts, which connects the Left bank to the Louvre museum, right? Not one quote of love? I have no time to research some of your old stuff, but isn’t it time for some new original quote?

“Bridge the Love.” or something else sappy?

“Leto: Looking for Love

“Love is like a Lock ~ Only someone special holds the key.”

Maybe the best thing to do is take requests from more creative people than myself (if that’s possible Ha~ha). More non-sleepy-have-to-get-up-EARLY-creative-people.

Not your samples. A fill-in the blank request.

NOTES FROM THE OUTERNET: The Bromance continues! More Terry pics…


Photo # 1

Damn! I thought Mister Rogers was dead!
Again let’s research who this dude is in the shot is with the hottie? Oh! It’s Jared Leto. (Get it?
#EgoPunch). #RichardKern
Someone raided Terry’s wardrobe!
Birds of a feather DO flock together. #filmmaker #writer #photographer #naughtyArtLover

When did Norman Bates get the new glasses?
It is so nice that Jared poses with his mailman to give him the thrill of being in the papers.

What?  His Science Teacher?
Wait-A-Minute! Isn’t that Shannon’s glasses?

Photo # 2

Jared: “I found my other glove!”
Jared: “I was denied into the gun show! Aaaaaaaaa!”

Jared: “I can’t believe how cold it is tonight. Aaaaaaaa!”

Jared: “Get out of here! I’m no prostitute…oh! Wait a minute I am in the music business…”

Jared: “Let’s get in the ring! I want to wrestle someone! Aaaaaaa!”

Jared: “I am the real Jolly Green Giant, but currently in black and white. Ho-Ho-Ho-Aaaaaaaa-
Jared: “I don’t know where I parked the car. Aaaaaaa!”

Jared: “Taxi! Aaaaaaaaaa!”

Jared: “Why didn’t Shannon and Tomo show up? AAAaaa!”

Jared: “I told you it BURNS! I think that chick had something. BURNS! AAAAAAAA!”

Jared: “Get out of here. I’m not George Michael from Wham! AAAAAaaaaaaaaa!”


Photo #3

Check-it-Out!  Figure skater Nancy Kerrigan in New York!
Jared has yet to learn to get past the fact that Ralph Macchio got the gig as The Karate Kid and
not him.
Is that the ‘wax on’ or ‘wax off’ pose?
Police Arrive: “Excuse me sir just how much have you had to drink tonight?”

Reality: I can take Jared down with one single shove. (I’ll win because he can’t hit a girl)
Mr. Miyagi won’t appreciate you showing off like this.
Is it puppet time on the streets of New York?
Guess when one wears a skirt you should know how to kick the persons butt whose laughing at you.

Photo #4

Check out the choir boy? Alter boy?
prayer stance

Photo #5

Jared Leto: The Original Evangelist: "Yes! May the power of the Lord go through you! Get up from the wheelchair and JUMP!" (concert Jump goof).
So this is your impression of a Tiger ready to pounce, huh?
Jared: “So I was like….get out of here bear! And got ready to attack him…..no Terry….wait why are
you…why are you laughing?”
Fear me! Fear my nail polish!
Jared shows his temper: “Touch that last tofu burger and I will take you out!”

Jared: “This is Hai Karate and I smell the same way!” (Hai Karate was a budget aftershave).

Photo #6

What’s are you doing with 70’s David Bowie mom? #CarineRoitfeld
So does an more experienced woman teach you anything new?
She only loves you for your access to eye liner.
Blink Twice if your in trouble Jared.
Now we know why you had a fight with your latest girlfriend. Your such a whore! Ha~ha.

Whose Lily from the Monsters TV Show behind the two of you?

Photo #7

Still Don't know who this guy is on the left.
Is this the Bromance you were talking about?

Photo #8

Jared: “Don’t wake her!”
Courtney: “Oh Kurt. You feel so good.”
Jared: “What do you mean did I slip her something?”

Courtney: “Take me upstairs Kurt…Jared.”

Jared thinking: What would Shannon do?

Courtney: “You smell like Axe.” (Axe body spray).
Jared: "We are no Sid and Nancy. I'll have to pass."

Courtney wakes to burn Jared with her cigarette and Jared goes home alone.