30 Seconds To Mars DETAILS

Now most of you folks maybe asking yourselves who/what is Thirty Seconds to Mars and let me clue you in with my own opinions. That right even women have them these days…go figure. Ha-ha.

First of all it’s a band involving-at least currently-3 members. Jared, Shannon, and Tomo.

Now before you get too excited it’s not a band with a guy, a girl and their dog named Tomo, but three dudes. Three talented in their own right.

We have Jared Leto, the ring master and lead vocalist of the band, which most of you already recognize the name from his modeling and acting days. Check out the link of his early work….and yes, the ‘My So-Called Life' heartthrob who had to suffer though years of High School troubles who trying not to fall in the lovely red-headed Clair Danes. And in the epic movie ‘Alexander’ where he was the boy toy/love interest of one fricken Hot Colin Farrell. Actually they also stared in ‘Phone Booth’ together too…did you know that?

For the complete list of his films gladly IMDB his page. Don’t be disturbed of some of the questions posted near the bottom telling of sorted love escapades he may/may not have had because they are just disturbing if true.

Then we have Shannon Leto, who is far from girly as girly can get. This is the big bro to Jared and when Jared seems to be in trouble in a thought during an interview or just needs powerful muscle back-up from CRAZYYY fans he’s always there like a big brother should. That relationship proves you can count on Family no matter what the profession.

Let us not forget the cool Croatian cat named Tomo Miličević whose heavy metal hair style is anything, but SEXY. The youngest of the group he has his moments of humor, but seems to just keep quiet, (except when on Twitter HE TALKS LIKE THIS) and meet with fans and do his job as guitarist. The sincerity in his voice as he speaks of his band mates and of the band is clearly heard in every interview.

Now that all introductions are done let the hammer fall.

As a Fan: Thirty Seconds to Mars have created a sound and unique style all their own. With their foundation based on their love of Family, Friends and Music it can clearly a great start in the right direction.

Their acoustic sound will overfill your heart with memories from the past and memories you hope to make in the future.

While the rock side including the visual of the videos and images at the concerts will power up your mind.

And what does one call a Band whose build on a this foundation, whose acoustic sound touches the heart, as the rock side enriches the mind and is around for years to come sharing this magical and rare combo with their fans?


As a Critic: How does one silence the millions and millions of screaming fans inside a performers head? I can, but instead I’ve gone back to my Positive and Creative side and began creating the Caption Funnies to Jared Leto’s collection of Photos from around the World.

Since I never gotten a response from a Tweet from Jared (like OMG! How is he suppose to tweet all 700,000 + people in one day and tour?) about the conflict between their more crazier fans called Echelon Vs. the Regular Fans. To avoid the ’your not a real fan if your not Echelon’ mail ~ I began this Blog.

P.S. If Jared is reading this he really should check into the Rotten apples posting there before it affects the Good Crop.

There is also an advertisement for an Exclusive Book of Photos Jared took during his trip to Haiti and ALL the profits go to charities to help those affected by the quake.

Cheerios might be good for the Heart, but Charity is good for the Soul. Purchase!

Let Us Begin @ the Beginning ~ At least Since April 2011:

Right Click on the Links to open in New Tab or New Window to see Jared Leto's Photograph to each set of Comments & Comment for YourSelf ~ Here & There!

the triad


You should leave it glowing and have fans up to it and have a speaker in the back, “I am the
Symbol of your New God!”
Is there you sacrifice the virgins to keep the Music Gods happy?
Do you make it blink during your shows?
One big arse Glow Stick.  Where's you get it?
Are your sure its THE Triad?  I mean I took some photos a while back

In a Gondola Ride

Running of the bulls

At the Eiffel Tower

the red piano


This hotel seems pretty fancy to have one of these in every room.
It’s more of a reddish orange piano.
Who trashes the top of a piano and risks scratches and rings really never though of the cost of a
piano this size. #Coasters!
That’s Heather Mills’ piano because she left her leg nearby.  Yes, that was improper and tacky,
but that’s me.
A popcorn cup is not a good tip jar.
Fruit?!  Your going to get sticky fingers if you eat and then begin to play.
That floor pattern would make badarse curtains.
Are we taking a gig in the Red Light District or just visiting one?
Did you know:  The Red Piano Tour was a concert tour by English singer-songwriter Sir Elton John.
No!  Your looking for the Lady in Red not the Piano in Red….unless your into being an Objectum-sexual.
If he/she is on a break he/she should either put up a sign or play their Ipod until they get back.
What animal gave up their horn or tusk for this entertainment?



Yes.  Yes they are.  Very observant.  Now can you identify the green and blue stuff? (answer:  grass & sky).

truckful of bananas


Clownana, a dancing half-clown, half-banana is much more interesting and FUNNY, but adult type video.  (Strong Mature).  Watch both partshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASSP2dg7UxA
I told you before you press the ok button at the check out online always verify your order Jared.
Somewhere there are some sad monkeys.  Or happy ones waiting for the truck.
I prefer the Banana Republic
Looks like someone took the ‘Go Bananas’ literally.
It’s not the delivery man’s fault.  You did ask for Fresh Bananas.
Cut out the middle man by selling it yourself.
So this is part of the PR for the new movies 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes'.
Banana Joke:

Mandy: Our teacher went on a special banana diet.
Andy: Did she lose weight?
Mandy: No, but she sure could climb trees well!

truckful of bananas


Clownana, a dancing half-clown, half-banana is much more interesting and FUNNY, but adult type
video.  (Strong Mature).  Watch both parts.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASSP2dg7UxA
I told you before you press the ok button at the check out online always verify your order Jared.
Somewhere there are some sad monkeys.  Or happy ones waiting for the truck.
I prefer the Banana Republic
Looks like someone took the ‘Go Bananas’ literally.
It’s not the delivery man’s fault.  You did ask for Fresh Bananas.
Cut out the middle man by selling it yourself.
So this is part of the PR for the new movies 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes'.
Banana Joke:
Mandy: Our teacher went on a special banana diet.
Andy: Did she lose weight?
Mandy: No, but she sure could climb trees well!

South American Echelon


“Dude, I am so doing what I want and I’m giving you the Peace sign upside down.”
Is that woman in the back counterfeiting your autograph right in front of you?! How dare she!
“Hey baby, have you ever had an older woman?” (lady on the right).
Sad. She didn’t get the memo about how the blue hair dye was so two hair colors ago.
“Have you seen this woman on the poster? She’s your biggest fan.”
Which of the three older dudes in the back is your driver?
Pat Sajak, Bill Clinton and some British dude if you squint your eyes just right.

Surrounded in South America!


Please tell me you get a kick back from all the camera sales that boosted since you busted on the music scene.
“Yes officer, I have proof that I’m being attacked by a group of people.”
Dude, you should crack a window and crank up your music for all to jam out too.♪♫♩♩♫♪
Look! It’s Terry Richardson’s photographers graduation class working on their final assignment: Find Jared Leto and take his photo.
I am all about plastic rubber band type bracelets, but whatever happened to the Friendship Beads Bracelets?
Is that kid on the left in photo #1 Wilmer Valderama (That 70's Show)

PHOTOSHOOT I did with @alinetappia, @jacquietappia + the good people of BLAST Magazine in France


Pre-Photo Comments:  Your luck must have been with you to avoid the Bad & Ugly people at Blast and only dealt with the Good people.  (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly movie goof).

Photo #1
Jared thinking:  Damn there really is a view in this hotel.
Jared thinking:  Shannon has my camera I just know it.  I just don’t know how to prove it yet.
(Get it?  Shannon is taking the photo).
Jared thinking:  That hair dye bottle had a leak in it and now I can’t change my hair color.  Ruined my favorite
shirt too!
Jared thinking:  I think Tomo was lying when he said he couldn’t find any Hawaiian shirts.
Hey look!  Jared is checkout out the beach to see if there are any hot lifeguards on duty.
Jared thinking:  Did I put enough product in my hair to survive this warm weather?
Jared thinking:  Finally!  Being this far away from everything there is NO way any paparazzi will
find me.
Jared thinking:  I wonder being so close to the other buildings I wonder if Shannon and Tomo
would freak if I started doing some parkour.  (Parkour is a way of conditioning the body and the mind by learning how to overcome obstacles with speed and efficiency. Originally developed in France!)
Jared thinking:  Another Awesome Day.

Jared thinking:  If I bring my hair up a little higher and ran around the beach yelling, “I’m a

Land Shark” if someone would laugh. (Saturday Night Live goof).


Photo #2

Jared thinking:  Thank goodness for a minute there I thought I lost my hands.  I just realized they were on the other side of the staple.
Jared thinking:  Sh*#%&it I still have the woman’s phone number in my hand.


Photo #3


Photo #4
“No they are not UGGS!” (UGG Boots)
Jared thinking:  The bellhop service in this place sucks.  Where is the man whose going to haul
this downstairs?
Jared thinking:  Yea I see Tomo and Shannon out there by the pool having fun.  I can’t believe
Shannon sent me to my room!
Jared thinking:  See not only do I play the guitar I reuse the case as my personal podium.
Jared thinking:  This elevator is taking forever!
Jared thinking:  It looks like a beautiful warm day.  Maybe I should have wore my shorts instead.
Jared thinking:  Maybe I shouldn’t have volunteered to bring down Tomo’s violin case.  I never k
new they came in this size!
Jared thinking:  I know my guitar isn’t in here.  I stuffed the towels, bathrobe and soaps and l
otions inside.  I hope they don’t ask to check it.


Photo #5

Jared thinking:  All right!  I got away with…..Oh Sh&^*(*it.
Jared confesses:  Of course I drive the speed limit and just because I have my racing gloves on means nothing.
Jared thinking:  I wonder if I can convince the guys to modify the doors on the tour bus like this.

Jared thinking:  How am I going to get this to fit?
“Jared your holding up traffic!”


Photo #6

"Oh!  That’s my air conditioning for the car.”
You never knew:  They were using a wind machine to blow the jacket back and yet not a hair out of
Editors Opinion:  This jacket made you look less cooler than the other one.  First one seemed more to be your style.  Or should be part of your style.
Jared thinking:  I am so glad I’m wearing gloves because I’m sure this isn’t the car for the

photo shoot.  (finger prints)
Jared is grateful for the belt that you can scribble on like a white board because he missing writing on his
wall at the Hive.
Jared thinking:  All right the guitar is in.  Now I’m off to get the rest of the gear to load up

for the gig.  Though I rather have the bus even if its not as cool looking as this car, but
Shannon said it’s the car or walking.
Jared thinking:  If I leave the doors opened I’m sure I can take clearer photos for my Blog.  
That windows always leaves reflections.
Jared thinking:  Do I know that chick?  OH!  "Hey Tomo!"

Shannon long legs!


And yet he’s still too short to be ‘America’s Next Top Model’.
So you’re shopping at the Men’s Big & Very Tall stores I see in the malls.
Finally someone who can help me get stuff from the top shelves when I go shopping.
Those must be your stretch pants.  Heck all your pants must be stretch pants.
I know who gets pick first when you guys stop to play a pick-up game at the basketball courts.
Finally!  Proof that I’m not cutting off your head in the groups shots I took of the three of

you.  It was just Tomo and Jared was 'normal' size.
Are you in the Guinness Book of World Records yet?
Warning:  Shannon.  I think you sit back down because the sign behind you says, ‘No Standing
Often wondered Question:  Shannon, being so tall are you afraid of heights?
This explains the frequent headaches.  I mean sometimes we all forget to duck in doorways.
You know your kids Friends are going to tease him by telling him, ‘you’re father is a Daddy-

Longlegs .” (Spider joke)
I really don’t think it was a good idea that Jared talked you into the music business.  You

should have followed your dream to be a member of the Rockettes.
Now I totally see where ZZ Top got the inspiration for the hit song LEGS.

She's got legs, she knows how to use them. She never begs, she knows how to choose them .

Though they did change the sex to protect Shannon's good name.

Prayers in a car


I’ve heard the Middle Eastern religions are not only a Beautiful, but has very strict times and
rituals that involve moments in ones day.

I’m not sure if it's I'm just too busy to take a break in my day or being a Christian, but if I was going to switch religions I don’t think I can handle all the rules either.

Lucky for me I found that what he does and what I can do wouldn’t to be much different except for 2 things.

1.  My carpet would be paper.

2.  And for a donation I can just use it once send my prayers through the mail!  See Below!

Click to view Bigger

Click to view Bigger

Click to view Bigger

Now if I do it through E-mail then I’d have time for myself to read or listen to the radio.

shannon and tomo grub


Check it out!  It must be genetic that every Leto must have a phone nearby at all times.
Why does it look like Tomo is snorting his food off his fork?
Shannon thinking:  Dude, why not put that down and eat something?
Tomo thinking:  If I duck down I can be out of the shot.
Shannon:  “No bro they aren’t worms they are noodles.”
Tomo:  “Man!  That fart was NARLEY!  *cough cough*
Shannon:  “Dude, when your going to do that why not say excuse me or leave the table first.”
Tomo talking into his soup:  “Don’t worry my beef chunky soup the mean vegetarian didn’t mean to
hurt your feelings.  I love you beef.”
Shannon:  “No.  Your not going to get your phone back until you clean your entire plate.”

Shannon:  “Yes, I’m wearing my cap while I’m eating.  Yes, I’m wearing a tank shirt.  What can I
say?  My head is cold and my arms aren’t.”
Tomo:  “I hate it when you two fight at the table!”  AAaaaa!
Tomo:  “OW!” (fall forward in pain)
Jared:  (laughs under his breath).
Shannon (with serious face):  “Bro stop kicking Tomo under the table.”

Jared:  “Hey Shan from this picture it appears you have on a pearl necklace.”
Shannon:  “What’s that mean?”

Tomo busted out laughing at Jared’s awkward silence.
Suggestion:  New Rule:  No Tweeting at the Table.
Shannon:  “I told you it was no joke.  Ready or not we were leaving for dinner.  You weren't ready and so we left without you.”

Shannon:  “Where have you been?  Tomo has been crying in his soup because your not joining us.  We eat together like every other Family.  Even the dysfunctional one that we are."

Two men eating some grub!

path to everywhere


Not upwards if your on a bicycle.
Little Red Riding Hood only wanted to go to Grandma’s house and your homemade map you gave her
made her lost.  Way 2 Go!
Path to everywhere including that psycho killers cabin who just lays in wait for those who are
If it is the path to everywhere, which way to Burger King?
Not only the path to everywhere it’s you can go everywhere you want to go on this path.

(Bathroom humor)
If it is the path to everywhere, which way to the Holiday Inn?
I guess its better than the road to nowhere.
I prefer to just stay on my Journey to the Center of the Earth for now, but I’ll check out this
path to everywhere another time.
What kind of town is this ‘everywhere’? 
I can’t go on the path to everywhere I have a 11 o’clock curfew.  Midnight on weekends!” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Been there-everywhere-not going back.
Which direction do I go to get to Candy Land?  You did say everywhere, right?  I always wanted to go to Candy Cane Forest or Gum Drop Mountain.



1.  Technically you were the subject of the shoot.  The actual photographer was Andre Wolff.

2.  Technically it's DEdiCate Magazine (not DEDICATE)  What you have the TOMO CAPS LOCK FEVER?

Photo #1

If the title is true then that totally explains why we don’t see your hands.
$6.00 for the magazine!  I hope your getting a percentage off for that price.
‘English texts inside’ is nothing new I mean I can get your English text on Twitter every day!
The make-up lady should have done something about those puffy under eye area.
Is that’s your serious look or the ‘dude, I can’t believe you just farted’ look?
You know many don’t realize it’s actually issue #26 not your age, right?

Photo #2

Okay!  So knitting isn’t your specialty.  Thank God you have music to fall back on.
It looks like Shannon & Tomo stepped up their game and tricked you into the upgraded version of the Chinese finger cuffs.  (The trick is to relax your fingers and they will slip out of the sleeves)

Peek a boo!
Ha~ha.  You framed yourself!
Hey you’ve tied this photo with the earlier one about Johnny Ramone.  Kudos!

Photo #3

Will read/translate later.  LATER:

The many faces of Jared Leto?  Really?  I mean most are just known to have the 2-face.  Just how
many are we talking about here?  Is it a Sybil thing for your face?
Editors Note:  Why not just ( “ or say ditto) from any American magazine Interview.  I translated enough to know it’s the same
recycled words of the past and love of artist lifestyle.  Where is the originality?  Are you in a creative runt?
Photo #4

A pair of sunglasses work better when avoiding the sun.
So you DO own a different pair of shoes than the Velcro pair.
Let’s just assume you fell down in the middle of being chased by a tons of fans trying to lay a
hand on you on how come your pants look like that.
"Mom!  I don’t think your homemade shirts are the best to go on tour with.  You can’t do the sleeves right."
Either that’s some Fashion mistake or your using your jacket as Snuggie by wearing it backwards.
Just how broke are you that you have to sell your rare poster collection on the streets?
Hey Buddy!  I don’t see a 30 Seconds to Mars poster anywhere.”
“Perhaps sir you should uncover your eyes and look that way.”

Photo #5

Look!  Modeling head shots 101 ~ The Profile.
You need to get back to the beach and get your tan on Powder.  (Powder movie goof).
Can't really figure it out.  Deep thought?  On the verge of tears?  Making plans for what your

having for dinner?  Because PASSION isn't showing in the image.
Photo #6

I found you!  Worst hide-and-go-seek game EVER!
Look who got caught by surveillance trying to swipe some flowers.  Ha~ha.
Why it is always seem the best flowers can be found in flowers shops and near churches?
Finally someone stopped to smell the roses!  Bravo!
Are you back there taking a leak?

Photo #7

Ha~ha.  Your locked out!
I was going to goof on the size of your shoes that resemble Ronald McDonalds’ or any unknown
clown shoes, but I don’t want to hear the bragging about ‘you know what they say about a man with big feet’ comment.
Don’t continue to be upset.  This is your first time and you didn’t know you had to bring your
own bolt cutters.
Are you upset because you just missed the lock convention?
This is the great opportunity to get your lock picking tools out and horn your skills.
The love lock bridge was invented by someone at a Home Depot who just wanted more attention.
Did you throw the key into the river Seine or keep it and open the padlock when you return?  Your
at the Pont des Arts, which connects the Left bank to the Louvre museum, right?
Photo #8

Translate later.  LATER:  Editors Note:  Sorry that I even did that!  I mean the ‘what I represent does not mean anything, it 's my actions that count’  was a nice end quote, but you might want to interject in the International papers that there are 3 (currently) member in the band that makes 30 Seconds to Mars.  I mean I scanned through and saw NO mention of the names of Shannon or Tomo (though I haven’t read through it all really hard).  I mean is it the fear that they might not be on the same page as you are in interviews?

I mean we have the newly married Tomo (if you believe the rumors because no one really verified that!) who is barely shoved out on his own in front in interviews.

And we have Shannon who is already making plans to branch out from the band with finding new artists or playing solo without needing the keep an eye over baby brother.  Maybe he will take center stage and take the spotlight away from you?  Scared?
Photo #9

I seem your sampling new instruments for the next album.
“Dude, do you know anything besides French polkas?”
I guess when you do sleep you CAN sleep through anything.
“Sorry man, but my art wasn’t selling so I’m trying out accordion playing to pay the bills.”
“Dude, this is the same accordion that Weird Al once used.  Found it on E-bay.”
I wouldn’t nap there when the word above you is COPS.  As in drag you away for loitering.
“Do you audition all the new possible band members like this?”
How fricken clean is that ground?  Can you eat off it clean?

Photo #10

Check it out!  Just like the cartoons!  When someone farts the explanation points comes out to make it extra funny!
Is this proof the magician couldn't put you back together after the saw a man in half trick?
Okay now.  Don't you fall to pieces now.  We like the whole you.  We don't take sides of which
half, but for the ladies it maybe more south than north.❤



What’s so painful about it?  That’s the best ½ price bread products you can live on.
The two loafs on the side have made themselves mo-hawk styles just in
your honor.
Know what’s more painful than being overcooked?  Not being able to
have enough money or access to even get these.
Little hard on the teeth, but crust gives people curly hair.
Just scrape off the top and you’ll be good to go!
When you have extra pepper you have to decide toss it out or add it to
the bread.  Recycle in progress.
You can get the same stuff in your average supermarket with a better
price.  Don’t go fancy just because you can afford it.
Don’t worry youself there are organic vegetarian nature gourmet
bakeries.  Bread-A is a Chinese Vegetarian / Vegan organic bakery restaurant located in Flushing New York.
Pain ~ bread, loaf bread *French  ◀----(did you think we all aren't going to catch that?✵)

Our two big MARS trucks. Red of course


The only reason they can be red is that Ahab finally killed Moby Dick and it’s covered in blood. (Moby Dick being first tour bus name goof)
You know that really isn’t a bank inside so planning the robbery heist
isn’t so smart.
Why not keep it red with circles on the trucks to make it obvious its
Mars trucks.
You should visit ‘Trick my Truck’ TV show and make it MARS trucks in the
design fashion.
That my Friend is the true ‘on the road’ feel.  Not the bus.



Missing the opportunity here:  Unless that’s printed on recyclable paper its cleaner and more enjoyable to have images on DVD.  More portable and less thickly.
Now if I purchase this I can bring it to the concerts and then you can
see me JUMP higher than everyone around me!
This is a good product for short people.
When are you going to tell them all the pages are blank because you this
is your ‘forgot to take the lens cap off the camera’ period.
All famous celebrities have others who write their books for them.  So
who was the ghost photographer?
Objects may look smaller in normal books.
This is NOT what I meant when I asked if you knew of some light reading
before bed.
I don’t think men will be purchasing this after they learn its NOT like
the regular books they buy only for the pictures.
Do you have a warning sticker to avoid lawsuits?  You know the:

✵Is not to be used as a flotation device

✵Is not used to hold off a robbery

✵Is not to be used to replace your encyclopedia collection.



Dude, this is so old school and hard core than I found this on E-Bay.”
FYI:  He defected from the ‘Kiss’ Army.
One man can make a differrence’ and I guess this is the man they were
talking about. (Knight Rider theme goof).
So this is the Army of One.
Does this verify that there is no WAR on MARS because they only have one
man in the ARMY branch there.
“My mom made this for me!”
He’s not in the MARS Army.  His last name is ARMY and he’s stationed on
the MARS Space Station.  (or Mars, Pennsylvania).
“Does this make you jealous Leto?”

Rocker Attitude Check List:

Hair ✓
Attitude ✓
Merch ✓
But does he have the Tats? ⏎

Jesus Christ


Comment that will send me to Hell:  Finally got off the cross because thanks to the lack of trees in the Rain Forest…we really needed the wood.
Comment that will send me to Hell:  Check it out!  It’s Jesus on his day off!  Must be Sunday!
Comment that will send me to Hell:  I thought he’d be Bigger.

Comment that will send me to Hell:  What kind of kinky thing is he into?
Comment that will send me to Hell:  Check out those piercing!  Pretty badarse J Man!
Comment that will send me to Hell:  No one told Jesus to put on sunscreen and now he has a bad sunburn!
Comment that will send me to Hell:  "I told you Jesus that hooker wasn’t clean.  Better get to the clinic A.S.A.P."

Comment that will send me to Hell:  Jesus is almost done working on getting his body back in shape for Fashion Week.  Just 2 more pounds to loose!
Comment that will send me to Hell:  Who dares answer the Scottish question?  (What do Scottish men wear under their kilts)
Comment that will send me to Hell:  He wears a skirt kind of like Jared Leto!
Comment that will send me to Hell: (Jesus thinking):  This isn’t the best cloud I’ve laid on.
Comment that will send me to Hell:  “Dude, I am so high right now."

Comment that will send me to Hell:  World’s first long-haired Hippie!

one arm


Yes, and we all know where the other one is….naughty boy!
Yes we know all the boys from (the planet) Mars have one arm.
I told you once it really freaks out the tourists when you reenact from
the movie Requiem of a Dream so STOP!
You only need one to take photographs!
This is really awkward now if I ask, ‘Give me 10!
Shannon warned you about the rules.  Those who steal (accidentally ~ I‘m
sure) without paying loose a hand or more in some countries.
Until they set you up with some system like Rick Allen from Def Leppard
…can I play lead guitar?
NO!  The expression is ‘Your yanking my chain.  NOT your yanking my arm
You really did like James Franco’s acting skills in 127 Hours.  Way to
show your dedication.
OK!  OK!  I believe you!  There is nothing up your sleeve!  Just do the
magic trick already.”
Sadly your agent called and you didn’t get the part in the The Fugitive
(TV series) remake to play Raisch (the one-armed man).  Nice dedication to the craft and realism to the part though.
DAMN!  Now your only down to one TRIAD to show off!  Ha~ha.♥

man bag or murse?


Depends:  Whose carrying it at the time the photo was taken?
Depends:  How much make-up is in it?
Depends:  It is the latest rage in the city your in to be seen with it?
Depends:  Are people jealous that your carrying it or are they laughing
at you?
Depends:  Who bought it - you or your lady who thinks its fashionable?
Depends:  Is there extra pockets for all your stuff like wallet, change
purse, tissues, ect. Or are you transporting a change of clothing?
Depends:  Is there any maxi-pads or tampons inside?  (with the overflo of chicks mini purses they sometimes ask the men to carry those in their bags.-Rumor has it).
Depends:  Are you carrying it over your shoulder or swinging it from your finger
Depends:  Do you feel like a chick or a dude holding it?
Depends:  Does it match your outfit and shoes?
Depends:  If you have to ask…..put it back where you found it OR

NY heart me – street art- Paris


Look the cops told you this once before.  Stop the graffiti!
No You Hurt Me or No You Heart (love) Me is what it translates out too in Twitter speak.
LINGO speak would be faster to do:  NY hart me
If it was worthy to be called gallery art they would have put a
chalk frame around it.
You can find the artist by the way he/she holds her stencil and
paint cans/box of chalk.
Sadly, as Tomo stood in the middle of the road reading this
artistic message…..a car ran into him. ☠ (❤)
To bad Me don’t Heart N.Y. ← It was a bad break-up.

Sadly, no one goes the extra mile by placing the arrow through the
heart anymore.↷❤
You know that’s from an realism artist.  That’s real blood!
I don’t leave my heart in NY, but I did leave my wallet, scarf,
and a pair of socks once.
All that’s sad.  He ran out of supplies before she can sign it. 
MELISANDE. (French origin name, which is a Form of Melissa).
He was going to write MERCH, but a car was coming. ☠

P.S. Thank you BONO, EDGE, LARRY, + ADAM of the legendary #U2 for the privilege of covering such a beautiful song. It was a total pleasure.


First of all we all know streets have names because it would suck to have a map and GPS if they didn’t.
First of all this is the first caption I can remember that
resembles a love letter you’ve written.  I mean why not just add ‘I’d love to do a project with each other like a song combo or even tour together.'  Not fooling anyone!
Did you really get permission to cover the song?  I mean in
FYI:  For the dial-up community waiting for this clip to load was
painful.  Go Buffer Yourself & then Re-Dial!  No chance of getting video of this even from YouTube to run.  Though someone did video off their TV for 'Hurricane' and 'Closer to the Edge', but that's not what were talking about in this blog.
Many wished they were the superfan to see the show because they
too would be ‘excited’. (YouTube goof)(she says it like a million times/million ways)
Why did you choose U2?  Not Classic Aerosmith?  I would LOVE to
hear you sing "ANGEL"! Throw down some AC/DC "Rock 'N' Roll Ain't Noise Pollution" ~ OR Kool & The Gang and perform "Celebration" in the same passion.
Did you know:  The song is actually about Ireland. In Ireland (and
Northern Ireland), the many cities are divided: rich/poor, Catholic/Protestant, etc. By knowing which street a person lives on you can tell their religion, wealth and beliefs - it's where the streets have no name.
Why not redeem yourself with the Courtney Love fiasco and sing,
Eye Of The Tiger” and to prove she’s still alive and/or didn’t mind the Kurt tribute video you made have her come out as a SURPRISE guest! 
They wouldn’t let you have ‘One’?  That would have been a better
fit for you and a back-up choir!  That also would have gotten a tie-in with the ‘save the planet’ theme.
I guess this means Weird Al Yankovich refused your request of one
of his songs?
Add "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" By Elton John to your
selection you missed out on.
"My Heart Will Go On (Titanic Theme)" By Celine Dion would have
been a great pick too.
Ultimate song that I would have just melted for?  "Who Wants to
Live Forever" by Queen.  (Highlander movie theme).  That had everything you needed to do it church-ie style.  Hind sight sucks for you!
Overall on Audio Only:  Jared had the song in the beginning and at
the end, but in between it was all Shannon and Tomo.  I hoped the choir would be a little more involved in the song.  Like a raise you up a notch on the level higher style performance feeling.

nice glyphic tee


Tat Alert!
“Look what I made in Home Ec class…..to bad the teacher only gave
me a B+.”
How embarrassing it’s upside down!
The Photographer Perv is back!
Why wouldn’t someone be proud of the work they did not want their
face shown?
Merch Alert!
Isn’t there 4 glyphics?  Is the other side and 2 inside?  That way
you can wear the shirt 4 days without having to wash it!
Is she sharing her age?  (30)

no skinny bitches!


There’s a discrimination lawsuit waiting to happen.
Prejudice against the skinny is still prejudice.
I bet if a skinny bitch had a box of Dunkin Donuts they would turn a blind eye.
Owner:  Kirstie Alley (Before Dancing with the Stars)
I didn’t believe it until I saw the 3 explanation points.  Three of them must mean they mean business.
Then what is that woman doing inside?
WOW!  I mean what world we live in when a skinny bitch can’t go into a business.  I mean what are they going to do?
What if you’re a skinny bitch who wants to plump up?
Where do I get a copy of that sticker?
I have one of those notices on my ex-boyfriends front door.  He likes them BIG!  At least now he does.
Who you calling BITCH?  BITCH!
Does that includes my female dog? (Bitch).
OH!  I get it.  It’s not an insult it’s the fact in society that were all obese.  So all are welcomed.
If you weren’t skinny going in you definitely won’t be when you come back out!
Where’s the weight cut off number?  It is also listed on the window?
So if no Skinny Bitches are allowed in…..is there also a height requirements too?
Are we talking regular woman skinny or model skinny?
I guess it’s better than their other sign:  FATTIES ONLY.

me, Jesus, and a hat


I’ve played a lot of ‘Find the Hidden Items’ PC games, but I’m proud to say this one was the easiest to finish.

Found You, Jesus and the Hat

Are those the rules for the ladies who come to visit before anything happens.  They have to sign the waver?
So your into carnival games to win that teddy bear?
Nothing says ’on the go’ like replacing a dresser to use totes to store stuff.
No curtains?
Where are all the gold records on the wall?
What happened to your Farrah Fawcett swimsuit poster….or don’t I want to know?
I see you really are overprotected of your stuff, but take the bubble wrap off and you might be able to get inside the armoire.
Totes means:  need to unpack or too lazy to store in a closet.
Should you be watching XXX stuff on the internet while Jesus is hanging on the wall?  I mean Jesus is ‘watching you’.
There is an impression there (once was) Goldilocks on your pillow.  Whose been sleeping in your bed?
You have the hat but I don’t see the whip mister Indiana Jones.
Matthew 1:21
She will have a baby son. Name him Jesus, because he will save his people from the wrong things they have done.'

Book O:MG!
Then along will come to pass a cult who will correct the mistakes of those who have done wrong to this world.  The name of these believers shall be known as ‘Echelon’.
I can top your photo!  
Brothers cat in a hat with Jesus in the back!

nice bike


Know what would be nicer?  Bolt cutters.
Know what would be nicer?  A banana seat attached instead.
Know what would be nicer?  A sale on thumb tacks or nails nearby.
Know what would be nicer?  If someone was actually using it!
Know what would be nicer?  Flames painted on it.
Know what would be nicer?  Some baseball cards clipped to the
Know what would be nicer?  A little basket to carry their
doggie/kitty inside.
Know what would be nicer?  A little motorized bell that when
pressed says, “Mars Alert!”
Know what would be nicer?  A specialized license plate or bumper
sticker attacked somewhere on the bike.
Know what would be nicer?  ‘30 Seconds to Mars’ carved into the
main bar near the seat.
Know what would be nicer?  If you had a small area of this
photograph with the owner of the bike running out getting ready to find out why your taking photos of his bike.
Know what would be nicer?  A pair of fuzzy dice hanging from the
Know what would be nicer?  A TRIAD sewed into the seat.  Then the
impression would be on their arse as they go along their day.
Know what would be nicer?  A CAR!

le chef!


“Take that Chef Ramsay .  I wear a big hat and a metal watch when I cook.”  (Chef Ramsay from Hell's Kitchen TV show goof).
The contestants on ‘Top Chef’ really get into their costumes. (Bravo is new with Top Chef  TV show goof)
Do you know who his hardest competitor was?  That’s right it was some kid named Chef Boy-R Leto!
Yes, I know there are Frog Legs in there.  I put them in there!”

For the longest time as a kid didn’t you image all Chefs had the Don King hairdo when they wore those hats?
When will cooking competitions becomes the new NASCAR by placing sponsors on their hats?
I don’t think he understood your entree into the competition.  (They were crêpes --->a.k.a. PANCAKES!)
Caption sounds French, the guy looks Italian and he’s wearing USA colors on his ribbon.  Welcome to the Unified World when it comes to food.
WOW!  This school went all out hiring this guy to teach home economics classes.
Did you know?  Costa Rica is selected for the 2012 Bakery World Cup.
That is one badarse ‘Life Alert’ (Help, I've fallen and I can't get up) device.  Maybe that’s what you get when you get the premium package.
Seems Walmart upgraded their staff in their Bakery department.
What a wonderful tribute!  They let the winner of the Senior Olympics enter the competition.

I bet Shannon's bitter for getting disqualified from the competition after being exposed for only entering as an amateur chef.  The judges found the proof on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Li2L6_PvaTk
Even though long gone, but not forgotten Matt was asked not to attend for his toxic creation of his home-style nachos would most likely pose a Health and Safety concern.

Update: Secret Recipe Exposed: Also found on YouTube

Only French cooking connection I have is (saw on reruns on so don’t think you can figure my age!):  last lines of each episode The French Chef (TV show) was by Julia Child: "So that's all for today on The French Chef. This is Julia Child, bon appetit."

la chaim!


“It’s a cake for my wife’s Birthday you Profiler!” (Guy in background holding box)
“I’m telling you, Jacob.  This is how were going to get the young
people in our doors.  This is how they dress these days.  I’ve seen it on a MTV show."
Sad that the man stepped into and the woman turned when you were
just about to take her photo.
If I say, ‘It’s a Jewish thing ~ I wouldn’t understand’  would that
be bad?
I recognize the man on the right!  He was there on Preppy Night! 
(alligator on shirt).
“Dude, where did you get that kewl hat?”
Whose blue kicks are those?
“No, really they have the more portable DVD players with larger screens cheap at Best
Buy.  You can lay them right on the table.”
“John.  Just because you’ve bought a “As Seen On TV" project for
better brain power it doesn’t mean it really works.”
Old School Vs. New Technology:  Round 1
Joining the ‘Black Eyed Peas by sharing your Yiddish to an
international audience?

Lyrics:  I got a feeling…

Fill up my cup
Mazel tov

Look at her dancing
(Move it Move it)
Just take it off



I’m going to assume that the architect was once in a Fraternity because if you look on the inside it looks like a beer bong.  (Funnel at top and tube downward).
Yes!  That’s me on the 44th floor in the office boardroom….oh!  Maybe I
shouldn’t have been doing that against the glass at that time of day.  We didn’t think anyone was going to catch us on film......again.
Is it taller than the monolith on Mars? 

If that sucker is solar panel powered then suspect they can save some big money

“No!  You wash your own windows!”
Fun Fact:  Monolith is the sixth studio album, and seventh album overall, by
American rock band Kansas, released in 1979.
Looks like a partly cloudy day! ☁☀
That cloud is in the shape of a bunny!  What do you see?
The building looks modern on the outside, but its not until you get inside do
you find out that you have to use the stairs because they have no elevators.
One long stemmed Martini glass.

missing – intelligent discourse


Does this mean you want to join the #renewmensamembership twitter fun?
The flyer would be more effective with an updated photo, but then again the
people who made the flyer might not be too bright.
No way!  Intelligent Discourse is the new hot band out of L.A.
Maybe it would be easier to find it with a GPS.
And yet no phone # if it is found.  Where is the irony in that?
If its missing then maybe it just ran away to join up where the people really
are ~ Reality Shows.
Maybe intelligent is busy and SMART is filling in while he’s on vacation.
That’s the new Slogan for Congress.
If you keep reading it's at
conv@nation.com.  Is there a REWARD for finding it?
Maybe if its missing you should have the fans/Echelon RT on Twitter for it.
How can I find something with no description?  Maybe I should look it up in a
dictionary….oh never mind I’ll just have Google tell me what it is.
Then maybe you should ditch CNN for Fox News.

It’s not the critic that counts…


It’s totally Russell Crowe in Gladiator that man was talking about.  How did he
know so much of the future?
Why not the critic?  Maybe the critic has been where the strong man once was?
What a windbag.  Comma’s are his Friend.
Where is the worthy woman in this statement?  #Sexiest.
Maybe there are those whose phobias keep them from preventing such greatness.
Maybe the added responsibility else where in the devotion of loved ones and

Friends prevent a person from even attempting to fail because the loss to others are too much greater.
So in other words….if one dies attempting something others never dare he’s still
gets credit.  But then doesn’t he also become one of the ‘cold’ souls?  Stone Cold Dead.
Thanks for taking another American product, like 30STM, and taking it to

another country.  What is so wrong with keeping our Americans in the USA and quote just a past French President of France?
Truer words never said better said from someone who had the cash to finance his
attempts.  Or had Friends to help out.  What about the loners and those who never had chances?  Those who must join a CULT just to feel like they are somebody?
How does one know if they failed or not by the way they live their life and

consider it happy?  What if you lived a life of fulfillment with a devotion to others happiness like Mother Teresa.  She didn’t set out for Greatness she set out on the calling for her beliefs.
Fact:  Some of us are just plan doomed to be stuck with nothing.  So the least

you ACHIEVERS can do is listen to us COMPLAIN.